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Don’t tell me I can’t… Don’t tell me you can’t!

You don’t have to be what they say you are! You don’t have to agree to what they say you should do! You don’t have to be seen the way they make you feel. The only thing you do have to do, is define what’s best for you and your family and GO{4} it!

I saw it in all of their faces. “That will be so great for your kids” but nobody thought it was so great as a business idea and that set me on fire! I was absolutely determined to prove that it was not going to just result in awesome pictures of my kids… That was my bonus! My business, was going to result in awesome profits for my kids, for my family, for MYSELF!

As I began to type these next words I felt the giddiness rising up inside of me like explosive fizzy bubbles working their way up a soda bottle… _I’ve done it!_ I guess I don’t really go around saying that much, I mean it’s not very humble! But, I have! Just today my sister (the doctor) made a comment, “and that’s why you make the big money!” This life is for thriving and thriving, of course has never been about just money. Money is nice (don’t get me wrong), but it’s also about passion and purpose! And when you have them all… Well that is THRIVING!

Now there is one thing that every photographer needs if they want to pursue their passion, purpose and profits and that’s… CLIENTS! But you need more then just clients… Lot’s of photographer’s have “clients” but they aren’t thriving. If you want to separate yourself from the pack you don’t just need clients, you need the right clients!

I am so excited to share everything with you on how to make that happen… How to get the RIGHT CLIENTS! And maybe even more importantly how to get yourself ready for those right clients! it’s not all going to be what you think, or what I originally thought either! I love sharing the answers with you, I already did on Friday morning and I’m going to share it all one more time on Tuesday Night in the web event, Go{4} CLIENTS.

A few of the topics covered include:

1. How to define your target client
2. How to find marketing clarity
3. How to get your dream clients excited to call YOU!
4. Daily Deals (why they are a disaster for most and how I turned them into over a $1500 client avg. sale for me!)
5. How to effectively use Promotions

**There is one opportunity left and then this presentation will not be available on the web again for one year! Register right now for TUESDAY, SEPT 20th (5:30pm PST / 8:30pm EST)**

Here’s what a few of the fabulous photographer’s from Friday’s Web Event are saying…

Here’s what I loved about the Go{4}Pro seminar: Lovely Leah gave me concrete marketing ideas where I only had concepts before. I have been trying to figure out marketing in partnership with other businesses with uncertainty and mixed success, but BOOM – Leah gave me a clearer road map for how to do it. Leah goes a step further than most other marketing seminars/books and describes exactly how to work specific promotions. And she gave enough ideas that there would be an idea (or twenty) for everyone. If you didn’t jump in on today’s event, I recommend not missing Tuesday’s. -Jenika

Wow! The Go4Clients webinar was amazing! I will be attending all of the webinars to come for sure! And years from now, when we are all retiring, I hope you do a webinar on how to sell your business, because we are all going to be building very valuable businesses with all of this great coaching!!!! Thanks so much, Leah!!!!! You are awesome!!!! -Mary Beth Taylor

You absolutely rock!!! Thank you so much!!! – Michelle

I am so excited to use the new ideas that Leah Remilet gave me from her Webinar Today!!! I had so many ideas in my head that my poor husband had to sit here for over and hour listening to me ramble on and on!! Thank you so much Leah and I can’t wait to hear more ideas next time!!  -Lisa Calnon

Amazing, as always! You never disappoint – all my gratitude to you for sharing with us! -Karynn

Just finished the Go{4}Pro Photos Webinar with Leah Remillet. Can’t wait to implement some of the wonderful things I learned in my own photography business. I encourage you all to check out all of the wonderful things she offers to help your business THRIVE! -Backdrops Floordrops ByImajen

First chance you get, make SURE to sign up for the Go{4}Clients Webinar! A wealth of brilliant ideas and Leah’s very own innovative marketing concept. Again, she doesn’t disappoint! Thank you, Leah!!!! -Karynn Avarell Jorgensen

Another GREAT/INFORMATIVE webnair with Leah at Go{4}Pro Photos tonight…fellow photogs don’t miss out she’s doing another next week! -Ella Grey

Thanks Leah for the great Go4Clients Web Event. Wonderful and informative! Now to decide how big do I really want to be hmmmm. The sky is the limit!  -Photography Du Jour

Leah- Thanks for all the info! Love learning! Do you think you’ll ever have a business 101 webinar? Like pricing, legalities, etc. -Paulina
Leah, you are SO organized. All the photographer who are not familier with business should take this class. Like fancy potography business 101!! So glad you did it through the web:) Thank you! – Keiko
Leah, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience with us! The Go 4 Clients webinar on Friday was wonderful! I have been thinking about all the fabulous ideas you offered, and I am so excited to add to my repertoire. Thank you for your encouragement and generosity, you are awesome! 🙂 – Bloom Shoot Photography
Really, you can’t afford to miss this! If you’re skeptical or debating whether or not you’ll learn anything new – I PROMISE you will! Even as a seasoned business owner for the past 12 years, I can tell you, I did! Leah actually invented a marketing concept that you won’t find in any classroom, textbook or Google search. But she doesn’t stop with just one concept – she shares a few, then TEACHES you how and even gives the tools to get started! In true Leah Remillet fashion, she gives 110%! -Karynn Elizabeth
Wow! The Go4Clients webinar was amazing! I will be attending all of the webinars to come for sure! And years from now, when we are all retiring, I hope you do a webinar on how to sell your business, because we are all going to be building very valuable businesses with all of this great coaching!!!! Thanks so much, Leah!!!!! You are awesome!!!! -Mary Beth Taylor

I am soooooo excited for this second and last Go{4}Clients Web Event!! Photographers are registering from all over the world, I hope you’re one of them! In fact I want you to thrive so badly, _{I want to prove again and again and again to as many photographers as I can reach that we can do this}_ that I’m extending the coupon code (GO4CLIENTS) and giveing you $100 off! So take the next step, believe that this can happen for you too and go and REGISTER RIGHT NOW!




  1. Really, you can’t afford to miss this! If you’re skeptical or debating whether or not you’ll learn anything new – I PROMISE you will! Even as a seasoned business owner for the past 12 years, I can tell you, I did! Leah actually invented a marketing concept that you won’t find in any classroom, textbook or Google search. But she doesn’t stop with just one concept – she shares a few, then TEACHES you how and even gives the tools to get started! In true Leah Remillet fashion, she gives 110%!

    • Thank you so so much Karynn for your wonderful feedback! I feel like you said it perfectly for what I wanted it to be for the photographers who attend! I always, always want to give more then people expect… It’s my whole business philosophy really! …And it feels SOOOOO good when people see it and SAY IT! 🙂

  2. Alison says:

    I am so glad I attended this webinar! I am at a huge turning point with my business, and this gave me the edge I need to jump off in a big way! I plan to go full time in the not too distant future (hubby is getting his business up and going, so my date will depend there!) but in the interim, I want to build the strongest, most solid and well loved business that I possibly can! Leah has given me a great starting place with this webinar! Once time is a bit free-er I will be setting up some one on one time to help me continue in the same direction!

you said:

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