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What’s the cost to get started with In-Person Sales??

Registration closes tomorrow and I am SO EXCITED for the Go{4}Profit Web Event. We have photographers tuning in from Spain, Australia, Turkey, Japan, Canada, and of course all over the United States!

BUT YOU MIGHT NOT BE ONE OF THEM… And it dawned on me over the weekend that there may be a BIG SOMETHING HOLDING YOU BACK from registering for the Go{4} ProfitWeb Event. You’re worried that you don’t have the funds to get started with in-person sales. Well in this video I’m going to tell you exactly how much it will cost to get started.

Registration closes tomorrow – If you’ve waited this long – You’re just about out of time!


And enter the Coupon Code: ‘ JUMP 4 JOY ‘ and you’re going to be hooked up with $50 OFF!




  1. Lori M. says:

    I am SO EXCITED for this event! I have already started doing some in-person sales with great success. My question is how to keep the ordering session from going 2+ hours! The time seems to fly when we are together. I would love some tips for getting in and out within an hour if possible!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      We are absolutely going to be covering that! I had the same problem when I first started and have come up with some tricks to speed up the process without loosing any of the excitement or making my clients feel rushed!

  2. Yayy cant even wait 🙂 have held off launching my new blog and website until after the webnair to make sure i dont miss anything! -amanda gentry-now ella grey photography ( over in turkey! )

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Amanda!! You are an inspiration!! So many of us say we want it but don’t actually DO what it takes to make it happen! And here you are, waking up at 3am on the other side of the world because you’re MAKING IT HAPPEN FOR YOU! I can’t wait to see you thrive!

  3. Registered. Ready. Raring to go! Up until the past month or so, I’ve purposely been marketing as an “affordable” photographer, but being affordable is not getting me the volume I anticipated to make up for low prices. I am re-configuring my target market and it’s a perfect time to alter pricing, rev up the sales and turn down (throw OUT) the dollar store mentality. I love everything I’ve seen on your blog, I have a similar background in business and how I got started in photography, and I’m dying to learn more from you, especially about in-person sales! I love the way you think! Thank you for all your hard work and creativity, and for sharing it so generously where some can be a bit stingy!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Karynn… Wow! Thank you for such an awesome comment and I am raring to go too! We’re putting finishing touches on things and I am just so excited!!

  4. Shannon says:

    Would love to register for this webnair; but unfortunately I am booked and won’t be able to watch at the projected time. Is there going to be another date or a video that can be purchased to watch for all this fabulous information? Thanks for taking the time to pull this together!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      For those who are registered for the event there will be a recording available for purchase for only $19. But we have no plans to make it available any other way.

  5. Like a previous commenter, I’ve been advertising myself as an “affordable” option in my area, but I’m finding that “affordable” to others is ending up costing me (time away from family, etc.). However, I am concerned about in person ordering. A lot of people I have talked to don’t like to fee the pressure of having to make all those ordering decisions on the spot. They want to be able to talk it over with family members, etc. There is a really good photographer in my area that has lost customers because of that. How do I get around making my customers feel pressured?

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Oh I am so excited for you!! I am LITERALLY bouncing in my chair right now! {bounce, bounce, bounce)

      FIRST! Huge “ah ha” moment. Being affordable and being profitable take the SAME amount of work to get clients in the door! I know because I’ve done both so why not give yourself, your kids and your life permission to be Profitable?

      SECOND: My clients LOVE the ordering appointment. I’m serious, they say it’s their favorite part of the whole process. I have heard the same thing about in-person ordering and between you and me, I am dying to get to be a fly on the wall in that room because my appointments couldn’t be further from that scenario.

      I’ll be sharing everything on Thursday!

  6. Jenn says:

    This is coming at the perfect time for me! I have been planning to implement in person ordering this fall. My business is a little over two years old and I have built myself a nice client base and I continue to reach new clients. While I am happy with all that has happened these last two years I want to offer more. I get so excited about each new gallery I post and I want my clients to experience my excitement. I also want to do a better job of letting people get an idea of how I picture their images being displayed. I know my clients don’t know all the possibilities for their images and an online gallery just can’t tell them all the ideas I have in my head. I cannot wait to hear what you have to share. Sadly, I don’t think I will have a decent connection to watch live ( this is my last week at the beach with my kids) but I have already purchased my ticket and will be anxiously awaiting the recording. And, who knows, maybe the stars will align and I can hop on the webinar! Thanks for sharing what you have learned and your system 🙂

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Jenn… You are going to be the perfect “I can do this” fit! Hope you get to be with us live!

