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Connecting Without Social Media

You’re a busy mompreneur looking to maximize every moment of your day. You have a career and a family to take care of which is why your phone is probably within arm’s reach all the time.

I get it. But I started asking, ‘does this really serve me and my family?’ Am I actually connecting in the best possible way?

That question and a challenge to ‘take a 7-day break from fake’ let me to completely change my relationship with my phone.

A few years ago I wrote all about how your smart phone is killing your productivity. Today, I’m writing about how putting the phone down can also help us reconnect to the things and people we love.

We all know it…

Putting your phone down is important.

I want to fill my life with things that encourage, support, and inspire me to live my best life! This means that I have to take a very serious look at social media and where or how my feed fits into all of that.



If you’ve known me for any period of time you know how much I LOVE taking vacations. In fact, I’m on one right now as I type this. But several years ago, I tried a different type of vacation, it was a 7-Day Social Media Vacation! So while I wasn’t cycling the streets of London, I did approach it like an enjoyable trip. I even made a list of things that I could try doing on my “vacation.”


Here’s the thing, I’m actually not a big scroller. I don’t spend the last hour of my evenings checking social, and I also don’t even use Snap Chat, Twitter, Clubhouse, etc. Instead, I practice using social media for my business not so much entertainment. So I thought this “vacation” would have minimum effect on me. I couldn’t have been MORE WRONG!

For the first few days, I was shocked when I found myself clicking absently where the IG app normal was on my phone. Thankfully I had deleted all of the apps. Those seven days left me feeling happier, more engaged in life, and more inspired.

I had time to read more, take care of myself, call old friends, and connect with my children in a more meaningful way. The apps meant to connect me to the world were disconnecting me from the things and people I love most.





After my one week, “vacation” came to a close, I was so inspired that I set out to create a “Social Media Detox” Guide for you. It’s available here and I’m so excited to share it with you! It’s loaded with beautiful goodies!


In the Reconnecting Offline Guide:

👉  A list of 25 Things to Try Instead of Picking Up Your Phone.

👉  7 Strategies for better social media habits.

👉  An exclusive Lily and Val Print that you can download and print out at home.


Links you’ll want from this post:

Access my gallery of freebies (and Reconnecting Offline).

Blog Post: Your Smartphone is Killing Your Productivity (and how to stop it).

Blog Post: What I learned after my Vacation from Social Media.



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