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SNAP HAPPY – Photography 101 Class Material

Rock your camera, beginner photography class, Snap Happy, Photography 101 Course

I am so dang excited today! I’m finally releasing SNAP HAPPY into the Go4Pro Shop! I say f-i-n-a-l-l-y because I’ve been teaching Snap Happy for 3 years now.  I’ve had so much fun offering this class, that I knew I had to make it available for you too! And today it’s actually happening…


Okay… So tell me if this sounds like you???

You’ve got your camera, the cute blog to share them on… And even some fab new pose ideas but your missing one major thing, YOU NEED MORE CLIENTS.

If you’ve ever asked yourself any of these questions…

  •          Where are all the potential clients hiding?
  •           How can I get my name in front of them?
  •          How can I get people who are looking for a photographer to choose me?
  •          Why do I hate marketing so much?!#!%#!!??
  •           How can I establish myself as the expert?

Then you are going to l-o-v-e our brand spanking new product, SNAP HAPPY even more.


SNAP HAPPY is designed to be a fun 90 minute to 1-day workshop experience where you teach moms how to get happy with their snaps!  They are not going to learn how to be professional photographers from this class, but rather will learn some really fun tips, tricks and techniques that get them liking what they see on the back of their camera and you looking like the brilliant expert that you are!




  1. Annie Wilson says:

    Love it!!! I have so wanted to do this but a little too ADHD to bring it all together. Thanks, Leah

  2. April says:

    Hi Leah!
    I’m a Thriver and considering purchasing the Snap Happy course. I’ve noticed that your description says that the course isn’t designed to teach people how to shoot in manual mode. What are some of the topics covered? Maybe I’ve been shooting in manual long enough that I don’t know how to take better pics unless I’m shooting manual 🙂 So, is it just things like composition, etc…
    Thanks in advance!
    p.s. I’ve loved Thrive! Still in my first year 🙂

    • Hey April… You can teach some fundamental camera stuff like ISO, Aperture and shutter speed. I usually do in the Q&A part if it’s asked and when I explain their little cheat-card that I gift them to keep with their cameras. But mostly it’s about how to SEE better. So tips, tricks and techniques to make their every day pictures better through composition, direction and light. Hope that helps!

you said:

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