“THEY ARE GROWING UP SO FAST!” …That’s where this whole idea started.
You hear it from every direction, but it was only in the last 18 months that I really started to feel it. They really are growing faster than seems possible. We are on the brink of teenage years and on the brink of a chapter that once started can only end in an equation of subtraction. I have reflected a lot over the last year. I have been considering the time I’ve had with my little family of 5, and how we want to spend these last chapters that we will get to be together under one roof. The same answer came to me over and over. I just want to be with them more. Breathe them in, love them, and learn who they are even deeper. Grow. Bond. Strengthen. Laugh. Love. Serve.
I want to soak up as much of their childhood as I can. Instead of wishing for more time, I want to make more time. That’s when Taylor (the hubs) and I started to talk more and more seriously about doing something crazy! Something that would truly break down all of the walls, all of the distractions, and put us in a new environment of just the five of us. So…

Our route is not set in stone, but the current itinerary includes England, Scotland, Germany, Spain, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Italy and France, Ireland. (If you’d like to work with me in one of these countries, shoot me a note.) Is there anywhere you think we absolutely must go, or somewhere in any of these countries that we must stop to see? Please leave a comment and let us know. We’d love your help planning our adventure!
I will continue to work and am currently planning to keep morning hours from about 7am to noon. Taylor is going to be in charge of the education (our school that we will be pulling the kids from for one year has been amazingly supportive and helpful in getting us prepared – as well as my dear friend, Heather, who is starting an amazing Home School Blog). In each country, we will be renting a house for about a month at a time so that we can truly begin to learn the culture and see the sites. Then we’ll be off to our next country. We are a huge foodie family (our 11 year old Adi, dreams of being a chef) so we are going to make a huge part of our travels food! Learning how to shop, cook, and enjoy the foods of each country.
I’ll be doing a live Periscope tomorrow (Thursday, 5/19) at 10am PT. You can drop your questions in the comments, and we will start working on a Q&A post. Also, make sure you get on this list to find out when our travel blog goes live!
WOW what an amazing opportunity and adventure you’re creating for yourselves! Your family will never forget it – have an amazing time!!!
Thank you Jena, we are so so so excited and can’t wait for the adventure to begin.
So excited to hear all about this adventure! Love you guys and prayers for safe travels!
Love you too Sister! Hopefully you’ll come visit along the way!
Oh man I’m so excited for you. This is something I’ve dreamed of doing with my family but sadly it’ll never happen so I’ll have to live it through you ?. Good luck!
You never know Alysha! I wouldn’t have thought I’d be doing this if you’d have told me 5 years ago! Keep dreaming! And in the mean time, I’ll share all my insider secrets along the way!
Wow that’s really awesome Leah! I’m sure your family will look back at this time with such fond memories!!! Before we had children, Shawn and I lived in Rome where he worked for 6 months (and I was a professional lady of leisure). It was a fantastic experience because we also traveled quite a bit too to places like most of Italy, Cairo, Paris, and Barcelona. I would highly recommend adding Barcelona to your list. Enjoy your travels!!
Thanks Reaj! And how did I now know this fun little rid-bit about you?!
Congratulations! How amazing and exciting! I am literally sitting at the airport right now waiting to fly home from Scotland (honeymoon is over 🙁 ) but Scotland is incredible! aside from all the castles (which are a must!) I highly recommend a drive from Inverness to Stirling (or some 2 hour+ drive through the highlands). SO beautiful. We also used Rick Steves book to help us along which was so vital for our travels. Congratulations and best of luck! It’s going to be amazing!!!
Wow! What perfect timing for me! And congratulations!! Thank you for the awesome tips, I’m making notes!
Wow!!! What an amazing adventure you will have and memories to last a lifetime. I am so excited for you and your family and wish you all the best on your travels!!! Paris, France is my favorite place in the world. We did the baton rouge boat tour at sunset. Ave Maria was playing on the boat and the Eiffel Tower was sparkling as we rode by. I cried because of the beauty overload!!! Have so much fun!!!!
Okay… I’m crying just thinking about it! That sounds amazing! Is it good for kids too do you think?
Oh man, my dream come true!! You must go visit Phuket Thailand and all of the amazing small island around it. It was a once in a lifetime experience (plus I’m a beach girl). Also the Chaithararam Temple in Wat Chalong was pretty incredible!
As for France, Calanques is like a dream! Of course so many more options! Enjoy. Can’t wait to follow along!
I am making notes like crazy! Thank you, thank you!!
That is probably the COOLEST thing I have EVER heard! Imagine all of the memories those beautiful kids are going to have. How wonderful that you will all experience it TOGETHER! Leah, you are truly a rock star! Enjoy! Godspeed!!!!! Can NOT wait to see the images!!!!!!!
