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Sweet Sentiments

The 80/20 Rule in Business

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you’re feeling especially loved and appreciated today! I want you to know that I truly appreciate your support. I can’t believe all that this blog has become and none of it would have happened if you weren’t sharing Go{4}Pro with your click’n friends. I wanted to document as I literally took my turn and tried to go for pro and so this blog was born but all that has come of it and from it — that’s because of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Today I thought I’d share a little idea for making sure that your clients are feeling especially loved and appreciated as well. Whoever “they” is was definitely on to something when they said, ‘it’s all in the little things’. These are words worth living by and they most assuredly belong in any boutique business owners mindset. Each of the things I do for my clients and with my clients when looked at individually would be considered a small thing in and of itself. Mailing out a beautiful welcome packet, sending a hand written thank you note, remembering birthdays… But when you put them all together an experience is created, one in which the client feels special. That might sound a little cheesy but it really is my primary goal for my clients both when the camera is in front of my face and when it’s not. Who doesn’t love to feel special? There isn’t enough “special” in this world and it’s my goal to bring a little more special to my clients lives.

I maintain this philosophy for three reasons.

Reason #1. I love to feel special and I make my business decisions based on the golden rule. If I wouldn’t like it, they probably wouldn’t like… If I would like it, they probably would like it.

Reason #2. Modern life is so busy that very little room is left over to be thoughtful anymore. Have you ever stopped and thought about that? I have and it bothers me a lot. Being thoughtful not only feels good but it leaves a lasting impression on my clients.

Reason #3. Thoughtful gestures have a funny way of creating business for you because lasting impressions lead to word of mouth referrals.

There are so many opportunities to share some love and it doesn’t need to be for your whole client database every time. The 80/20 rule can be worth applying especially if money or funds are limited. For example you could try making sure that you take the time to acknowledge the top 20 percent of your client base at least 4 times a year and the bottom 80% at least twice a year. That could even just be Christmas and Birthdays.

For the above example I made cake truffles. I made strawberry and devils food. The tins were $2.99 each at Fred Meyers and the cost of all the food items came to $23.00.

Bakery Dessert TrufflesThis obviously is extremely time consuming. My sis-in-law was here for the weekend and the two of us made these all night while we watched movies and talked. For a quick solution you might want to try Godiva’s new Bakery Dessert Chocolate Truffles (aka: cake truffles).

As a mama of three myself I know that feeling special isn’t going to be a daily occurrence. Like many other parts of my business, it was in taking that concept that I found the elements for a referral gold mine. I want the wonderful mama’s who make my business what it is to feel special and appreciated. And I’ve happily learned that what comes around goes around and I’ve loved all the referrals that these special mama’s have sent my way!



  1. Kalli says:

    Adorable! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  2. Adrienne says:

    How thoughtful and creative!! I really need to start doing things like this.

  3. Anna says:

    Wow – wonderful! And so impressive!

you said:

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