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Go{4}Pro Building the Biz WORKSHOP! (Aug 20-21)

You’ve been asking, so here’s the answer…. I’m really excited to offer the very 1st Go{4}Pro Workshop with me, Leah Remillet. Join me for an intimate workshop in beautiful Seattle. We will be overlooking the Space Needle while you enjoy new friends, great food and of course a hearty helping of inspiration for your business! This workshop isn’t your ordinary workshop. It’s not about shooting, it’s not about Photoshop, it’s about making it and loving it with your photography business! In a phrase, it’s ALL about building your business! We will be diving into all things business and working through ideas on how to make your business successful! It’s my goal that you will walk away from the workshop knowing exactly how to increase your income by hundreds and maybe even thousands by your next shoot! (Yes, I mean it!!)

What this workshop isn’t: It’s not me teaching you how to take better pictures. There are a thousand other (better) photographers for that.

What this workshop is: I’m spilling it and telling you everything I’ve done to build my business and how you can take those same ideas and build yours. We will walk through every step of the process from initial contact (site/blog and what’s important) to the first email/phone call, welcome packet, planning for the session, preparing for the sale, the importance of in-person ordering and how you keep them coming back again and again and telling ALL their friends about you! I’m sharing all of it with you!

The workshop will be broken into 4 sections:
Building your Boutique
Marketing that Matters
Planning for Success
Projecting for Serious Sales

The Itinerary – August 20th & 21st!
August 20th, Friday Night: Get to know the group and enjoy Heavy hors d’oeuvres (optional)
August 21st, Saturday Morning: Light Breakfast. Dive into Building a Boutique & Marketing that Matters
Lunch at Pike Place Market & a Photo Walk
Saturday Afternoon: Planning for Success & Projecting for
Serious Sales with a Full Demonstration.

What you walk away with!
This workshop is designed as an investment in your businesses success. You will walk away with the confidence you need to take your business forward (immediately)! I’m going to share and talk about everything I know to help you make your business successful, the tools will be in your hands! And who doesn’t love free stuff? We will have amazing giveaways from our sponsors along with an in depth workshop workbook and sponsor goody bags with hundreds of dollars worth of awesome stuff inside!

There is very limited spacing so when it’s full, it’s full! So, what you’ve been waiting for? Oh, you want to know how much it’s going to cost? A lot less than you’d think!
The 1st Go{4}Pro workshop is going to be offered at an introductory price of $400. It may never be this cheap again.

Go{4}Pro Workshop – Building the Biz!



  1. Kylie says:

    Please please please come to australia! Do you have any plans on coming to the land down under anytime in the near future i would so so so love to do your workshop please say you will please 🙂

  2. Ajia says:

    This sounds amazing, Leah! I'm praying I'll be able to afford it before it's sold out. (This studio is bleeding me dry!) If I don't make it, I hope everyone has a wonderful time. Leah is such a motivator and inspiration – I guarantee this workshop will be worth every penny!

  3. Alison Douglass Photography says:

    Oh how I wish i wasn't all the way on the other coast!! This is exactly what I am needing right now! I will be first in line for east coast tour!
    Thank you for all of your hard work, you have been a great source of information and inspiration!

  4. Mrs Soup says:

    I am *SO* excited for this! I cannot wait!

  5. Adrienne Moon says:

    Oh yay! I want to come! I'm in the process of trying to talk my hubby into letting me travel to the other side of the country by myself. He's such a worry wart! 🙂

  6. Carrie says:

    Oh my goodness!!! I'm going to start begging my husband ASAP!!! Just moved to Seattle so the location is more than perfect and the content couldn't be any better! I can't wait!!! See you at the end of August Leah!!! (Yes, I WILL convince my hubby! 🙂

  7. Alice Park Photography says:

    This is wonderful, Leah! I know your attendees will get so much out of this opportunity!

you said:

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