Barb!! Thank you so much, you are just making me feel way to awesome! I seriously am SO EXCITED! I can’t believe it’s really happening.
How great Leah! I remember you told me about this dream when we met at Inspired, I hope I can see you and help you out when you will be coming to France. I can recommend you many places to go 😉
I would love that Leticia! It would be wonderful to reconnect with you!
Wow what a family dream come true. So happy for you Ms Leah. Glad you’re going to take some much needed family time and discover. Can’t wait to read the blog and see the pics. Stay safe and enjoy everything life has for you.. Blessings.
Super exciting!!! My husband and I dream of doing the same thing
What a great adventure! If you came to Milan in Italy I’d be more than happy to show you the sights ? (Elena k photography). Enjoy your trip!
Thank you so much! What an incredible offer! I am saving your email! 😀
Wow, good for you! You deserve all of this!
This is AMAZING! Can’t wait to hear all about the cool places & sites you’ll see. Such a great opportunity for family time and for your kids. They seem like they’re the PERFECT age for something like this 🙂
Yeah! Leah! You are coming to New Zealand! So excited for you. I’m from Ohio but married a kiwi a long time ago and after traveling the world with my brood as expats we have finally settled back here and are loving it. I think what you are doing for your family is so important. My kids are different people because of our travels. It’s such a rich investment in them. Do I email you as I would like to hear more about working with you – I want to get there one day so we can travel off my career – not my husbands!!
Lori! Absolutely email me! We can get you details and set something up as I’d be thrilled to help you make traveling on your income a reality with you!
Oh Leah!!!
Leah, Leah, Leah… You brought a huge smile to my face with your news! I’ve been trying to put in words how happy I am for you but I don’t think that even in Portuguese (my native language) I would be able to!
Few people have the opportunity to do what you will be doing, but even fewer people have the open mind to do so.
I can guarantee you that this will be such an enrichment experience for you and mostly for your kids… The moment we left everything we are familiar with behind, we are forced to face the world from a new perspective. There is no better way to learn than that.
I hope you have a blissful time with your family and that all goes well. While reading your list I was hoping to see Brazil on it but maybe a next time? hehehehe If you ever plan to, please e-mail me. I would love to help you on your new adventure.
Sending lots of love and good thoughts to you!
Kisses and kisses!
Oh my gosh! I wish we could add Brazil, you guys are making me feel like I need to be out for 2 years! This huge world has so much to see! And thank you, I can’t express enough how grateful I am for your encouragement. You brought tears to my eyes, you understand EXACTLY what I’m trying to do and it just feels so incredible to read your powerful reinforcement that this is going to be great.
So fun & exciting! Southern Germany – since you have girls… Neuschwanstein castle (what the Disney castle was based on), Mainau Island, Oberamergaau and Ramsau. You’ll regret not spending a few days in Salzburg Austria. If you’re in Germany (especially anywhere near the southern part of Germany) the short drive to Salzburg is worth it! (Salzburg is my favorite city in the world for the views, the cleanliness, walk-ability, friendly people and the overall WOW-factor of the entire city.) Think… Sound of Music (Mondsee Cathedral where Maria got married), Salzburg Borg (Basically a fort on a mountain top with views that you’ll remember until the day you die), Hitler’s Eagles Nest (again for the views), Lake Königssee, Mozart’s home, and well everything there. 😉 Best wishes & safe travels from SC!
Wow Lora… Taking crazy notes form your email! Thank you for all of this amazing advice and ideas! I’m totally sold!
That is awesome Leah. Let me know when you’re in New Zealand…we could offer up our family beach house in Whangamata for a weekend (or longer). Whangamata is a must see on your visit here. Just let me know. Good luck and have fun!
I am overwhelmed! I will absolutely !! connect with you and let’s chat! We can’t wait! NZ is one I am MOST excited to see and experience!
You are CRAZY GIRL! I love it. I look forward to reading about your journey.
Hi Leah,
You must come to Adelaide – Australia! While you are here you can visit the beautiful wineries in either the Barossa or McLaren Vale and some of the most beautiful beaches in Australia!
But you could also do a talk with the SA Aipp – the professional photography institute. I know there are a lot of women who would love to hear you talk and I can connect you with some of the organisers. We would love to have you here! And I’d even love to have you all over for dinner!
Message me if you would like to chat more about the Aipp meet up. We are always looking for new speakers. Cheers!
PS If you have time Noosa in Queensland is very very pretty and Hobart in Tasmania is a must! In fact the whole of Tasmania is amazing!
