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There’s a new goal, a new idea, and new wish… Where does your brain go?
According to professor Leidy Klotz, author of ‘Subtract, the Untapped Science of Less’, we naturally tend to go toward addition when trying to solve a problem. Our instinct is to add to our to-do list, bring in one more thing – may that be a course, more storage containers, or, in his case, more Lego bricks to fix a lopsided bridge.
We instinctively lean toward more, but is that really always the best answer?
Our brains will instantly look to see what it should ADD in order to get you your desired outcome. But science is telling us that in order to get what we want faster, the real secret might be in the art of subtraction… Of doing less!
If you’ve ever felt the overwhelming urge to add more to your life, be it tasks, commitments, or acrylic storage containers (just me?), thinking this will be the thing that brings you closer to your ideal existence? I know I have. Then let’s explore another way…Perhaps the secret to a more fulfilling life lies not in addition but in subtraction!
Join me as I delve into a fascinating conversation with professor and author Leidy Klotz about the untapped science of doing less.
In this Interview: Professor at the University of Virginia, Leidy Klotz

Leidy Klotz is the author of Subtract and a professor at the University of Virginia. Leidy studies the science of design, which, he reminds us, is something we all do every day.
Before becoming a professor, Leidy designed schools in New Jersey and before that he played professional soccer.
The Instinct to Add
Leidy kicks off the conversation by addressing a common phenomenon: our tendency to add rather than subtract. He shares a personal anecdote about playing Legos with his son, highlighting how we often default to thinking about what we can add to improve a situation. This instinct, he argues, can hinder us from considering subtraction as a viable and effective option.
What does it look like to practice subtraction
An important distinction to make when you want to start the practice of subtracting is the way you think about it. It’s not lazy to want to eliminate certain things in our lives. We want to subtract and make room in our lives to do better, to have a bigger impact. Whether that impact is in our businesses or in our home life, the intention is for fulfillment.
When you are clear on what your goals are, you gain clarity on the things that can be subtracted.

Impact Over Busyness
Let’s talk about the cultural glorification of busyness and the subconscious link between being busy and feeling valuable. Leidy emphasizes the importance of aligning our activities with our goals, particularly the goal of making a meaningful impact. Subtraction, in this context, becomes a strategic tool for enhancing our effectiveness and achieving our desired outcomes.
Subtraction in real life
There are some areas of our life that may be easier than others to practice subtraction. Leidy shared that he is able to practice subtraction with ease when it comes to physical items; he is good at subtracting in work life, but when it comes to parenting and home life, he struggles. I’m going to guess that is where a lot of you do too! His reasoning was that as adults and parents, because we are capable of doing a lot of things, naturally we think we should be doing every single thing. It becomes more difficult to weigh which things are most important because they all feel important. And when everything is important, it’s almost impossible to subtract. Instead, we find ourselves continuing to add.
I have found that sometimes the thing I need to subtract is ME! When I handed off dinner to a meal plan service and the prep to each of my three kids (I talk about this all the time), it changed the dinner game for our family. Family dinner is important to me, and I thought I had to be the one to make it happen. By taking myself out of the equation, it actually made it MORE possible!
We can also subtract in parenting and home life by delegating and by allowing our kids to be bored. This was a huge one for me too. When we subtract ourselves and allow our kids to step up to the plate, they get to experience things on their own and end up feeling really proud of themselves. So it is a win for everyone!

Optimize Your Day Using Subtraction
Get in the habit of asking yourself “could I subtract here?” whenever you are feeling overwhelmed.
You might also want to use a different word. The word subtract can have a negative feel to it and you might find yourself not feeling connected or inspired by it. Instead of focusing on the subtraction and what you are taking away, you focus on the positive and what are you gaining. Words like carve, reveal, clean, etc. I liked using the word reveal. What am I able to reveal when there is less?
As we navigate our busy lives, it’s essential to challenge the default instinct to add and consider the untapped potential of subtracting. Whether in our professional pursuits, personal lives, or parenting, the science of subtraction offers a fresh perspective on achieving greater impact with intentional and strategic choices.
Sometimes, less truly is more, and subtraction might be the missing piece in our quest for a purposeful and fulfilling life.
Links You Need:
I love connecting with listeners!! Let me know what you think of this episode or if there’s a topic you want me to cover by sending me a DM on Instagram!
You can find Leidy and all his resources at | Leidy on X
Book: Subtract the Untapped Scienced of Less by Leidy Klotz (on Amazon and Audible)
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[00:00:00] Leah: Sometimes you hear an idea or a thought and it just shifts. It’s everything. It’s one that you just can’t forget. That is exactly how I felt when I read the book Subtract by Lighty Klautz. The book is called Subtract the untapped science of less. And I don’t even know how I found it. I think it came up as a recommendation on my Audible and you know, I love the idea of doing less but better.
