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SNAP HAPPY in Action // Photography 101 Class

I love getting to see how YOU are using SNAP HAPPY(So keep sending your behind-the-scenes on over!!)

It’s inspiring, exciting, and just plain fun to get to see the real life results of the different products that I create!  Today Allison Carpenter is taking us behind the scenes of her first Photography 101 Course which she offered using SNAP HAPPY. 

To give us a few more details… Allison, in all her awesomeness, has been kind enough to answer a couple questions about planning her Snap Happy Photography class! 

1. How did you promote your SNAP HAPPY CLASS? 
I scheduled my first class fairly quickly. I passed out the post cards that were included in the packet, as well as really pushing it on Facebook. I did have some at my local places that I visit, such as the Dr.’s office, and the restaurant where the class was being held

2. Where did you teach your class and how did you arrange it? 
 I originally didn’t have a place designated, due to not knowing the number of attendants. I am lucky enough to have a friend that owns her own restaurant, and she inquired about the class, so I asked if she wouldn’t mind having the class there? She didn’t mind at all and actually offered to provide the food. So that was a huge bonus! I also have donated seats in local fundraising silent auctions.

3.  Will you tell us about your cute SWAG gifts? 
My packets were more informative than gifts. My packets included post cards to hand out to friends/family that might be interested in the class, a business card, cheat sheet card, pen, notepad (with custom stickers), a gift certificate for a large print as well as a percentage off of their future session, a gift card to the restaurant, and a terminology sheet. 

4. How much did you charge for your class? 
My class was a little over 90 min. I had 9 students, and I charged $95.00 

5. What was your favorite part about the SNAP HAPPY CLASS? 
My favorite part about the class was definitely seeing all of my students finally have that “aha” moment. Whether it was learning about catchlights or learning about using full shade, they all had a light bulb go off, and I knew that they were ready to go home and shoot away! 

6. How do you plan to use SNAP HAPPY moving forward?
I can’t wait to push for more classes. I had so much fun and learned a lot about myself during this experience. This pack comes with awesome materials to get started and to continue to teach. It doesn’t apply to just dslr cameras, but can be applied to point and shoot. Leah even included a run-through video of her teaching the Power Point presentation, just in case there are any questions on certain topics. Ever since I posted my blog post about the class, I have had inquiry after inquiry about hosting. I am a little nervous because I didn’t expect it to take off quite so quickly, but I welcome every inquiry!

Connect with Allison on Facebook   |   Learn how to use SNAP HAPPY in your business!



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