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Silhouette Winner! Read til the end for our next assignment and contest!

Hey lovely Go{4}Pro Peeps!  It’s Kathy here today, Leah is taking a morning off to decompress with a big bubble bath and some Godiva chocolate (okay, so I wish she would….but she keeps saying she has to do this work stuff….) – she’s had a CRAZY month of September, between leaks in her house, moving, HD crashes, Camera Card crashes and all sorts of other things…so I get to take over this part of things.  Muahahaha!

Anyway, we heard from Heather Ward about the winner of the Silhouette homework assignment and contest!  All the submissions were amazing!  But we could only pick one to win the full set of her actions!

And the winner is…..

Pamela Wheat with her GLORIOUS sunrise fishing shot.

Congratulations Pamela!

Email me at go4prophotos at gmail to claim your prize!

But if you didn’t win, don’t worry!

We have ANOTHER homework assignment coming up!

This one will have a little bit of lead time, so you can go out and get a great shot.  Here’s a hint in the form of an amazing shot from Jerry Ghionis’s Inspire Me Friday interview!

Linky will go up tomorrow and you’ll have until October 22nd to enter in your entry!

And since Leah put me in charge, I’ve decided that she’s going to give a prize!  Stay tuned to tomorrow to find out what the prize is!



  1. Amy says:

    Congratulations Pamela! I re-read Jerry’s guest post and I can’t even begin to imagine what the next homework assignment will entail – I can’t wait!!

  2. Leah Remillet says:

    Hurray for Pamela! Great job – it really is a breathtaking image!!

you said:

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