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Photographer Logo & Branding Design Reveal : Hallie Shirron

This was supposed to go up Friday but I forgot to scheduled it. Friday was a huge day in our house. We no longer have two Mr.’s, we now have Mr. man (our 3 year old) and Dr. Taylor (my man). I am so proud of him!! This has been a long journey for us! Almost 8 of our 10 married years have been as students, but no more! This marks the first day of the rest of our lives and I am so freaking excited! All of our family was in town to celebrate and on Monday (now today) we leave for Disneyland! So pretty much this is me telling you that I do not plan to be reachable until 2012! I really hope you can do the same, you’re worth it!

In addition to all that awesomeness going on in my house I also would love to show you the new logo, branding and marketing package that I designed up for the lovely Hallie Shirron! Hallie is an absolute dream of a design client! I told her if I could just get her emails once a day, I would always be in a good mood!

PRICE ALERT!! I don’t normally WARN YOU because I don’t want the influx but this time I’m going to. I have added branding to the logo & marketing package and have been doing it for the last several months to see how it went. The feedback has been phenomenal but the price had not reflected the change YET. I will be raising the price of this package to reflect that the package now comes with a complete brand identity with the logo after the new year. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET ON MY 2012 DESIGN LIST FOR A COMPLETE, LOGO, BRANDING & MARKETING PACKAGE AT THE OLD PRICE, CLICK HERE & GET ON THE LIST! (*remember I won’t be answering emails until 2012)

After I finish up a design job I always end by asking the same 3 questions so that I can improve and become better and better for the wonderful photographers that I get to design for. I love helping photographers create the image they dream of… And the image that will truly say to their targetclient ‘this company is who you’d love to associate with!’ Branding is the window into a companies personality and soul, it runs through every facet of a business from the logo to letter head, the way you answer your phone to the way you present their products to them… It’s ALL about branding. Below are my 3 questions and Hallie’s answers.

1. How was your design experience with me?

My design experience with you has been nothing short of amazing. From the first email I knew you were going to be awesome to work with and you have been. If I could do it all over again, I would 100 times without a doubt. I hope if anything that you’ve gained some Facebook publicity, blog followers, and future customers from designing such a phenomenal logo for my business!
2. What was your favorite part of the design process?
My favorite part of the design process was actually getting to work with such a talented individual as you! I had seen all your previous work and was very impressed with it! Creating the inspiration board and wondering what you would design for my business kept me up at night with excitement!! The finished product was worth the wait! ☺
3. What can I improve on?
If I’m being 100% honest there is not a single thing that I can say needs improvement. You work extremely hard and it shows through your blog, photography, and artistic skills in designing. You’ve been very prompt, you’ve answered all my questions and concerns. You have a God given talent and there is nothing more valuable than using what God gives you to share it with others!



PRICE ALERT!! I don’t normally WARN YOU because I don’t want the influx but this time I’m going to. I have added branding to the logo & marketing package and have been doing it for the last several months to see how it went. The feedback has been phenomenal but the price had not reflected the change YET. I will be raising the price of this package to reflect that the package now comes with a complete brand identity with the logo after the new year. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET ON MY 2012 DESIGN LIST FOR A COMPLETE, LOGO, BRANDING & MARKETING PACKAGE AT THE OLD PRICE, CLICK HERE & GET ON THE LIST! (*remember I won’t be answering emails until 2012)



  1. Hallie says:

    It’s PERFECT Leah!! Thank you again! I couldn’t be happier with the results!!

  2. Kim Swanson says:

    What do you charge to create a logo for my photography biz? I love what you’ve done here!!!


    • Hi Kim.

      I actually don’t do any custom design work anymore. I’ve decided to focus all of my energy on what I love to do most – help photographers Thrive as business owners. I’m sorry I don’t get to help you with your logo. But hey, if you want to increase sales or build your marketing platform, I’m your girl! 🙂

  3. I was wondering if this package is still available? I can’t find it on the shop section. Thanks!

you said:

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