I have a pet peeve… It’s one that I’m urked by all the time… I even get nervous to share about it because I know so many of you are offenders… How do I know? Because I check. Oooh…I sound all creepy weird and you still don’t even know what I’m talking about yet. Okay so what is this nagging thing that I find rubbing me so unsettlingly often? It is the ‘about me page’ and even more poignant would be – the self portrait.
Backdrop for my Self Portrait (with hubby’s help) is Vintage by Drop it Modern.
May I just rant for a moment? You know me, I’m long winded so a moment may not be quite enough. If you said no, then I guess you’ll stop reading (totally won’t hold it against you). If you said yes, well – thank you.
Here’s what’s in my head… We are photographers, we are about photographs! We are about helping people realize the value, the importance, the need for sharing who we are through beautiful images. That’s what we do! {stay with me} … So if we claim to value photography, offer photography, believe that everyone deserves a picture that they love of themselves, that captures their personality and that helps the world get to know them better… Why, Oh Why, Oh Why do YOU not have a self portrait on your site? Do you think somehow that you are not deserving of that image that you love where YOU are the focus? Do you believe that somehow it’s just not possible to create such a thing if it is you that the focal point is set on.
Everyone deserves a beautiful image hat they love of themselves. Everyone should experience the process of preparing for it. If that idea makes you cringe, than make it something wonderful and new that can help you find the joy in it. Buy a new blouse or have your makeup professionally done – make it about finding you. Because even you, especially you the photographer who gives the gift of moment’s held still deserves to have at least one image that you truly love!
And let me tell you what does not qualify as a self portrait… Your hubby, no matter how dashingly handsome he may be, your children even if they should be the next GAP models, and certainly not your kindergarten pic. So what should a self portrait be? Let’s start with current and just work our way out from there. If you’re ready to go further than that, try making it a reflection of your personally and also your photography style, but above all else, the subject should be you! Did I mention that a self portrait is not a self portrait if only the back of your head is showing?
Now let me tell you why having a Self Portrait on your website is so important…. First thing to consider is that we sell photographs and shocking as this may seem you’re not the only person who doesn’t like to be photographed. Writing that you’re better behind the camera as opposed to in front of it is ammunition for every dad out there who doesn’t want to get in front of your camera. And let me tell you, most of them are begging for a good excuse to get them out of it. Further more, “look even this photographer you think is so great hates having her picture taken” is a decent comeback if he’s smart enough to use it. Just as every mom knows it’s all about do as I’m doing! And anyone who’s ever heard “do what I say not what I do” knows just how obnoxious that little sentiment is! So than should we realize that we better be practicing what we’re preach’n! With me so far?
Second….. People need to connect with you. They need to feel like you would relate well to their family, that you’d be the right fit for what they want. And yes… Of course it’s your pictures that are going to help them determine those factors. But those images will only get you so far. When it’s finally time to pick up the phone and call, mom needs to know that you (you-the-person) are what she wants. Because what do I always say? You are your product.
Third… It’s professional. If you go to the site of your favorite photographer here you’re going to see a well done professional self portrait and you would expect it right? Wouldn’t you be surprised if they didn’t have one? BTW – If they don’t – you can just send them over here. Well, you too deserve to be taken seriously, if for no other reason (and I’m sure there are other reasons) than that you have a passion for photography!
Here are my final thoughts… I know what some of your are thinking, ‘but I’m the photographer. Who the heck is going to take my picture for me?’ Making your self portrait happen should be a priority, you could be losing business over this so how is it going to be accomplished? You can use a tri-pod, a counter top, a husband, a child (probably stay at 5 and over 😉 ) and if you’re really lucky – another photographer. Remember my suggestion about creating a ‘play date’ with fellow photogs in your area and offering to do each others profile portraits? When I find a new photographer that I’m really loving the first thing I do is go to their blog, I want to see recent work and get to know them… After a couple posts the next thing I do is hit “the about me” tab. I’m excited, I want to know who this amazing talent belongs to and when I see that they have no portrait it makes me so sad.
Woooh. I’m done. The ranting has come to an end. I really truly hope that you’re seeing what I’m saying. You want your clients and even more importantly those potential clients to connect with you and your self portrait is a huge part of that!! I also feel strongly that you deserve to have an image that you love of yourself. You, me and every girl in Dove commercial. In fact, I think it’s so important that I have a challenge for you and to get you excited about it, it comes with a BIG PRIZE!
Create a SELF PORTRAIT! With that SP you can either write a creative about me page (but you have to post it as a blog post as well to count here) or you can write a blog post about the experience of creating this image. Which ever way you choose to write, your Self Portrait Submission must come with a directly linked BLOG post. Use the linky tool below to show us your self portrait and link to your blog post entry. I will have a panel of judges… myself, Kelli France, Jessica Grieves and who knows, maybe more will come!
The Rules….
