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Quick Start to More Balance

You have about 500 hours worth of things you want to get done in the 168 hours you get per week.  How do you do it?

The answer is BALANCE. More specifically, balancing what matters most at the top of the pile you’re trying to carry.

So, what does a balanced life look like for you? We spend so much time talking about having balance, or wishing for balance, but have you ever defined your version of balance?

Stop, set a timer for 4 minutes and visualize: What would balance really look like in your life?


Would it be more time with your kids?

More date nights with your spouse?

A cleaner home?

Would your working hours be more fulfilling without any mom-guilt?

Or is it vacations spent completely OFFLINE (gasp!)?

Regardless of how you define balance, I can help you get closer to it. The best part? It won’t take forever to implement because like all of my systems, we’re looking for quick win, needle-movers. And we’re going to target the most important parts of a well-balanced life for you.

So how do we build balance, you ask?

Get to the root of it all! Find out the areas in life where you need balance. Then make a plan. I’ll show you how below.



building balance




Before we begin, grab your Quick Start Guide here and let’s get started!


Once you have your printed guide, let’s make it easier to build balance into your life!

How do you use this guide? Great question! I’ll be giving you step by step instructions below. I want you to get every bit of goodness from this guide so that you can build balance into your days and feel a more optimistic perception of your life.




Here are step by step instructions to start building balance today!



Step 1: Balance Assessment

Once you have your Quick Start Guide, jump to the Balance Assessment page and follow the instructions to rank your overall satisfaction in the 7 areas (and a bonus spot for something unique to you). Then we’ll decide what to devote more (or less) time to.


Marriage (or Relationship)

Whether you’re married, dating, or love spending time with your best friend, these relationships are vital to your well-being and will make a significant impact on your overall perspective of balance. If you’re not devoting healthy amounts of time to these relationships, you may feel like you’re missing out on life.



Most of us started our business specifically to allow the freedom and flexibility to spend more time with our family. Let’s be honest, sometimes it may feel like you work more at home than the time you spend enjoying those kids or family members that matter most. Let’s change that now!



Feel like there’s room for improvement on the housework front? I’ve got a great resource for this as well! My 15 Minute Clean Home System will have your house (and family) in tip top shape in no time.


Exercise & Health

Most entrepreneurs forget to prioritize our health and, unfortunately, it’s one of the most harmful aspects of working for yourself. It’s easy to go from your bed, to your computer, to the fridge (all while still in those cozy pajamas) but we’re not here for that! Whether you get up at 5:00am for a workout class, go on a walk right after dinner, or get a run in after the kids are in bed, make time to get your body moving. It will help you focus and build clarity as well as make you feel great.

Rest & Relaxation

There’s no life without rest and relaxation. Whether it’s a leisurely Sunday, a Friday family movie, or brunch on a Wednesday, make time for rest and fun.


You came here for this — your business is like your baby. Let’s rate where you are in comparison to where you’d like to be.


I absolutely love thinking of new ideas (all the time!), but sometimes we all get creative blocks. I’ve found that these blocks happen more frequently when the rest of my life is not in balance. When all of my energy is devoted to work, I find my creativity suffers.

Bonus Spot! (Mine has Education/Training)

I schedule 4 hours per week to education and training. Whether it’s about finances, parenting, productivity, business, or branding; there’s always more to learn.


Step 2: Your Personal Map

Now that you’ve assessed these 7 areas of your life, let’s look at those numbers and figure out how to improve them.

I like to start with wherever I scored the lowest, and I ask myself, “what is one simple, small thing I could do that would improve my score by one point?”

We’re not looking for huge (that’s hard to sustain) — we’re looking for simple needle movers.


Step 3: Schedule Mock-up

This is probably my favorite step! Let’s use your assessment and personal map to create a mock-up of what your ideal schedule will look like.

Let’s start with the Daily Schedule. It should be somewhat consistent for meals, bedtime, morning routines, and office hours.

I start with my ideal “wakeup” time and pop my “bedtime” at the very bottom.

Then choose a start time for each of your main activities (Don’t forget lunch, dinner, exercise, reading, or any other new found priorities).

I find so much clarity when I use a daily schedule. Seeing your schedule written out will help align your goals and your hours to achieve a more optimistic system of balance.

Moving into the Monthly Schedule is a quick way to see what priorities and events I have for the month. Some things happen every week (i.e. church, family movie night, team meetings) and some are just once per month or less frequently. Seeing everything together helps to visualize what the flow of a month will be and when I should devote more time to certain areas of life (such as a date night or a trip to visit family).


Want to dive deeper into balance and productivity?

You’ll love these books! They’re all the ones I’ve included in the Quick Start Guide and include topics from parenting to organizing, so there’s definitely something for you on the list.


parenting breakthrough4 hour work weekorganizing










the chargegetting things done












Links you’ll want from this post:

In case you missed it, you can read more about how to plan out your week (and get a free print to help you organize your weeks).

Original Blog for Weekly Planning


Need some encouragement for balancing work and life as a mompreneur? I’ve got just the blog for you!

3 Steps to Creating Work-Life Balance for Mompreneurs


So, where do I sign up for the Building Balance Quick Start Guide (and all the other goodies in the Leah Remillet Library)?
Access the full library here!



Balance PIN



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