I’m taking notes, and yes Carly! I’d love to learn some details about doing a talk with the SA Aipp group! Send me an email and let’s talk details for sure!
Fantastic news, might I suggest you take lots of photos and even videos as the younger ones will soon forget without prompts. When it comes to visiting Australia may I suggest you stay a little longer than one month, the reason is that everything is such a great distance apart. If you really wish to experience the food I also suggest you spend a little bit of time in the Northern territory where you can eat bush food and experience a totally different Australia to that on the east coast.
I am in Canberra , please drop in and say hi
Such great advice! We are hoping to make Australia 6 weeks and I LOVE your help about the Northern Territory, that sounds amazing! Thank you!
WOW! So amazing and brave you all are. I love it!! I can’t wait to follow along!
Wow what an adventure ! I moved to the west coast of France right after high school and have never left. Are you going to be offering workshops or one on one tutoring in each country ? I would love the details if you are !
I will be doing a couple small workshops. Our first is in London the end of July! With everything that’s been going on, I’ve forgotten to talk about, but we have TWO SPOTS left! Here’s all the details! I know I’m the host so maybe this sounds awful, but it’s truly an incredible weekend, with incredible people and my goal is to transform your photo biz completely into a thriving one! And I can do it! 🙂 You can get the info here: http://go4prophotos.com/thrive-retreat-london/ The next one will be Australia but not until 2017. And yes, I will be offering very limited one-on-one sessions as well! Shoot me an email and we can chat!
Amazing!! Hope the experiences you gain are everything you are hoping for. Though you should come to Greece!! The sights, culture and food is something worth exploring. I live in Athens, Greece and I am constantly in awe of how stunning of a country I live in!
Greece is somewhere that we definitely continue to talk about and dream about! It’s been a l-o-n-g time dream destination for Taylor and I. 🙂
Pompei, near Naples. To be seen absolutely, gaia placidia in ravenna, italy
Thank you, thank you! Making notes!
I just LOOOOOVE the idea 😉 You will have so much fun and will be the dream of a lifetime. But You definitelly have to visit Portugal (next to spain) and if you do so, please get in touch 😉
lia (leah in portuguese ;))
I’ve heard SO MANY great things about Portugal! Do you think it’s something we could do in a long weekend visit from Spain? Is it close enough?
What an amazing adventure!!! Be safe and have fun! Can not wait to see all the wonderful places you go.
Wow!! SO awesome! This is a dream of ours as well. Question: What are you doing with your current home? We’ve thought about traveling the world & exploring all that there is to offer everywhere, but have a home in the states with all of our worldly possessions. Do you suggest storing everything in a storage locker & selling your home or terminating your lease to do this? Just curious about how this works. It sounds incredible!
Have a fantastic year abroad! Can’t wait to see all of the photos & read about your travels.
<3 Kegan
Great question Kegan… After a ton of thought and back and forth and everything else in-between we sold our home. It was a REALLY hard choice but in the end we knew this wasn’t our forever home anyway so it seemed best to sell and not have to have that be a concern while we travel.
Now what was INSDIE my home… totally different matter! 🙂 I bought all new furniture when we bought this house and I truly LOVE the home we’ve created so all of it went into the biggest storage locker we could get. I was worried it would take 2, but surprisingly it fit! My husband is apparently quite the jigsaw puzzle master. 🙂 Let me know if you have any other questions that you think of!
Hi Leah,
Wow!!! What an absolute dream you’re about to live. Such an amazing adventure.
Here are some tips for Germany (where I was born and lived for 35 years) and Scotland (my new home for 7 years and the place where my heart is).
Depending what your plans are for Germany, Berlin of course is a massive, vibrant, multicultural city. I have been living in Cologne and it is a very welcoming city with good beer (Kölsch) and an absolutely amazing cathedral. Depending on the time of the year, Germany is wonderful before Christmas with all its christmas markets.
Scotland….. oh where to begin. For me, there is no other city like it and you’ll find some amazing little cafes and restaurants. Incredibly stunning is the drive from Edinburgh to the Isle of Sky through Glen Coe and along the West of Scotland. The Isle of Skye is saturated with amazing sights and landscape. Just google Skye and you’ll see what I mean. I would recommend spending a few days on the island. I shouldn’t be leaving out Glasgow which is an exciting city too.
I love this country and if you are up for it, I’m more than happy to spend a day with you and your family in Edinburgh to show you a few things off the beaten track and recommend places to see over some lovely artisan coffee. Just send me an email. 🙂
Oh my word Sonja! Thank you!!!! What incredible insights and I’m ABSOLUTELY holding on to your email! What a gift to offer! Thank you so much, you are just getting me even more excited!! If that was even possible!