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How I Became the Model at my Own Workshop

You’re supposed to be looking at a beautiful engagement couple… Supposed to be! And I even had backup for my backup and yet, you’re about to see me. 

Here’s what happened… Our first couple had to back out the week of the retreat. No problem I thought, we have 2 backup couples. Neither of which, turned out, could make it either.  I was in a panic.

I even stopped this cute couple at a restaurant on out first night in Florida to see if they’d be interested. Apparently it was their first date and I don’t think she was planning on a second! He was all gung-ho ready and she was like, “to soon”. 

So I finally came to grips with the fact that we would be down one shoot. But then the girls said it should be me… And I said, “no!” 

And they said, “yes”, and I said “no”…  And this went back and forth for the first 2 days but ultimately I really wanted them to have smaller groups and I needed the last models to make that happen – soooo… I agreed! 

It was hard to step in as the models when you’re the host.  I wanted to make sure everything was flowing right, as one of the models, that would be near impossible. But, wanting them to be able to shoot in small groups won out. 

And I am thrilled !! that it did!  Now I have these beautiful images, captured by some of my dear friends documenting this amazing time in my life when I got to bring my family to Florida (we extended into a vacation after the retreat). 

So here it is… The fourth and last session from the Thriving Photographer Retreat in Florida.

You can see the other sessions HERE, HERE and HERE






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Leah Remillet Mom
And look at this amazing little video that Chelsea Humphrey’s surprised me with! Soooo glad they convinced me! (Thank you Janine!) 

Featuring the incredibly talented and thriving: 
Chelsea Humphreys  |  Allison Carpenter  |  Anna-Vaugh Callahan   |   Kari Rae   |  Melissa Wilson 



  1. Leeyen says:

    How fun! Love that last one, I’m sure you’re glad to have pictures with your kids :D.

  2. Natalie says:

    Great photos! Who sings the song in the video? It’s so lovely.

you said:

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