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Did you know I have a Secret Club?

My goal in creating The Thriving Photographer was to create a program that could and would give any photographer (at any stage in their business as long as they were wanting more) the knowledge, comprehension, vision and tools to truly become a Thriving Photographer!

I’ve learned that the true key to success is… Persistence. Success is not for the lucky or the brilliant (although those certainly can’t hurt) who it’s really reserved for, is those who refuse to give up. I know that success is possible for anyone persistent enough to believe in their dreams. I wanted to create a program for them, the determined believers!

It was my dream to prove to those who want it so bad but just need a little help with logistics – that they could absolutely do this! You can have passion, profits and a life…. You can be a thriving photographer!

In addition to creating the program, I also wanted to create a place where the truly determined and dedicated could support one another. So I created a Secret Club, The Thriving Photographer Group on Facebook.

The threads are amazing. They share, encourage, inspire and uplift one another! I am so honored and excited to get to be associated and to help inspire these incredible photographers journey! In an industry of talkers, these photographers are doers!!

Here are a few posts just to give you a glimpse of what’s going on behind the curtain…

Are you ready to join the ranks of The Thriving Photographers?

All it takes is determination – I bet you’re passionate enough about this whole photography business thing to have that!!

You’re going to learn about everything you need to be the successful professional photographer making the money that you currently only dream of… Already feel like you’ve got parts of “it” figured out? No problem, I’ll help you figure out the rest!!

You’re going to have all of the tools and templates you need and now you even know about the Secret Thrivers Support Group. On top of that you have a money back guarantee. So seriously, why not?!!? GO FOR IT!!!




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