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The Web Event: Go{4} Profit

Are you ready to make more money?

Are you ready to create an experience that leaves your clients thanking you?

Are you ready to have the tools to double, triple or even quadruple what you currently make?

Join me as I share with you every detail, trick and secret that I use in my ordering process. THIS IS HOW I GET THE BIG SALES! It’s all about in-person ordering. I’m going to bring you inside my head and portrait business and share with you exactly how I do it for Leah Remillet Photography!

We’re going to get down and dirty as I share how I prepare clients for the ordering appointments, how I make sure they never have to “think about it” and how I get them excited for the big day!

I’m also going to share how I got myself all set up on a budget.

How I make sure 8×10 prints are always the after thought.

And how I actually got to start selling what I love… Wall Art.

And how about if I cover why I’m still happy to offer digital files….

Why I offer collections and how I add huge value to them.

And how I make the appointment luxurious for my clients!

Sound pretty good? I’ll be sharing exactly what I teach in my workshop on how to master in person sales but you don’t have to spend hundreds on a plane ticket to get to me! Instead you can watch me from the comfort of your home as I share it all in a 2 hour web event! And I’ll even be answering your questions as if we were sitting side by side!

You don’t think I could stop there did you?? No way… I love spoiling you!! So with all of this knowledge and proved material I’m also going to give you the tools that you need to get things going. I’ll be giving you my order form, invoice form, a complete list of everything I use and bring with me and the marketing materials for my ordering appointments that I give to my clients.

I want you to be successful and the best way I can think of to make that happen is to show you what made the absolute biggest difference in my business… In-Person Sales!

The details:

The ‘Go{4}Profit Web Event will be hosted on August 4th at 5:30pm PST.

Don’t wait a moment to sign up! You know what happens, you tell yourself you’ll come back and get registered later and then life happens, you get busy and the next time you remember it’s the day after and you missed it. You can’t afford to miss this! I’m going to share how I went from my biggest all-time sale being $400 to writing up an order for $2,200 with my very first in-person sale!

This is not about being pushy or using a hard sales approach! If I did that they wouldn’t come back! I work extremely hard to create a great experience and I’m going to play out exactly how I do this for you!

The Go{4} Profit Web Event is an investment and it’s one that can pay off almost instantly! I can’t wait to see you there!





  1. Kalli says:

    Hey, Leah! So excited for this webinar event. I have tried to purchase it, and used the coupon code, but it didn’t seem to go through. It said I had reached my “discount limit”, and the further I went through the check-out process the price didn’t change from the original. Do I need to go through all the steps of putting my credit card number in to see the discount? CAN’T WAIT, LEAH!

    I have started doing in-person ordering appointments, but the last few have been BORING and a bit tedious when figuring out the order. I really don’t think that is how it should go. And my last ordering appointment, the client didn’t order ANYTHING above an 8X10. I can’t even tell you how many wallets of their family portraits they got. I don’t know if that was a reflection on my sales skills or just the client’s preference.

    But anyhow, I am excited to invest in this aspect of my business!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Sorry Kalli! We’ve gone in and tested it again and it should be working for you now! We will definitely be replacing the boring in your in-person ordering! 🙂

      • Kalli says:

        Haha–thanks, Leah! I’ve been pretty stubborn in trying to figure this all out myself. And while I feel I’ve done a pretty good job, there is a lot that I just don’t have the time to focus on and re-invent at the moment.When is the next webinar on attracting the right client and marketing efforts be? (Oh, am I getting ahead of myself?)

  2. Yana K says:

    Hey Leah! Quick question: I was wondering if this webinar will be covering most of the info you gave me at our first mentoring appointment. Could you let me know. I’m still super excited about our next appointment, so I’m just wondering if this webinar is “for me” or for people who will be listening to you for the first time. Hope that makes sense!

  3. Jess Curren says:

    This is exactly what I need, but its at such a bad time!!! Nooooooo!!!! We already have plans that night, and honestly, something after the kids were in bed (especially as its 2 hours long) would be fabulous! Any plans to do this again? Record it? please?!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      I understand! The problem is trying to make it work for all the time zones which is really tricky! I’ve already heard alot about getting babysitters and making arrangements for the kids. Just like if you had a session, it’s worth making arrangements for…. If not way more so as this web event may just be your tipping point into true success! Right now, I do not have any plans for a second one.

      We are planning to have recording available but they will not be at the intro price. For those who have purchased their “ticket” before the event I will offer the recording for $19 additional but only if they pre-purchased their spot. Otherwise it would be $249 if it goes to the shop as a product.

  4. Jenn says:

    Ahhh! I tired to post a question on here last night before signing up. The website was acting all wonky so finally just decided to try again later. I come back today and the price has gone up :-0. Wahhhh!! I wanted to inquire about the video as I won’t have an internet connection when the event actually happens. I didn’t know if I could go ahead and register and pay for the videos all at once or not. Did the price just increase today? I swear it was a different price yesterday.

    • Leah Remillet says:

      I’m emailing you. But, nope the price hasn’t changed. I’m offering at the awesome price of $249!

you said:

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