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Gather & Use Testimonials to Prove Your Value

Testimonials are social proof  for potential clients.  A testimonial says that the experience that we say we’re going to provide, is really what will happen.

When you’re just starting to think about using testimonials, it can be a little intimidating trying to gather them up. But I bet you already have several and you just didn’t realize it (hint: check your email archives for the final correspondence you had with each client). 

In today’s video I’m going to break down the best practices for gathering testimonials and then tell you exactly how to use them for maximum impact!


Background by Drop it Modern (Spangled)



  1. Erin W says:

    Great post! I really love the idea of using a video!

  2. Kalli says:

    Great video today! Thanks, Leah!

  3. Thanks for the great tips! I’ve been working with Yelp and being frustrated with how they filter out all my great reviews. So maybe I should just handle reviews on my own!

    • I know right!?!? Almost all of my reviews were filtered too, I ended up talking to someone and when all done and said, I don’t really love that system! I think “in house” may be the better way to go, although I would still try to build up Yelp to, as you can! Just don’t put all your eggs in that basket.

  4. Morgan says:

    Love this video!

  5. Sophie says:

    Awesome video, and really helpful tips. It’s always so awkward to ask clients to post reviews for us, but this is a great (and non-awkward, lol) approach. Excited to get started!

    • I felt the same way! Being like, ‘hey will you write a testimonial?’ is a little weird! Asking questions and then asking to use the answers for a testimonial is much easier and more genuine too!

  6. Awesome ideas. I’ve been hesitant to provide a survey to my clients, simply because the thought of going to ‘all that work’ seemed overwhelming to me. You just proved that it doesn’t have to be! Three simple questions. How fabulous is that?! Thanks, Leah. Keep the vlogs coming!

  7. And did I mention I love, LOVE the backdrop?! ‘Caaaause I do.

  8. Great thoughts Leah! Thanks! And btw – you look extra glamorous with your fabulous backdrop! 😉

  9. Dan Z says:

    Great idea Leah, with the 3 questions it keeps it simple and to the point. Thanks for all the great work and ideas..
    Dan Z

  10. Cindy says:

    Great post and great use of video! Thank you for giving examples of questions to ask…this can be a hard thing to do when it is about yourself.

  11. Norma Mitchell says:


    I love your tips on getting testimonies! How would you recommend on the way to get them? Send them an email with the following questions? Make up an online form they can fill out? Thanks!

    • I think the best start is when you have a client that is gushing to you about how great you are (man I love when that happens!!) Take the opportunity and invite her to write a testimonial, but offer to help so that it gets done. 🙂

you said:

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