1. The linky image must be your SELF PORTRAIT submission, Please name it your name or your photography business name.
2. When we click the link it must take us directly to your submission blog post that has your self portrait and either your creative ‘About Me content’ or a post about what having this picture means to you.
3. You must reference and link Go{4}Pro in the post.
4. All entries must be made by December 15th (you have 3 weeks!) GOOD LUCK!
5. This contest if for anyone. Whether you have a self portrait and want to update or need one to replace the snapshot where you cropped out your family or just don’t have one at all.
I can’t wait to see what you come up with…. I’m so excited!!!
What will the winner of the ‘About Me Page’ contest receive?
Since you’re doing the work to get your business looking great with your new ‘about me’ page, I wanted to offer an awesome prize pack to help your business continue to move forward and some awesome friends of mine said they wanted to contribute too…
The Ultimate Completely Customizable Marketing Kit -Paysen by Go{4}Pro (200.00)
The iPhone Collection by Go{4}Pro (50.00)
1 hour Phone Consult with me, Leah Remillet aka Go{4}Pro Girl (100.00)
$100 Gift Card from Simply Color Lab / Simply Canvas (100.00)
Francypants Academy’s Boutique Business Bundle (135.00)
Photographer’s Kick Start Training (299.00)
{ Total Grand Prize Value $884. }
Unfortunately you can’t see the favicon images from the linky – I’m not sure why or how to fix it either cause this is a privately hosted site. But just click on the link below to enter. If you’re one of the first 10, send me an email and I’ll send you a little surprise!
Powered by Linky Tools
Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…
ok, so this is great, great prizes, I’ll have to start thinking!!!!
ps love the dress!
Thanks Jamie! Taylor got it for me at this retro store when we went to Vegas a couple months ago just the two of us.
I love it. I can’t wait to see what I come up with and what others do as well. And maybe I am so excited because yours looks so absolutely amazing. I hope I can do something that good!
Love this idea Leah! And the prize list is exactly what I have been looking for! I am allllll over it!
Ok, Leah This was the push I needed to try more self portraits. My best friend is absolutely amazing at taking creative and wonderful self portraits, and I have been telling her for years that I’m going to try it (I even just told her that earlier this week…). So, it’s time. I have a self portrait on my about me page, but I hate it. It was taken when my hubby and I were just messing around with lighting for a moody photo shoot, and it is not my style at all. I soooo need to get something up there that reflects my photographic style. I mean, really, what kind of message does it send to my potential clients to see that picture that is so different from what I do? So, I am on a mission. I will take a self portrait that I love and that reflects my personality and my photographic style. Thanks for the push! (And what an awesome prize pack that is!)
Great article.
Another thought about Self portraits – because you can’t see through the lens, you have to previsualize the shot completely. I think this helps you develop as a photographer.
That’s quite a challenge~ Your ranting is very true….looking forward to completing my entry:)
I’ve been putting off updating my About Me page for months. This is definitely the push that I need! Great prizes btw!
Any tips for writing about yourself?? I’m horrible at that!
Writing about yourself…
I think the easiest way to really HAVE something to write about is to push yourself outside your comfort zone. So maybe that would mean that you make a day of it. Get a new outfit, have your makeup done and even hair, plan a great spot…. As you do all of this keep a little notebook in your purse and every time a thought or feeling comes in your head write it down… Funny or real. When you go to write up your post you will have all kinds of ideas to help you write up an awesome post. I can’t wait to read it!
Thanks Leah!! 🙂
P.S. Love your self portraits! Very classic and timeless… you look amazing!
I’m with everybody else, this is a great extra push to really get the self portrait that I want!
I’ve already been tossing some ideas around in my head but this post is helping push me in that direction. Now I’ve just got to actually put a plan in action 🙂
Thanks Leah!
Wow, how timely. And may I add, nothing like a prize to kick our butts into gear, huh? 🙂 Time to start planning and executing… Thanks for the push!
Awesome prize up for grabs. And I think your SP goes really well with your whole branding theme on your site in particular.
Ha ha, my “About Me” page is actually the back of my head. BUT it’s part of the style I like. My husband once pointed out most photos hung in our house do not depict the person’s face. hands, feet, shadows… Might I add I enjoy watching M. Night Shyamalan movies. You feel but don’t see many of his “images” if that’s the way to put it?
When I start moving my market more towards portraiture and less freelance, I will add a face (: I am one foot in, one foot out right now while my family is young. Poising to launch someday…
I never really thought about it like this but I agree!
