I was off dreaming about fabulous office spaces again… I can’t help it! I’m so eager to have my own office compete! When I take a “break” I find myself at the mercy of Google and Pinterest, today I actually set a timer so that I wouldn’t waste an hour by accident. During one of my searches, I found this really cute office – obvious a photographer, I decided to send her over an email…Â I got this response back:
“Wow!!! I have followed Go4Pro for years!!! Just getting this email made my whole week!!! Of course, being featured would be my honor.”
Which in turn made my whole entire week because it always surprises the heck out of me and leaves me completely giddy when someone says they know Go{4Pro! I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get used to that? I don’t know if I ever want to! It makes me giddy and on a side note… I love the word “giddy!” It’s just fun to say! G-i-d-d-y-!
So anyway… I’m excited to share the fabulous office space of one of my very own Go{4}Pro readers, Wendy Updegraff! Her style is so happy, vibrant and fun… It just screams ‘laugh with me’!
Wendy was kind enough to answer a few questions about her fab space!
1. Will you tell us about the process of creating your space?
I knew I wanted it to be a fun space that I wouldn’t mind spending hours in without getting bored. Also, this is where I meet with a lot of my new clients so I wanted them to get a sense of my style of photography which is colorful, relaxed and a little spunky.
2. Has your new space helped your creativity and efficiency?
Efficiency…not my favorite word, but I’m working on it! Everything is finally in one place and not all over my house!!! All of my props, computers, gear and scheduling information is all in one place. It’s also a defined place that my family knows is where I work, if I’m in the studio they know to not go completely crazy in the house, lol. Creativity…by far my favorite word! I am surrounded by some of my favorite photographs. When I am spending hours editing a session or I am getting a little stressed out, I can look around at them to remind myself how much joy I feel when I have captured a special moment for a family. There are no words to describe that feeling when you know your craft is appreciated.
3. What’s your favorite thing inside?
My sofa! A lot of times my kids are in here laying down, watching me work. And I have to admit, I have spent a few minutes on there myself, just reflecting on my business.

If you have questions about Wendy’s office, leave a comment and I’m sure she’d be happy to answer… Or just tell her how much you love her workspace!
Wendy, I love what you said about having your favorite images around you for when you are stressed or just going a little crazy. I need that! I have felt that stress and those long hours, and didn’t really think of ways to help bring me out of it. Images already speak so much to a photographer, but your OWN images can speak so much more! Love it. Totally inspired by your office and your words.
I love all the bright colors! Definitely looks like a work space that would inspire me to do my work and a place I’d be happy to spend all the hours in. Great work!
wow- i love this space! I am just starting on a whole room, all for me and my photography stuff! Please Wendy, I HAVE to know- where did you get those curtains? They 100% match my branding and I MUST have them! 🙂
Thanks for sharing all these office spaces, I have been so inspired! <3 you Leah- you rock!
Wow! I get love too! You’re awesome Tamsen!! Thank you! …Oh and I was eyeing those fabulous curtains too! Love!
I LOVE this! My office is a work in progress and this gives me inspiration to continue on. Love the bright colors and fun frames! Also it’s nice and CLEAN! Thanks for sharing!
Love this space! I’d love to know where you got those beautifully whimsical, colored picture frames. Or did you make them? I’d love one or two for my space! 🙂
Love her office! Before I read her interview, I looked at the pictures and felt happy! Great job!
love these office inspirations !!! giving me great idea:) just need to find the time to get it done …;)
What a wonderful space! I was wondering where you got those beautifully colorful and whimsical picture frames, or did you make them? I’d love to have one or two for my space- they are great!
Hi! The frames are by Organic Bloom, they sell directly to photographers. They are an amazing company with great customer service…not to mention, a great product!
Love it! Wendy I noticed you way to amazing business cards with frame shapes and colors. Wondering if you would share???
How funny that you picked Wendy! A friend of mine had her pictures done by Wendy a few years ago when she was still getting started in photography and I was DROOLING over her pictures then and so badly wanted Wendy to do my family pictures (I lived in her same town). Shortly after, I took up photography and started following Wendy’s blog and have ever since. How funny to see two blogs that I follow come together like this!
Happy … It’s so fun seeing how we all connect and us three happen to be pretty darn close in proximity as well! 🙂
Hey there Happy!!!