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My Top 10 Steps I use to Wow Portrait Clients


In last week’s episode, I shared why you may not be getting the amount of referrals you want… and how to fix it.  This week, I’m sharing exactly what I do in my own business to create that extra wow factor. This is my  personal Top 10 list for creating the wow factor for my clients and giving them a better experience – and in the process, increasing referrals! 

I’d love to hear what you do to increase your wow factor – or even which of these is your favorite! Leave a comment and share! 

Love the backdrop? 

Me too!

It’s Spangled from Drop it Modern  

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  1. Michelle says:

    Love your bag that you showed? Are you willing to share your vendor for that?

  2. Jessica says:

    SOO amazing! My favorite video so far! Thanks!

    • Wow!! Thank you!! Well if you have any questions that you’d love to see answered EMAIL ME!! Cause I’m always trying to figure out what to talk about next! 🙂

      I would love your insight!

  3. MariA says:

    Leah Love your Wow factor for your clients, I’m sure I’ll incorporate some of those in my sessions. Now on the session day I have branded water bottles and branded lipstick for them, of course some treats for the kids, what do you think?!

    • I love that! Especially the Chapstick! So perfect for Seniors! For your seniors… I think that having a little session treat bag (you may already do this) with water, Chapstick and some candy is really fun. It all sounds awesome! I bet your clients LOVE you! You obviously really care about giving them a great experience! 🙂

  4. Ju says:

    Fabulous video today! Thank you. I love when I learn something new to add to my business.

    • You’re so welcome!! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! If you have a question that you’d like to see answered, email me because I’m always looking for what to share about. I want to cover what you need to know! 🙂

  5. Julie says:

    Not too sure where Ju came from LOL

  6. Wow, awesome tipps for improving…heard some of it before but doing all of it sounds like an awesome experience for my clients. Still need the money to pay for it 🙂 shipping and bags and all that stuff is not as cheap as it was. At least for now. But as soon as i can, i will do this!

  7. Linda says:

    I love the idea of giving them a gift after the photo shoot, sending an e-mail 5 minutes after the shoot and I especially LOVE the idea to send them a welcome packet in the mail. I am such an e-mail kinda person, so these are great ideas to make it a more personal connection. Thanks. 🙂

    • I’m go glad you liked it! It looks like your a wedding a photographer… I have seen some amazing ideas for increasing the wow factor for wedding clients. If you’d like to see that as a video, submit an Q for video Friday (or on any other subject) 🙂 And I’ll try to put that together for you!

  8. Jen says:

    I love that you send a thank you card – not an email. Getting something in the mail besides bills! Who doesn’t love that?
    No outtakes this time? Boo! : )

    • I’m glad you liked it… And I know!! No outtakes… I’m sorry! When I made that video I realized right after I started recording that I only had a few minutes before I needed to go pick up me little man from preschool and I had no good outtakes. 🙁

      Next week I PROMISE to bring back the outtakes! 🙂

  9. Hi! Great tips and I am happy to learn many of them are just common sense ideas that don’t cost anything than a few moments of your time! I love the treat bag idea and I do things like this at holiday shoots, but I didn’t realize how easy and cheap it could be to brand your own treat bags. Looks like some plastic bags, ribbon and logo stickers is all you would really need plus a few goodies of course LOL!

    I do give my clients my cell phone number and let them know I am available anytime day or night for them. On my lead generating sites I send personal emails and ask them questions or comment on their wedding ideas or plans. I have gained many clients from taking a personal interest into their idea’s and plans. I haven’t thought of thank you cards after the sessions, I will implement that from now on. I do wonder what you would put in senior boy gift bags, could you give some ideas about that? Small kids and girls are easy, older boys not so much!

    I would love to do welcome packages as soon as I can afford to. I wish that was more affordable. I plan to eventually do all of these things too, thanks so much!

    • Thank you so much, I’m glad you enjoyed it!!

      The treat mags are super fun and easy. Mine end up costing $174 each so not bad at all!! For the tag, I’m using mini moo and I just punch a whole at the top to make it a tag:

      Sp for the senior boy gift bag – what about just doing a bottle of branded water, snacks, a pack of gum and you could still do Chapstick – just make it regular. Go right to what will make him happy – food! 😉

      The welcome packets are really fun and mine have progressed over the years! At first it was a simple non-branded folder from office depot with a sticker and a lot of items were printed from my home printer. As I could, I slowly added in pieces that got me excited!

  10. Ann says:

    Thank you so much with 1,000 hugs! I do most of communication and booking online, so I really personalize them and try to keep it streamlined. I will now call them personally to let them know I’ve recieved thier contract and answer any of their questions. I think human connection is needed and I didn’t realize until now:)

    Currently, I send clients their DVD of images with my branding and their favorite photo. I also set aside funds to purchase the portrait guide from you and I’ll be using that as a part of welcome guide;)

    You’re the best:)

    • You’re so welcome Ann! And 1,000 hug back at you! Thanks for the warm fuzzies!!

      So are you not offering product yet? You are going to LOVE when you start introducing product… Being able to create and see your clients treasured images become wall art is so exhilarating not to mention it increases your income substantially!! 🙂 If you need help working through how to do all the business stuff, you will love The Thriving Photographer™ ( )!

      Also… If you have specific questions you’d like to see my talk through, email them over! I’m always looking for what to talk about next! 😀

  11. Trina says:

    I’d love to see a impressing your wedding clients video 🙂

  12. You are spot on with these. I strive to wow my clients. This process is never complete. You have some perfect ideas to incorporate into my business. It’s all about exceeding every expectation. You go beyond simply making them happy. I actually just ran across this blog, but will be a follower from now on.

  13. Hi Leah!

    I love your bonus step! What a great idea on sending a “this made me think of you” email. Love that! I will definitely use this.

    Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!


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