the blog

3 Tips to a Better Blog

Your blog should not be all about you and my blog(s) should not be all about me. I know that seems almost antithetical to what we think of as a blog but… The intention of a blog is to captivate it’s reader so that they will want to come back again and again, therefore a successful blog must be approached as a service not a solicitation.

Blogging is such a crucial part of a photographer’s buisness. And it’s NOT ALL ABOUT the sneak peaks. Sneak peaks are great but who inevitably will each sneak peak carry the most intrest for? The respective posts subjects and their friends and family. Now don’t get me wrong, I love to look at photography as much as the next gal does but I believe that a blog’s potential is far greater then just a place for sneak peaks.

The opportunity to connect with your clients and potential clients far exceeds sneak peaks and promotion notifications. My best tip for how to make your blog better is to start researching. But don’t worry, this is fun research and it’s finally going to give your blog hopping, worthy sanction. Here’s what you’re trying to determine: What are your favorite blogs and why? Don’t let your mind (or your mouse) only wander onto photography blogs either, go out of this industry. What are you drawn to, what are your favorite topics, how about writing style, do you personal, factual, what do you enjoy most?

And here are your 3 tips to better blogging content:

1. Stay TOPIC SPECIFIC to your niche. If you are a wedding photographer for example, it wouldn’t make any sense to be blogging about the latest fad in potty training. But that doesn’t mean that you are limited to just sharing e-shoots and wedding recaps. Get creative, think like a bride, focus your blog on her needs and ever more importantly, her wants. If I were a wedding photography I would blog about the latest trends in bridal party gifts, flower arrangements, gowns, the hottest colors for bridesmaid dresses, DIY favors, decoration and corsages. I would build relationships by spotlighting caterers, wedding planners and venues. I could keep going, the possibilities are endless but I’m sure you can take it from there.

2. FOCUS on your Target Client! You are nor blogging for the entire world despite the ‘www’. You are blogging for your clients and potential clients. Focus on them! What would they like to read? How can you make their day better, happier, easier, smoother, sexier, prettier. You choose the adjective.

3. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY STILL LOSES. This may be opposite to what you’ve heard before but I think I’m on to something here. Of course it’s extremely important that your blog content be of high quality to your readers! (just read #2 again)!  However if you are not consistently offering up content you will loose your readership. Not everyone uses Google Reader (I don’t) so for all those who do not, they will think of your blog from time to time and go check. If there is infrequent posting and each time they come back there is nothing new to enjoy, they will stop remembering. Bottom line is this, If you blog sporadically, no matter how fantastic your images or content or anything else, people will forget to check. I would suggest that at the very minimum you try to blog at least once a week.

ACTIONABLE TIP: Create a blog calendar and start planning and scheduling blog posts. This way you won’t find yourself scratching your head all the time trying to figure out what to write about.

Have any blogging tips?? We’d love to hear them!




  1. Jenika says:

    Great post! I agree with Point #3 completely, and I don’t think people voice that often enough – it’s hard to do, but post frequently and don’t let perfectionism get in your way!

    Another piece of blogging food for thought: Everyone has a different view on this, but I personally find that unless a blogger tells me about themselves (the anecdotes they share, the photos of things that inspire them personally that are unrelated to their regular client work, little side notes within the post), I find myself losing interest. Of course the blog shouldn’t be all about you, and too much “me me me” gets boring. But people love having a peek into others’ lives (hello, reality TV trends and super lucrative entertainment gossip magazines), so letting people see who you are – even silly bits – adds a lot to your blog. 🙂 I think you do this well, Leah, Go4Pro gives great information but we can get to know you through the things you share, which makes it more compelling than the average info blogs.

    Thanks for the very practical advice, and the nudge to work on my blog calendar! 🙂

    • Ahhh! Thanks Jenika! I was totally wondering as I read your comment if I measured up with enough personal. 🙂 Great thoughts!

      • Jenika says:

        You absolutely do a great job! You balance it exceptionally well. It’s one of the reasons I love reading your blog – I get great info along with some bright bits of your personality. Love!

        • thank you, THANK you, THANK YOU! You made my day! 🙂 I still feel like it’s not where i want it to be and sometimes I get discouraged, just never enough hours so your words are truly appreciated!

  2. Derek says:

    Great points and a good time to read this. One of my major goals for the rest of the year is to get on a regular blogging schedule. I have already put a calendar in place.

    A tip I would recommend and something I think will help me is writing 2 blogs at once. You can schedule the posts for when you want them to go live and getting ahead is always a good thing. That will certainly help you with number 3 up there.

    Thanks again for the great post.

    • For Go{4}Pro I have a schedule and it makes a huge difference when I’m on top of it! I also have dozens and dozens of draft posts for when I’m behind AND I try to have several scheduled out… Right now my goal is to schedule out till the new year and then add in a few here and there when I’m extra inspired to share something. 🙂

      I’m actually working on making a cool Blog schedule for you guys but it wasn’t done in time for this post.

  3. Sarah T says:

    Ohhh I was hoping for something like a blog schedule! I just wrote out on regular old paper my blog topics for the rest of the year. Goal is to post every Tue/Thurs. I am going to try a mini feature 2x per month on Thurs to bring in a more personal post/voice to the photography related ones. I enjoy reading yours Leah!

    • Well thank you, sincerley for reading my blog and even more so for enjoying it despite it’s many many flaws! I love your idea Sarah! The two T’s is a great idea! It’ll keep you consistent too! I think I might make that my goal for
      And… I’m making one for you guys… Can’t quite decide how to distribute it yet??

  4. Morgan says:

    This is so funny. I just wrote a post about this on my blog. I told my readers (all two of them) that I was going to start posting about some fun things like really great etsy sellers, where to get awesome clothes for your sessions, great local bakeries to get cakes for 1 year old’s session, all about canvases, things like that!
    Great post! I shoud pin it so that it will help me to stay motivated to keep up on my blog.

  5. Sarah T says:

    What about just a sign up – like a newsletter sorts for the blogging schedule…

  6. Great tips! I like the idea of building a calendar because as life gets hectic, it’s hard to remember how long it’s been since I wrote a blog and then i feel an urgent need to come up with something really awesome and meaningful and to do it NOW! It’s hard to be creative with that kind of pressure! I did recently add blogging to my weekly schedule but now I need to plan out what to blog about.

you said:

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