Fresh Photography Newsletter Templates

I’m really really excited to be unveiling the newest product in the Go{4}Pro Shop… The Newsletter Templates. Each and every item you see created in the shop was designed to fulfill a real need I was having and this fills one of the deepest yet!

I love sending out newsletters. The value in having the opportunity to put your name, your information, your work in front of past and future clients each and every month is incalculable. I believe a monthly newsletter should be a marketing priority for every photographer! And I believed that I would be on top of it, that I’d have my newsletter out each month on the first… Well guess what. I didn’t. I manage to get 3 newsletters sent out for Leah Remillet Photography last year and up until I created my first promotion using these templates, (that was last week) I’d never even looked to see if anyone had signed up to receive the Go{4}Pro Newsletter. Well I had to come up with an easy solution for getting yours and my monthly email newsletters out….

And I have!

Not only do you receive all the .psd filed templates to customize and create your newsletters but you also receive a strategies & suggestions document that will help you plan out your entire years newsletters. If you weren’t sure you’d know what to say, I’ve got you covered. With a formula to follow on what to include and suggestions for how and what to share it lays it all out for you. I’ll make it easy to create a years plan for your monthly newsletter. You can even take one afternoon and create all the newsletter promotions for the quarter or even the year and be ready for it.

Included in the Marketing Newsletter Template Kit:

1. Preview (seen above)

2. Newsletter Strategies & How-to’s

3. A Year’s Plan Worksheet

4. Newsletter Key (color coded for when and where to drop)

5. Newsletter Header Template (.psd)

6. Accent Lace Border – Facing Up (.psd)

7. Accent Lace Border – Facing Down (.psd)

8. Divider Header (.psd)

9. Image Mask (.psd)

10. Image Mask with Torn Paper Header – Horizontal (.psd)

11. Image Mask with Torn Paper Header to Left – Vertical (.psd)

12. Image Mask with Torn Paper Header to Right – Vertical (psd)

13. Website Link Template (.psd)

14. Blog Link Template (.psd)

15. Social Media Link Template (.psd)

16. Newsletter Frame Footer (psd)

17. Video Tutorials on how to customize Templates and how to Create Promotion in Mad Mimi

Introductory Price for The Newsletter Template Kit is $35 (Now $48)

Invest in your marketing campaign today in the shop!

Want to see a sample of the Newsletter in Use? Here is the very first Go{4}Pro Newsletter. It went out this week and it was all created in about 45 minutes using the new Templates!!

I’ll be sharing more samples throughout the week of beautiful Newsletter Marketing Pieces created by Go{4}Pro Clients who I had the honor last year in getting to design their Logo and Branding. Yep.. When I design your logo and branding, you get first choice for being a future product tester!

You can purchase The Newsletter Templates in the Shop NOW while they are still  being offered at the cheap intro price of $35 ($48)! Just the strategies on how to plan your yearly newsletters alone is worth way more then $48. They won’t stay this price long!



  1. Kalli says:

    LOVE IT! I’m DEFINITELY thinking about it…:)

  2. Kristin says:

    Great idea, love this! When I click the pay pal link it takes me to my pay pal account but it says no new items and $0.00

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Thanks for letting me know!! I think I just got it fixed! Let me know if you have any more problems (hope not!)

  3. Kristin says:

    Also is this an electronic news letter or for print? I would love to know how to do it electronically with links to my facebook page and website

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Mad Mimi helps you create ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER’s that you can send to your client base. These are not printed which is awesome because there is no ongoing print cost it just drops right into their email box. Watch the video that I created, (the first one) and you will see how each of the circles is to create links from your newsletter promotion to your Facebook page, your blog and your site.

  4. Kim Larsen says:

    Love this! I have a template that I created & used about three times last year, too… need to get back on track with that this year!

    You said that you sent out a Go4Pro newsletter this week, but I didn’t get one. I thought I was signed up to get them, but maybe not? Should I sign up again?

    • Kim Larsen says:

      It just came through… not sure if I just wasn’t patient enough or if you just sent it to me, but either way, thank you! It looks great!

      • Leah Remillet says:

        Ha! Mad Mimi puts a hold on your first promotion to make sure you didn’t get all your email spamming them… I didn’t realize they were waiting for me to replay to an email! I’m so glad you got it!

  5. This is the first things on my to do list for New Years. This answers so great.
    I have signed up for YMLP with another business i have but have heard great things about Mail Chimp and its free. Would these templates work or they only work on Mad Mimi?

    • Leah Remillet says:

      I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t work with mailchimp! I tried to use mailchimp to test it but honestly mail chimp was annoying the crud out of me and nothing felt very user friendly. But if you’re already familiar with MC I bet it wouldn’t be hard to use the templates. I’ve seen people who use MC and their promotions look great and very customized so it should be possible!

  6. okay disregard my unintelligible previous response. my son was on my lap and was playing with my keyboard.
    I love these templates and they are just what I need for 2011!

  7. Can these templates be changed to use our own colors and branding ? I have a bridal show I am doing in two weeks and I would love to send out these afterward to match the marketing cards we did.

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Absolutely!! If you watch the first little video you’ll get a great demonstration of how super easy it is to change the colors, add paper and drop in images to fully customize them to match your branding!! You will LOVE them!

  8. Lindsay says:

    Are the colors customizable? Or are the set with the ones picture above?
    LOVE the template!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Absolutely!! If you watch the first little video you’ll get a great demonstration of how super easy it is to change the colors, add paper and drop in images to fully customize them to match your branding!! You will LOVE them!

  9. Thanks Leah ! I am going to get this later today !

  10. Leah I want to but your template but I can’t see where to purchase it. It isn’t in your shop and there isn’t a working link to it from your blog post! HELP!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      I don’t know what happened? The link was still up when I went to bed. You can find a paypal link in the middle of the post and the bottom. The product has not been added to the store yet but will be soon until then just use the paypal button and I will send you your download link with in 24 hours (but way sooner). Thanks so much for the heads up!!!

  11. Hi Leah,
    No i’ve never used Mail Chimp just saw so many newsletters using it I thought I would give it a try. Thanks for the input:)

  12. Are the video links active? Im trying to see them but I can’t:(

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Yes. I have no idea why they disappeared after the links were put back on after…. yep, they had disappeared. There is a new post with the videos that just went live.

  13. Lisa Keeney says:

    Mail Chimp needs a html file or zip file, are there instructions included on how to convert the .psd to this?

  14. ErikaM says:

    These look great. Is Mad Mimi a subscription based email delivery system? i.e will I need to pay another service to help me deliver this to clients?

    • Leah Remillet says:

      It depends on how big your subscription list is. If you have 100 or less subscribers/clients in your list it’s free. 101-500 is $8 per month. But even $8 is a very cost effective way to market and remind future and repeating clients that you’re here!

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