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Simple Strategies: Ugly Day

Today I’m sharing one of my own simple strategies…   

This is a busy week – Thanksgiving is only days away – Cooking needs to commence, and Black Friday is looming.

Thank goodness it’s UGLY DAY!

Cleaning the house

Every Monday is UGLY DAY for me.  Yes, that is actually how I refer to it in our house.  I really should have come up with a more attractive name!

But all the same, every Monday – (and my family knows it) – I’m getting work done.

No makeup, no hair product, no cute clothes.  I don’t plan to leave the house (or even answer the door).

It’s my roll-up-my-sleeves-and-barrel-through-the-trenches day.


I need UGLY DAY.  After incredibly full weekends… Ugly Day takes the pressure off and gives me one whole day to get everything back on track.

What do you think?  Want to give UGLY DAY a try?

Just please don’t come knocking on Ugly Day… because I’ll be the one hiding behind the furniture – pretending not to be home.


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Are you ready for more?  I’m determined to prove to as many photographers as will let me that you can have passion, profits and time for a great life.  I create six-figure photographers, and I’d love to teach you, step-by-step, how it’s done.  This is happening for photographers from all over the world who are just like you.  Let me prove just how wildly successful YOU can be!

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  1. Beth says:

    Right there with you! I think we should officially change the name of the day. Seriously between the train wreck that my house is after the weekend, the endless emails, phone messages, orders etc. . . for the business that need to be done . . .I’m a hot mess! LOL!

    P.S. Thanks for this! Nice to know I’m not alone.

    • You’re so welcome! And THANK YOU for letting ME know that I’m not alone! You all could be walking around in stilettos on your sparkling wood floors, while I’m sitting here in my work out clothes and giant slippers. 🙂

  2. Melissa says:

    Love it, we all need a day like this. As women, we tend to commit to too much, thinking we have to do it all (and look good while doing it). I usually do this while my hubby watches football and plays with the kids. Nobody bothers me while I’m getting my work done which is amazing.

  3. Michelle says:

    This is exactly how I feel about Monday’s! I rarely get to leave my apartment because I’m stuck at my computer all day editing. But, I get to be home instead of heading out to an office at a job I don’t like. So I try to focus on that perk 🙂

  4. haha! I have “Irish Day” because I have a hoody sweatshirt that is green and says “kiss me, I’m Irish” that I wear on days that I have no clients and plan to just get work done in my office and around the house. Very much the same thing as “ugly day.”

  5. Everybody needs an Ugly Day! Excellent idea – thanks for sharing!

  6. Amanda says:

    Love it! My husband knows Mondays are my “Oh yeah I have a family” days. Prep and precook for the week, 5-6 loads of laundry, lens cap round up (I have a toddler!), vacuum and steam the floors… I love having a guilt free day where I can just get things done without feeling like I’m supposed to be working on something! Vice versa I don’t feel guilty about the dishes sitting in the sink while I get engrossed in editing. Working from home has its perks, but waking up at work makes it so hard to stop!

you said:

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