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How I got featured on Forbes, TheEveryGirl, Disney Babble, and more

How do you get featured? Why should you try? And, what can it do for your business?

Every month inside my group coaching membership we get together for group coaching sessions where our members can ask me anything!

Nothing is off-limits! We’ve talked about social media strategies, how to talk about your business without sounding sleazy/salesy/desperate, outsourcing, creating boundaries, and the psychology of pricing.

On our call this week, one of the questions was about gaining traction so I took it from two perspectives. The first was gaining traction through credibility (PR) and the second was creating traction through marketing to get more clients.

I thought it would be really fun to let you listen in on a portion of our group coaching session from inside Growth Getters and hear how I’ve been featured in Forbes, Disney Babble, and The Epoch Times, plus on blogs like The Everygirl, podcasts, and in magazines (including 3 covers).



Why you should try to get featured:

Getting a feature can give you an instant boost of traffic and business, and that’s awesome! But it only lasts as long as the feature does which admittedly is short! What do they say? 15 minutes of fame?

The real reason for me is credibility. I’d love a boost in traffic, but that’s short lived. What I really want is the ability to leverage that feature so that I can better position my brand in their mind.

Getting featured helps position you as an expert.

When I can tell potential clients that I’ve been featured by… Or I can show other media leads that I’ve also been on… Or I can up-level my brand’s position in a prospect’s mind because I have instant credibility through association.

In fact, if you found me via YouTube or Pinterest, I bet it was the association of Forbes, Disney, CBS or one of the others that got you to click.


What features can do for your business and how to leverage them:

Features can do two things for you if you leverage them correctly:

1. They can allow you to charge more! Honestly.

2. They can move you closer to your NEXT big goal. If your goal it to speak on your topic, start small, then leverage those opportunities to get more opportunities. The first person to hire me for a speaking gig was me. LOL. I knew I needed practice and I had to start somewhere. I leveraged that for another speaking gig local to me. Then I went further and further until I was being hired as the keynote speaker for incredible women’s retreats that I had dreamed of even just attending, let alone becoming the featured speaker.


I can’t wait for you to try these tips and become featured too! Be sure to let me know how it goes….


How to get featured in national publications

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