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I’ve scheduled a session, what should I expect? VIDEO

This video that I’m showing today obviously was not intended for the photographer but rather the client but that’s exactly why I think it’s worth sharing. Sometimes we (the photographer) can forget what it’s like to be on the other side of the camera. All you have to do is have your own family pictures done and you will quickly recall that it can be extremely intimidating! You can read all about my own last family photo shoot and being on the flip side with Shannon Sewell here.

As you watch this video, may I suggest that you think about and ask yourself three questions.

1.  Am I helping my clients feel ready and comfortable for their session?
2. Could I create something that would help prepare my clients for their session?  What about creating your own video or pamphlet that would point out what they could expect and how to prepare. I’m seriously thinking about making a video! I really think my clients would find that extremely helpful!
3. Am I ensuring that my clients have reasonable expectations of what they will get from their session?

Funny side note: As I watched the video, I was like hey wait, this guy is shooting in The Portland Rose Gardens (I’ve shot there too). It’s so funny how often the people I find happen to be local to me. 


  1. Britney says:

    Thank you SO much for posting this! That is a wonderful idea to have a video for clients to watch – that way they can really know what to expect at their session.

  2. Mrs Soup says:

    What a great tip! So smart….and I LOVE the Portland Rose Gardens!

  3. way outnumbered says:

    Great post and great idea…I've been burning on an idea for a while of doing a video for my site…kind of a "behind the scenes" at a custom photo shoot. So many people don't realize the time and personal attention that you receive with custom photography and I think a video would certainly help. You and this post have motivated me to get moving on my own video!!

  4. Kristen says:

    I particularly enjoyed this video! Thanks for sharing.

you said:

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