Are you going to WPPI this year? Noelle and I will be and we would love to meet you!
“Celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, as always, Wedding & Portrait Photographers International (WPPI) is poised to provide professional photographers with unparalleled educational opportunities starting March 4, 2010.
All WPPI 2010 classes, events and the trade show will take place at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, NV, from March 4–11, 2010. WPPI is the largest annual expo and conference in the U.S. for professional photographers. Each year more than 11,000 professional photographers gather in Las Vegas, NV, to learn from the best and see the latest and greatest products from the hundreds of exhibitors that participate in the trade show.
“WPPI is the place for professional photographers to access the very best in intensive and empowering photographic education,” said George Varanakis , WPPI’s Group Publisher and Executive Vice President. “And this momentous 30th reunion of photographers from around the world will amaze all who attend. The networking opportunities are abundant and the educational classes are more than plentiful, making it an educational and trade show forum that no professional photographer should miss.” Excerpt from here.
To say I’m looking forward to this shindig would underplay how I feel by about 1000%. I’m a bundle of nerves, anticipation, and giddiness all in one for this awesome opportunity. My mind is always 10 steps ahead so I swear I’m already planning how to implement the awesome ideas that I haven’t even received yet. Noelle and I will be attending 3 master classes along with the business institute and as many platforms as we can make. Oh golly – how I can’t wait to be a sponge!!
We would also LOVE to meet you! So if we have some reader that will be in attendance we’d love to see you at Go{4}Pro Peeps Lunch on Monday afternoon. (Details will be announced soon).
And I’m completely kidding about the dress.
P.S. I have an editor. I feel so cool saying that!! Maybe I should feel a little more lame about it since we all know WHY I have one – nah! Kathy (Mrs. Soup) one of my readers kindly offered her services to me and I am so grateful to accept it! Even though you have all made me feel so loved, errors and all, I really don’t like having them so this is awesome for me! Plus now you will be able to make better sense of what the heck I’m trying to say! Wa-hoo!
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