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Girl Boss Book Club – December [The 12 Week Year]

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I thought this month’s book would be perfect for December as everyone starts planning and shifting toward thinking about their New Year’s goals. Who doesn’t want to get 12 months worth of work done in 12 weeks? My friend Jennifer, the owner of Stationary Academy introduced me to ‘The 12 Week Year‘ at our Inspired Mastermind Weekend this summer in Nashville, and it’s got some seriously great strategies and ideas that are worth testing for yourself! girlboss_book_club_12 Week Year_Dec

Here’s the synopsis (thanks to Amazon):

Most organizations and individuals work in the context of annual goals and plans; a twelve-month execution cycle. Instead, The 12 Week Year avoids the pitfalls and low productivity of annualized thinking. This book redefines your “year” to be 12 weeks long. In 12 weeks, there just isn’t enough time to get complacent, and urgency increases and intensifies. The 12 Week Year creates focus and clarity on what matters most and a sense of urgency to do it now. In the end more of the important stuff gets done and the impact on results is profound.

  • Explains how to leverage the power of a 12 week year to drive improved results in any area of your life
  • Offers a how-to book for both individuals and organizations seeking to improve their execution effectiveness
  • Authors are leading experts on execution and implementation

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About the Girl Boss Book of the Month: My personal goal has been to read about 1 business book a week and one fiction book a month. That’s roughly 5 books a month. Sometimes they are thick ones and they take longer but by setting this goal, I have now read hundreds of books that have inspired and empowered me while improved my business results. I want to share the very best books I find with you! Each month, I share a new must read! Get your hands on that book and read it with me. Feel free to leave comments on Facebook or Instagram about what your big takeaways from that month’s reads were! I’d love to know!



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