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Support from Family: How to Get It & How to Keep It

I hear the word “SUPPORT” tossed around a lot. Famous people thank their fans for support; athletes thank their parents for support, the Grand Canyon tightrope walker thanks God, and photographers thank their spouses. 

But sometimes I wonder… Is that support deserved

And what about the woman who hears and reads about and sees others celebrating their support circles, while sitting by herself with none? Can she create support? 

Today I want to share my very personal feelings about support. I want to talk with you about the misuse of support, and share my own experiences from when I have and have not felt the support of my friends and family. 

Love the BACKDROP? We do, too! It’s Spangled, from the fabulous Drop it Modern!

I believe that we all deserve to feel supported!  I also believe that those supporting us deserve to have us earn it.  And I believe that we are only as good as those we surround ourselves with.  So if those who are closest to you don’t encourage you to be your very best self, you may need to look deep… and decide if this is really where you want to be planted.  Can you bloom here? 

YOUR THOUGHTS? I know this stirred something in you. I’d love for you to join the conversation and share your thoughts in the comments below! 



  1. Asashia says:

    Hi Leah! Thank you for the thought provoking questions! I inherently set rules and boundaries for my business because in addition to wanting to create my dream business, I work full-time outside of the home already. I’m gone for 8+ hours a day already and I don’t want to take any more time away from my husband and son. It is definitely hard because I would so like to see my business take off but I have to constantly remind myself—they’ve only got one me and what do I want them to have memories of when they think about our lives together?

    Thanks for the reminder to set the boundaries—it definitely helps when I want to say “just a few more minutes”

    • You’re so so welcome Asashia! You’re in a really tough spot trying to go for your dream of photography + work a day job + be a great mom and wife. There are seasons in our lives… I love that you’re trying so hard to make sure that you (and your little family) enjoy this season!

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