  7. Kym Boswell says:

    I’m looking forward to it all!!! I am going to be hanging on every word!!! Thanks to you I will most likely make fewer mistakes than most photographers that are just starting out. 🙂

  8. Yana K says:

    Finally registered! Excited to have a photography date with my favorite photo biz teacher 🙂

  9. Charlotte says:

    I run a dog photography business in Brisbane, Australia and am so looking forward to the event, 10.30am on Friday morning for me! I’m actually just moving cities and will be changing a few business things around – new branding etc. So this has come at the right time for me. I already do in-home ordering sessions but would love to learn how to make them more successful – as my expertise lies with animals and not people!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      The principles are all the same! I’ve been coaching an incredibly talented pet photographer in San Francisco for several months now and he’s implementing these same techniques into his business model and loving it. Can’t wait to have you with us Charlotte!

  10. Staci says:

    Hey, Leah. Just registered after being on the fence for more than a week now. Let me tell you what swayed me. This all just happened today…literally like hours ago! I had a client call this afternoon and ask some questions, because she’s trying to decide on the images she wants for her package. So, after about 10 minutes of trying to explain what a mini accordion album is, I said, “I can come over this evening go over your order and show you some of my accordion samples”. She was thrilled. Well this evening rolled around, and I realized my husband would be tied up and I’d have to take my 16-month-old son. Honestly, having to take him kind of soured things for me, but I got him fed and we headed out. I took my usual samples (my 10×20 storyboard print a 20×20 storyboard print, a couple of mini accordions and a 16×20 Canvas). I got everything in the car including my son, which is never easy getting out of the house with a baby. I was in the car, and it struck me to grap the 20×30 canvas of my son that I have hanging on my office wall. I admit, I was almost too lazy to run back up stairs to grab it, but I dragged myself out of the car into the garage, up the stair and yanked it off the wall. I drove to the clients house, arrived with baby in tow and juggling a bunch of samples. I had not shown any of the other samples, but as soon as her eyes saw the 20×30 canvas of my son, she said “I have to it”. She ordered my highest package, which includes a 30×40 canvas, plus she ordered the 20×20 storyboard print a la carte. Tonight is the first time I’ve ever sold my highest package!!!! And I didn’t even know what I was doing!!!! So, I figured I might be able to do even better with in person sales after going through the go4profit event and learning how to do IPS properly!!!! I’m excited!!!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      Congratulations Staci!! I’m so excited for you and I am so excited to build off of what just happened for you! You’re going to be spinning with excitement and possibility by the end!

  11. heather says:

    bummer. just tried to register but it’s closed 🙁

    • Leah Remillet says:

      I’m so sorry Heather! Registration closed at midnight. I needed one day to be able to get everything ready for the big event!

  12. Patty Calla says:

    I registered and I just can’t wait another day to hear what you are going to tell us! I have finally hit the wall of working my butt off and only having one hundred and two hundred dollar sales. I have been avoiding in person sales like the plague! But my gut tells me it is what I have to do to succeed. I am missing out on so much time with my family and it is just not worth it. I am finally ready for the changes I need to make to succeed. I want to work less and make more! Is that to much to ask? LoL
    Thank you for sharing!

    • Leah Remillet says:

      No that’s not even close to much to ask for! That’s exactly what I decided I wanted to have happen and it did!!! And I’m going to tell you exactly how so I’m thinking that, yes, of course it can happen for you two!

      But I have a question for you, because you’re not the first to say it… Why were you avoiding it like a plague? What was so unappealing about in-person sales? Did it seem to pushy, to much work, to much time?? Dying to know what was holding you back… And just an fyi – you’re going to be so happy that you came to this side! 😀

      • Patty Calla says:

        I am such a pushover! And I don’t like Sales! honestly I think I could be great for any
        other photographer knowing what I know now but to try and sell my stuff I just have a
        hard time doing it. I want to give it away and just hate telling them how much a 20×24 canvas costs! Along with, Time, I am booking so many sessions I just can’t imagine making
        time to meet with them too. But I am realizing I am kicking myself in the pants selling on line.
        Hence the reason I signed up for your Class! I can see what is wrong but I just have not taken
        the time to fix it. Sure hope I gain enough from you to be able to change it. I just don’t know if you
        can buy confidence! : )

        • Leah Remillet says:

          Well we’re going to talk a lot on the subject of confidence and I am going to attempt to push some of mine over into your screen! Will see if it works?! I think it just might! 🙂

  13. Paulina says:

    I’m going to be totally honest…I am not a professional photographer -but it is my goal in life! 🙂 Right now I’m in the taking portrait pictures for friends and family for free stage. When I saw this opportunity- I was so excited-I signed right up! I hope to one day soon put this knowledge to work! I am a firm believer that as agreat as a product is- whatever it may be- it is the experience as a whole that makes a customer/client happy and return! 🙂

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