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Get Your Photography Business Organized!

Confessions: Last night was a little bit of a lot of craziness! We had so many people registered for the webinar that people were getting booted out left and right, even I couldn’t get in at first! Thankfully gotowebinar was great and got everything sorted out for us so that we were able to begin! We got started and I was using my iPad (trying something new) to follow my outline. As Murphy’s law would suggest… Anything that could go wrong would go wrong and I found myself to be seemingly repelling technology.

I want to first say thank you to everyone who attended and stuck through the craziness with me and even more so thank you for all of the wonderful feedback!! When we finished up I was thinking ‘I only wish they could have heard how it was really intended’… So I recorded it again last night, this time printing my outline (member how I told you I really like old fashioned paper).

I’m excited to share the Get Organized webinar with you today as it was truly intended!! I’m also so excited to repost that we’ve reached over 9000 photographers on Facebook! 9,000 people who want to see their passion become profitable… Who aim to thrive!

The 72 hours is up and we’ve take the webinar down BUT we’ll be offering more great things, including this webinar again so make sure you’re a newsletter subscriber and a facebook follower so you never miss out on the awesome stuff we’re offering to help you THRIVE!

If you have any questions while listening, just leave a comment here so that I can respond. We can have our own impromptu Q&A in the comments.




  1. Stephanie says:

    Thank you for sharing this again! You ROCK!

  2. Karen Cooley says:

    YAY! Thank you!!! I couldn’t make it last night, so I’m SO grateful for this!!

  3. You did an awesome job with it despite any snags – I think you handled it with wit and grace. I was listening in last night from the East coast and I certainly didn’t mind waiting a little extra time to be able to hear your inspirational words! Thanks for the motivation and all the hard work you put into helping others thrive! 🙂 Also, I would LOVE to use the “time sensitive offer”, but I’m not 100% sure which things it can be used towards. Do you mind clarifying it here or shooting me an email to let me know? Thanks!

    • Hi Tiffany! Thank you so much for the encouragement… You know how sometimes what you have in your head just isn’t what comes out. This happens to my sweet 6 year old all the time when she’s painting well thats how I felt last night and I was so scared that it had been a disappointment. SO I’m really, really grateful to hear that even through the snags I was still able to help. The $50 coupon code is for The THriving Photographer. If you use GO4TTP it will bring down the price to $449 plus I’m throwing in the Newsletter Templates right now so that an additional $48 value! 🙂

  4. Thank you so much for giving those of us who missed the webinar a chance to view it. I ended up sick yesterday and was very disappointed to not join in, so seeing this today made my day!! 😀 The webinar was full of great advice that I will be implementing, not only for the business that I am dreaming of creating, but also in my personal life as well. Thank you again! <3

  5. LOVED the webinar! Thanks for making it available after the fact! I’m also really excited about The Thriving Photographer – sounds like what I’ve been looking for. Gonna start budgeting for that puppy this week!

  6. Melinda T says:

    Yay, I was running late from work and had trouble logging on, so this is great! But sorry to hear about the slight difficulties! Can’t wait to watch it later! Thanks so much!

  7. Tiffany Hendrickson says:

    Hi Leah! I really liked the webinar and I thought it was well done. So much so, I really want to purchase the new “thrive” kit. However, I won’t be able to until March 20th and I was wondering how long the promotional price was going to last? Thanks!

  8. Erin says:

    Hey Leah!

    How long after purchase will the download for TTP be available? Bought it this morning and can’t wait to check it out! Thanks for the other goodies too!

  9. Love, love, LOVE! But that’s to be expected. You always bombard us with fabulousness. I can’t wait to dive in to “The Thriving Photographer!”

    It IS a bit of a challenge to know what exactly to invest in – especially in such a tight economic time. {I think we’re all feeling that, aren’t we?}

    So I’m ecstatic that now I can invest in ALL of these products at once and at such an incredible price. Wow. I sound like a commercial. But seriously, you have been such a huge boost to all things “Ashtyn Jade,” and I thank you for that!

    Heading over to the shop now! Yay!!

  10. Adrienne says:

    I’m so so glad you offered us a second chance to see this. I missed the live event for date night with the hubby. 🙂 I really enjoyed hearing your ideas! Thank you!

you said:

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