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Getting yourself through self-doubt

I sat there in a room filled to capacity, ready to be inspired. I was at WPPI, preparing to listen to a speaker who’s talent was nothing less than awe-inspiring… But  something very different from inspiration took place. No, this was not inspiration – this was sabotage! And I’ll admit I was very taken back by the experience. 

Out of nowhere I was suddenly being torn apart.  I went from walking in and feeling amazing, to sheepishly excusing myself as a deflated ball of defeat. 

The worst part was who did this to me… 

Love the BACKDROP? We do, too! It’s Spangled, from the fabulous Drop it Modern!

HOW DO YOU GET YOURSELF OUT OF A SELF-DOUBT FUNK? Leave a comment and let us know! 



  1. I have had that same fight in my head more times than I can count. THANK YOU for putting it into perspective and helping me see that I have something to offer that is unique to just me! Love your vids (and the bloopers too 🙂 )

    • I’m so glad you enjoy them Leah! I’m so glad it was helpful… I was really hoping it would be – if for no other reason than to just know that you’re not alone. And I’ll keep making those bloopers for ya (that’s the easy part)!

  2. dave c says:

    To some degree, this is a girl thing. Guys compare themselves, but don’t beat themselves as much. A lot of women compare, then do everything they can to tear down the woman they see as superior. Give yourself credit, at least your anxiety was self directed.

    • Awww! Thanks Dave! I am really good at self-deprecating – Yay Me!! 😉 But all kidding aside, you’re right. I don’t waste time tearing others down because I figure we all do it enough to ourselves already. I am to fascinated by the fact that there are entire “worlds” going on around me that I know nothing about. My husband is always having to bring me back in from my “people watching” aka: staring! lol

  3. dave c says:

    Fyi, for some reason the volume is really muted in this video. I had to hold the phone to my ear.

    • Thanks for letting me know! I wonder what the difference was? I hope you’ll let me know if it happens again! I’ll keep an eye on my volume setting – or maybe it’s a trick of mine so that you hold it to your hear and don’t watch my crazy mannerisms. LOL

  4. Maggie says:

    Thanks for the video post, Leah! I am sometimes my own worst enemy, so I totally relate. I want to be the best ME I can be. Thanks for the continued inspiration!

  5. Leanda says:

    Thank you Leah! I’m finally getting rid of the mean girl in my head and as a result have been asked to be interviewed in a local magazine to promote my business! People notice when you respect yourself, because it shows on the outside. Now all I have to worry about is what to wear for my headshot….. 😉

    • You are so right! I noticed the exact same thing with my pricing… When I finally got confident about why I charged what I charged, people just accepted it! Good luck on choosing an outfit (you should see me before a workshop, it’s ridiculous!) 🙂 It sounds like an awesome opportunity, make sure you take a moment to just celebrate this moment! Cheers!

  6. Suzi says:

    Darn that mean girl – I know her! She creeps right in and steals away joy and creativity! Thanks for sharing and inspiring others through testimony. It makes a difference 🙂

  7. Tara says:

    Loved it, shared it! Again, thank you for always being so transparent, open and honest. It really helps to connect with someone and learn that I’m not alone in how I feel sometimes. Thank you Leah. You rock!

    • Thank YOU for sharing Tara!! That makes me feel really good cause it tells me I’m on the right track too! 🙂

      We are definitely not alone although sometimes it can feel a little like that! I’m honored to get to be on your journey with you (at least every friday!) lol

  8. Tara says:

    That sounds awesome, congrats and just be yourself and enjoy it 🙂

    • You’re amazing Tara! Thank you so much for sharing something personal from your own life experiences! I LOVE that you invest in yourself! You know who you are and you embrace that but you also constantly work to grow and evolve… I don’t think there could be a more winning combination!?! Isn’t that what we all want for our daughters? xoxox

  9. Tara says:

    Oh and the self confidence thing, I had to learn this a LONG TIME ago. Like elementary age. I was born with a cleft lip and palette that left me with a scar from surgery. I overcame my issues bc of an amazing dad and even chose NOT to have the elective plastic surgery to cover it up and make me look “normal”. No way was I having a major surgery just to change how I looked on the outside. Anyways I rocked it and still do. It’s part of who I am. And after going through the thriving program that really gave me even more confidence. And knowledge too. I’m always learning, taking classes and buying them too from , love to learn about my art more and more so I keep evolving and getting better. Again, thanks for the post and open honesty loved the video and the end especially lol

  10. Sandy says:


    This video hit right on…. Thank you for the support and all that you do!
    I have been in this situation before and I will deal with that mean girl ! lol
    I want to show the best that I am and continue to do better!
    Thanks for your inspiration!

  11. Lori says:

    I needed this today! Thank you.

  12. Leanda says:

    haha, although my wardrobe is bursting at the seams, there is apparently ‘nothing’ to wear! I think when the article goes to press I may just do a little dance 😉

  13. Melissa says:

    “Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle”….one of my favorite uplifting quotes! 🙂

    We are DEFINITELY our own worst enemy, and it’s the toughest thing to overcome that feeling of inadequacy when we adore someone else who we strive to model our business or even our style after as our primary inspiration. I ADORE Elizabeth, so I understand EXACTLY how you were probably feeling Leah … because I’ve felt the exact way myself about her 😉

    One of my instructors in college told me something great about my work as well and how to approach my doubts …”you gotta back your s*** up”. Yes it’s a bit on the brazen side of speech 😉 but he was SO RIGHT! You have got to believe in YOUR work and how it relates to YOU as an artist and a person.

    Love ya girl! I’m so happy that you overcame your “mean girl” and shared the story with us all!


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