[00:00:26] Leah: I’m always talking about that. So of course, if I see a book that says the untapped science of less, I’m like. Okay, yes, I have to read it. Well, as soon as I started reading it, I mean, I loved it. Just this idea that we are drawn to add. We are drawn to constantly add things. We say, I need something to be better, I need to have more balance, and then we immediately look for what we can add into our life to create more balance, to not feel so overwhelmed, to whatever it is we’re talking about.
[00:00:55] Leah: When so often, the truth is, if we would subtract, if we would remove things, We would actually get better results. Just so fascinating to think about how we seem to be hardwired to add when the very thing we might need is actually to subtract. So, in the middle of me reading this book, I reached out to the author and told him I absolutely loved the book and I had to have him on the podcast.
[00:01:22] Leah: And he came on back, the original episode was episode 17. I mean, Balancing Busy Podcast had just started. It was brand new. It was still a baby. It was such a good episode. So fantastic. So that’s why this week I am bringing back my interview with Lighting Cloud. So we have refined it. We’ve gone back in, enhanced the audio, which makes me so happy.
[00:01:47] Leah: I just feel like everyone needs to listen to this episode because this idea, this untapped science of less and shifting to think about how we can remove Versus what we need to add. I have now been using this for over a year and it has profoundly helped me and I want it to help you as well. So without anything else, let’s jump into this incredible interview with Lighty Kloutz about the art of subtracting and doing less and how it can really give us the results that we’ve been after.
[00:02:23] Leah: Okay, let’s jump in.
[00:02:25] Leah: Welcome to the Balancing Busy Podcast, where I help time starved business owners cut their hours without losing income, dropping the ball with clients, or hurting the customer experience. I’m your host, Leah Remillet. Since 2009, I’ve built six and seven figure income streams while working part time hours.
[00:02:45] Leah: This is possible and you are capable. So let’s jump in. Welcome to the Balancing Busy Podcast. I am Leah Remillet. I have such a treat for us. We are going to be talking about doing less but better, but in a way that is going to blow your mind. You just wait. I have Lighty Klotz with me, and he is the author of the book, Subtraction, which I’ve been obsessing over for the last couple of weeks.
[00:03:14] Leah: He is also a professor at the University of Virginia. You were also a professional soccer player before all of this began. Yes. That’s, I mean, that’s its own amazing thing. So I found you through Stanford’s, um, Masters of Creativity series, and you had this lecture on, um, the untapped science. Of less, which of course then I had to like, there was, there was no way I was not clicking that button.
[00:03:43] Leah: Like I was like, yep, I love this. And so I found that then I immediately bought your book, which your book is praised by like Carol Dweck and Dan Heath and Adam Grant. Like these incredible people and me. I am not in that echelon, but like me.
[00:03:57] Leidy: Yes, you are. You’re in that echelon.
[00:04:00] Leah: Um, so is there anything else that, that I should, that we should know about you?
[00:04:05] Leah: Tell, tell us a little bit
[00:04:06] Leidy: about you. Uh, I’m an under 10 soccer coach right now, the black mambas. So yeah. Uh, yeah. So maybe that I’m a husband and a dad of, um, uh, an eight year old and a three year old. So those are important things that take up a lot of my time, uh, in a good way. Yes.
[00:04:28] Leah: Okay. I love that because I think, and I love it.
[00:04:31] Leah: I actually really love that you’re the soccer coach too, because I think you can truly relate to. The majority of my listeners who we are juggling a lot of different things and you are juggling a lot of different things. You are, you know, deep in your research work, you’re an author, you’re a professor and you’re also soccer dad and like coaching and that’s got to be, I mean, those kids are so lucky.
[00:04:54] Leah: That’s the coolest coach ever. You’re like,
[00:04:57] Leidy: yeah, no, I’m lucky. I mean, it’s like, yeah, that’s the problem and not the problem, but it’s the blessing, right? It’s like you’ve got all these really great options and I’m getting to hang out with them. Thanks. A bunch of 10 year olds or under 10 year olds plus your son when he still thinks.
[00:05:12] Leidy: Like he still thinks it’s cool to have dad be the coach. So I gotta take advantage of that as long as it lasts.
[00:05:18] Leah: You really should. Absolutely. Because mine are all like teenagers. Now we’re slightly less cool at this point. Like my son just had a dance and he was like, under no circumstance are you allowed to chaperone?
[00:05:29] Leah: You guys will try to dance and you will embarrass me. I’m like, dang it, we lost our coolness. So yes, yes, definitely capture that. Okay, so, um, let’s just jump in. You, um, you talk a lot about, obviously, subtraction, and we all say that we want less. We say that, right? Like, that, that’s the idea. Like, I think of the buzzwords of, we’re too overwhelmed, we’re too overscheduled, we are overextended.
[00:06:00] Leah: Uh, these are, these are really popular topics, and yet, even when we say that, It’s really hard to let go, and it’s even to think of subtraction. So will you kind of talk us through that a little bit?
[00:06:15] Leidy: Yeah, I mean, this will be the most kind of into the weeds of the research we get. I promise. But I mean, that was the reason I wrote the book is because we came across this really amazing research finding, which is essentially that whenever we try to Make something better, right?
