the blog

4P’s: Passion } So why can’t you?

I asked the question on Facebook a while back, ‘what would have to happen for you to feel like you were really making it?’

The answers were diverse, they went from one end of a beautiful wishing spectrum to the other. While some felt the vision obtainable, others saw it a far cry from realities view. And for many of us (me) it often just depends on the day as to how far or close our dreams may seem. We each have a different version of what would need to happen, and even more wonderful is our different perspectives on what success actually is. But no matter our version, within each of us, in our own (and may I add, very personal) way, we long to find it.

It’s in our nature to want success. While success is often attributed with monetary gain, true success can only be measured in joy and contentment with oneself. And so we naturally seek for it in everything, in our relationships and our adventures, our passions and our commitments, in our waistlines and our professions. But so few are actually feeling successful and even fewer still are focusing in on where the greatest joy and success rests… At home.

I believe that success and dreams are closely intertwined… And determination and possibilities are woven from the same threads. As children, we are told we can do anything; as teenagers we believe it and as adults we so easily forget it. How is that you can look into the eyes of a child and see endless possibilities but when peering at your own reflection, miss all of the opportunities that are looking right at you?

I am not supposed to be who I am today. Statistically speaking, I am not supposed to be an active, contributing member of society… I am supposed to be lost and broken. I learned that when I was 14 years old through a book someone had given me to try to help. Those words changed me, in my stubbornness I made up my mind to prove them wrong. I decided that I would never allow myself to be a statistic, that I would never be a victim. They would not get to tell me who I would be.

Years later, when I decided to be a photographer, what was I thinking? I was married, with 3 kids (4 and under) – I’d never owned or used an SLR in my life and I was terrible with everything electronic. But I loved the possibility of it. I loved that an image could share a feeling, and a series of images could tell a story. Any story, even a happy one where happiness may not be. And where happiness was, it seemed to be able to spread light… I had found my light early into being married and now I saw a way to share light through a lens. And so I decided to believe in the possibility of me being a photographer and as if I didn’t have enough on my plate or that wasn’t a crazy enough notion on it’s own, I thought it might be fun to blog about the adventure of going for pro.

I dared to dream… And if you’re reading this then you have or are thinking about daring to dream too.

Believe in the Possibilitiy

I want you to know that you are worth believing in. You’re worth fighting for. You are worth the energy… the work… the wait…  You’re worth it all! Believe in yourself… Believe in the possibility.

And then fight for it.



  1. Sara K says:

    How did you know I needed this this morning? Thanks–A LOT!

  2. Marissa says:

    Love it Leah, thank you for a great start to the week!!

  3. Kymberly Boswell says:

    I feel like you crawled into my mind and set up camp. WOW!!! Thanks, I needed this! and because I think I will most likely need it again, and again, I am going to print it and tape it to my vision board.

  4. tamsen says:

    you’re amazing. that’s all.

    thanks for taking the time to write inspiring posts like this.

  5. Alison says:

    Thank you Leah, I needed this today!

  6. Catherine says:

    Thank you for this! There is a LOT of negativity out there and this is such a lovely positive post. Thank you.

  7. Dana Perkins says:

    thank you for the affirmation…I wrote a post with similar sentiment about 3 months ago, but how quickly we (I) forget…my ONLY resolution this year was and is to Dream Big, and you’re reminder is a huge blessing to me today! 🙂

  8. Erica F. says:

    Thanks for this, I so need to hear this! I have a hard time believing in myself and in my dreams and am trying to learn to do so! I especially love that you’re post make me feel like I’m reading something written by a close friend and someone I can relate to, that’s been there, done that! 🙂

  9. Maryrose says:

    Thank you so much for this! I seriously got goose bumps while reading it!! I really loved what you said here “As children, we are told we can do anything; as teenagers we believe it and as adults we so easily forget it”…that is so true!!
    Again, thank you! I really needed this today…in fact, I’m printing it out and posting at my desk at my job that I’m hating right now where I day dream every day of finally taking a leap into my dream of a photography business!!

  10. Sara says:

    Thank you! I loved this post. It’s so easy to get discouraged, and words like this are a great pick-me-up.

  11. Christine says:

    great post Leah!!

  12. Amie says:

    Thank you! I sssssssssso needed to read that. I’m even more excited about our chat in a few weeks!

  13. Stephanie J. says:

    This was so on time!! I am starting on the “dream” as we speak and some days are better than others. One day I’m just full of so much creativity I can’t sleep!! Then the next day I’m up worrying about how I’m going to make it all happen. But I know that God didn’t make me the way that I am for nothing, so even amid all the ‘what ifs’ I just have to press on and do it. Easier said than done, but its always good to know that you aren’t alone in how you feel sometimes.

    Thanks for the encouragement!

  14. Shanna says:

    I needed that positive reinforcement! I will make it happen! I will learn! I will find the time! I will be a successful professional photographer! I will NOT give up! Thank you so much for your inspiration.

  15. Monica says:

    Reading this, was the story of my life…I was 15 when I was givin a book in hopes of me turning mself around. People in my life are finally starting to “believe” in me 15 years later. I’m not successful as I hope to be one day but I am on my way…still learning the ropes. Thank you SO MUCH for posting this!

  16. Dionne says:

    Great post Leah! Really came at a great time!

you said:

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