Ok seriously Leah, get out of my brain!! This is not the first time that you have blogged about something that I’m currently dealing with! I tweeted the other day that you answer questions even before I ask and I’ll just add this to the list! A few days ago I asked if a photographer friend of mine would be willing to trade for self portraits, today she asked when we were going to do them and I said I don’t know, I hate getting my picture taken! I wrote that this morning and then I checked all my favorite blogs and low and behold this is what your blogging about! I think you must be secretly stalking me! 😉
Wow Leah…I can not even tell you how amazing I think this giveaway is. AND I think it could possibly be what pushes me to : 1. start my facebook page, 2. start my blog, 3. (most importantly)…officially start my business. I have been letting those nerves get the best of me and have been putting it off for months. The “what if I fail?” “what if I’m not good enoughs?” have been taking a little too much control over my decisions. I suppose the number one reason why I haven’t been pushing it is because…I NEED HELP! I don’t know where to set my prices, and I don’t want to make the BIG mistake and start too low. BUT this giveaway could help me! (that is if I win 😉 ) I think I just need to get over it and jump in! I suppose I should start looking at some blog sites! Any ideas? ha ha ha
Wow!! Not only did I find your site today thanks to the referral from Alison but I just asked her earlier today to take some shots of just me for my website. Seeing this blog was such a coincidence. Your words really hit home…..thanks for the encouragement 🙂
Oh Leah! You put me on the spot! The only thing I have is an old camera phone pic! How embarrassing, I guess it’s about time I got my but in gear. Lucky for me, I have a great photographer friend 😉
Thanks for the incentive, I have been putting it off and I shouldn’t have been 🙂
I couldn’t agree with this post more! This was one of the first things I tackled when creating my website. Clients need to visually (and hopefully) emotionally connect with the artist. I am fortunate enough to have an extremely talented photographer for a husband, so we went out an shot each other’s profile pictures.
My blog post entry is here: http://jessecabellemarephoto.wordpress.com/2010/11/30/about-me-asheville-photographer/
P.S. I am new to your blog and really just love it! 🙂
Hey Leah! Please tell me that mine isn’t one of the blogs you’ve scouted! Okay, okay, guilty. I’m doing it and even though I see some pretty heavy hitters in the running already, I have a good feeling about this one! Before the 15th, right?
Right! Great Luck!!
Hi. This is so much fun, but I would not call myself a professional yet and so I don’t have a blog setup to link to my picture. Does anyone have a second to tell me a wuick way to still enter the contest or to setup a blog llink to my photo so that I may enter the contest as well?
a pic by ourselves?? But I like to hide behind my sweet baby girls!! : )
I had a headshot done in February but am game to do some more. Probably should stop eating cookies while I edit though…
Can’t believe it! I was number 10. I learned so much about me and my camera. I can’t wait to use the experience on my blog for many more posts!
going to cry (no joke) why was I agonizing over this!! I so wanted to be one of the first 10 I haven’t even taken my pics yet. I am still writing something. You ladies did amazing so far I might as well throw in the towel now.
Dang, Your Hot!!!!
Thanks honey. Love you too.
When does the contest end? I know the deadline to get you post in is Dec. 15th but I would like to know when the winner will be announced. Thanks so much for hosting this! I love it and my entry is in!
Okay, it’s up. That was way overdue. But I definitely had fun! I posted my linky, but here’s another link to my post:
Haha! I just started laughing as i read this! I’m so one of those who have offended you!
I really need spring-time weather for what I really want to do for my self-portrait, but I will see what I can come up with…hopefully before the 15?!
I was so excited when I found out about this!! here is a link to my entry. 🙂 http://onnaleephotography.blogspot.com/2010/12/about-me.html
Hey Jessica,
In order for your entry to count you need to set it up through the linky at the bottom of the blog post. You will see Powered by Linky Tools and CLICK HERE is a hyper link. Can’t wait to see it! 🙂
GREAT idea for a contest!! It was so fun to update my About Me section, and it was even fun being in front of the camera for a change! I did the Linky thing, and here is my blog post about the contest: http://anwenelizabethphotography.com/2010/12/who-me/
Love seeing everyone else’s photos and About Me’s too! 🙂
Oh, and I somehow messed up and put a Linky image up twice….sorry! The second one takes you to my blog post. 🙂
Owww, there are some really good ones on here!! Good luck to everyone, but most of all good luck to the judges, they have their work cut out 😉
silly question – how long does it take for your linky to show up – I went through the process and haven’t seen mine….. Just didnt want to double up….
I thought only a minute… Pretty much instant?
thanks – I will do it again – did somthing wrong – GO ME!
awesome idea!
i’m totally last-minute, but hopefully not too late! 🙂
I’ve been planning on updating my about me for a while, and this just gave me the boost I needed.
Whew, just in the nick of time!
And, clearly I did not read the how to Title…I’ll repost to make sure it’s correct
(how embarrassing).
Well, I did it! Got my hair done, enlisted another photographer – it was fun, thanks, Leah! I’m sure I would have put it off if not for this little push! Now my about me page is only better for it! I can’t wait to see the results on the 22nd! There are so many wonderful entries!
So other than my about me page I posted, as well.
Wow. So many amazing entries!