I was talking to a dear friend over the weekend who also happens to be a photographer as we talked about all things photography and photography business related I couldn’t help but find myself thinking about perspective. Perspective, I believe is more of a determining factor to each of our success then business skills or artistic talent. Perspectives seems to be what ultimately defines and separates each of us. I created two scenarios to help illustrate the thought in my head.
Each one is a conversation between two people, and although that may be the case sometimes… In reality I think that far to often, this is a singular conversation that goes on in each of our heads. Read each of the conversations and then leave a comment at the bottom and tell me which one you are and where you’d like to improve and grow within each of these perspectives. You never know, what you need may become an upcoming blog post!
You: I want to be a professional photographer.
Friend: Do you have the money to start?
You: I have my camera and I’ll stop buying the random junk and put all of that toward my business. I guess I’ll just do pictured for free for a while and see if anyone would be interested in paying me.
Friend: Do you know how to run a business?
You: No.I’ll just try to figure it out as I go. It might not work out. I think maybe I’ll just offer the session and a disk so I won’t really have to worry about to much more then that. I would love to do more but I think it would be to hard for me.
Friend: Are you good enough at taking pictures?
You: My friends always ask me to take their kids pictures?? I found some really cool photoshop actions that I’m going to use and they will make my pictures look way better.
Friend: Do you think anyone will want to pay you?
You: Everyone already wants me to take their kids pictures. I won’t charge very much and they’re my friends so hopefully maybe they will be willing to pay me and then I’ll get them to tell their friends. But I don’t know, I’m really scared no one will.
Friend: How do you know it will work?
You: I don’t know that I do think this will work. I’m scared it won’t but I really like the idea of it. I may not give it my all though so that it won’t hurt so bad if I do.
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You: I want to be a professional photographer.
Friend: Do you have the money to start?
You: I will get creative to begin with and invest whatever I can into my business. I know I’m a good investment!
Friend: Do you know how to run a business?
You: I will learn! I’ll study and read Go{4}Pro and invest in learning and study and being coached and whatever else I have to! If this is going to work (and it has to) then I’m going to have to be as good with my business as I am with my camera, if not better!
Friend: Are you good enough at taking pictures?
You: I’ll keep practicing and studying and working at it. I hope I never think I’m “good enough” but I am going to be respected and taken seriously at my craft!
Friend: Do you think anyone will want to pay you?
You: Yes! It might not be right away but I will build a business and make it so profitable that people can’t help but be amazed. I can do this! Strangers are going to stop, see my work and want it on their own walls.
Friend: How do you know it will work?
You: I believe it can and I have to prove it! I don’t think it’s going to be easy or come over night but I’m going to put everything into it. I won’t hold back anything. I’ll put everything I have and am on the line and where I lack I will get help. I will have no regrets and because I held nothing back I will have no limits.
To keep growing as the second scenario, sign up for the Thrive Newsletter! In the next Thrive Newsletter, I’ll discuss what each scenario means for your business!
If you are ready to take yourself seriously!! If you are ready to make this really happen… I highly encourage you to sign up for the GO{4} CLIENTS WEB EVENT (learn more about it HERE & HERE), happening at two different times, this Friday and next Tuesday. So if you’re really ready and you’re willing to abandon all excuses and make this really happen for yourself, register now! AND!! I’m extending the coupon! So go ahead and use coupon code ‘ GO4CLIENTS ‘ and get $100 off your registration!
Thank you for promoting OpLove! What a FABULOUS group (had our family pictures done last year by them).
Of course! I love getting to share opportunities for people to give back, it’s a privilege… Truly!
I’m definitely the second conversation. I think part of the appeal for me was the ability to constantly be learning, growing and evolving in this field as a business owner. And while I’m not where I want to be yet and don’t really expect to ever think that I’ve “made it”, I know I’m on the right road and I can’t wait to see how far down it I make it. 🙂
Love that! Especially the part about seeing how far down the road you can go… With determination you go beyond what you can even see! 🙂
Love this- I think I’m somewhere in the middle. It depends on the day. I have to say, that this was my favorite quote and I copied and pasted it and am going to do something in Photoshop with it and put it on my wall. B/c the negative tape has been playing in my head lately, and I need some positive to put back in it. Anyway, thank you for this positive thought:
It might not be right away but I will build a business and make it so profitable that people can’t help but be amazed. I can do this! Strangers are going to stop, see my work and want it on their own walls.
I am tickled that you loved it AND that you want to remember it! That was and still is my mantra-osophy! 😀
I love this post Leah! I have to say that when I was first starting out I was the first conversation. I thought that I was good, but I didn’t know if people would actually pay me to take pictures for them. Over the past 2 years I have changed in so many ways. I have taken workshops, had my branding done(thanks to you!), mentored with a photographer that I learned more that I could have imagined, and now I am all signed up for your web event! I am so excited to take it. I need my business to work for me instead of against me and one of the things that I struggle with the most is marketing and getting my target clients.
I think that really natural probably? To evolve from the first to the second… I think one of the keys for you is that you believed in yourself enough to invest in your dreams, so you were closer to the second conversation then you think! …And you do have an ADORABLE BRAND! ;0
LOVE this! Printed it out and now have it above my desk! SO excited for Friday! Have my notepad and pen ready!
You’re awesome!! I can’t believe you have it above your desk… I love that!! I’m super excited for Friday too!
I really appreciated reading the two conversations! I am very much the first, but desire to be more of the second, and have been ever so slowly working in that direction:) It is taking some work, but I am getting there, and will get there! Thank you.
I think it’s awesome that you can see where you are and where you want to be! That means you’re further along then you think!! Just keep working on igniting the determination within you and the rest will follow!