For the next 48 hours we are celebrating the 3000 fan mark on Go{4}Pro’s Facebook Page with a FREE PROMOTION KIT!
I think you’re really going to like this one! In addition to the FREE Desktop Workflow Board that you already get for being a Go{4}Pro Fan… I have a special 48hour freebie for you! It’s the ‘Portrait & Packs Drive Promotion Kit’ and it’s brand new! You can create a beautiful and profession back to school marketing campaign and even get to give to charity at the same time! How sweet is that? And you tipped the scale just in time to get this promotion unrolled for September!
So how does this work?
To say THANK YOU, I’m giving all of the Go{4}Pro Facebook Fans a FREE DOWNLOAD, but only for 48hours. After you get your download PLEASE use the link at the bottom of the page to invite friends! Every time we hit another thousand mark you’ll get exclusive access a new product for 48hours, after that it will go into the shop! The more photographers you tell, the faster the FREE DOWNLOADS will come back! So go on your favorite forums, update your FB and Twitter Status and keep spreading the word!
‘The Portrait & Packs Drive’ Promotion Campaign
This promotion is designed as a back to school mini shoot campaign. “Portraits and Packs offers a great way to get old and new clients in the door! Help parent’s get a new school portrait they’ll love showing off while collecting backpacks and school supplies to donate in hopes that every child in your community will get to have a bright new start!
Thank you Leah!
Thanks Leah! ps. I have been following your blog forever, how was I not a fb fan?
I don’t know??? I know you have! But I’m sure glad you are now!!
I downloaded this wonderful freebie yesterday, looked over everything longingly and thought that next year this would be a wonderful promotion to implement. And then late last night my husband and I were trying to write a special offer to a large company in our area and couldn’t come up with anything that really set us apart. No joke–the freebie you offered yesterday is going out to thousands of people today. Jumping in with both feet–hope it goes well!!
I’m excited to here your success story! 🙂
You are so awesome Leah!!! Thanks!