[00:06:32] Leidy: When we try to take something from how it is to how we want it to be. Our first thought is to say, Hey, what can we add to this situation? And then we, the problem there is that we sometimes add and move on without even considering whether subtraction might have been A better option. And, you know, this, the first example of this was me playing Legos with my eight year old.
[00:06:55] Leidy: He was three at the time. And, uh, and we’re building a bridge and the bridge wasn’t level. And so I removed or I went to add a block to the shorter column on the bridge and he immediately removed a block from the longer column. And that’s the. That’s the thing, right? It’s like I thought of adding first, I would have moved on if he hadn’t been there to randomly subtract this thing and show me that that was also a way to solve the problem.
[00:07:20] Leidy: And we, you know, we studied it in a whole bunch of different context, like writing, um, are Our calendars. There’s a one. Eventually we got to a point where we’re like doing studies trying to like, okay, this surely people will subtract from this. We gave people this ridiculous day trip itinerary in Washington, D.
[00:07:40] Leidy: C. And they had to do like 14 different things. And Big things like go to the Smithsonian or go to the Lincoln Memorial, eat at a five star bistro. And there was a drag and drop interface. And you said, okay, how would you make your itinerary better? And people added stuff to that itinerary. The majority added stuff instead of taking things away.
[00:07:59] Leidy: So it’s just like this first instinct to be like, okay, the way to make things better is to do more. Um, I was talking to a, an awesome group last week and there was this, uh, Really thoughtful woman there who talked about how she, like, once a year, she goes down and sits on the boardwalk and, uh, looks out at the ocean and thinks about her dad, who was really influential in her life, but has since passed away.
[00:08:23] Leidy: And like, she’s like, one of the questions she asked them is like, what more could I be doing? Right. And so it’s like all these ways that we’re like, okay, more is the default thing that we think of. And, and one last example that maybe gets a little bit at like why we have such a hard time relieving it. My friend, Ben, who’s, uh, he did some of this research, a lot of the research with us.
[00:08:47] Leidy: He’s a co author on the journal article. Um, and about halfway into doing that research. It’s just, you know, dozens of studies. We’ve just been immersed in it for like two years. He’s he goes to me. Hey, I’m taking some of our research to heart and I had gotten them this Uh, this bell, it was like one of those dinner bells, a triangle West, like that you see in Western movies and, uh, that, that they would ring when they said no to something.
[00:09:13] Leidy: And so he’s like, my department chair came and asked me to be on this committee and I said, no. So then I like rang the Nobel and I was like. Well, that’s great, Ben. But you you didn’t actually subtract anything, right? Because you just all you did was not add something. And if the problem is that your schedule is overloaded, you know, it’s a problem if you think that you’re taking away when really you’re just not adding.
[00:09:38] Leidy: So this is it’s a it’s a hard thing to do. And of course, you know, the research shows that we don’t think of it. But that’s just the first chapter of the book. There are a lot of reasons why we don’t might not do it even after we do think of it. Yeah.
[00:09:53] Leah: So I was interviewed about a week ago and I’m talking about Last Step Better.
[00:09:59] Leah: I’m talking about how I cut my hours back from full time to part time. And he makes this comment, like, how did you do that though? My, my inclination would be, oh my gosh, I can add a whole nother business now that I got this one down to part time. And, and we all do that. We all have this sense of feeling like we need to add.
[00:10:18] Leah: And I think it’s so emotionally connected. I was thinking about, um, you know, the, the concept of busyness. And. We say we don’t want to be busy, and yet there is this connection with if I’m busy, I’m in demand, I’m wanted, I’m more valuable, I must be better, and if there’s white space, if there’s, if there’s less, then I’m not as Valuable, as desired, as wanted.
[00:10:45] Leah: And so we all say we don’t wanna be busy, and yet there’s this, this field towards busyness and, and filling up and not missing out on any opportunities and all of that. How have you combated that because your, your life is so full. There’s so much and I, I, I’m gonna add one thought to this. I’ve been really considering and pondering I’m, I’m going to always have a lot because I’m multi-passionate.
[00:11:09] Leah: There’s a lot of things. You have a lot. So it’s this, this. Transition in this transformation from frantic to fulfilled and full as in a full life, but fulfilled. How do we, how do we get there? Yeah,
[00:11:25] Leidy: I, I really appreciate how you framed it. I think this was before we were recording, but just that, like, you’re driven to make it have an impact.
[00:11:33] Leidy: Right. And that’s, I’m driven to have an impact. And so this isn’t a case where it’s like we. Neither of us would be happy if we were just like, Oh, I’m just going to like watch TV or play golf the rest of my life. And like, just kind of kick back and not make things happen. So this isn’t a matter of like subtracting out of laziness.
[00:11:49] Leidy: This is like subtracting to do better, to have a, have a bigger impact. And if that means like working three days and then spending the other days with your family or your partner, or, you know, on vacation, um, I think. And then, yeah, it’s funny about the busyness. It’s almost like a humble brag, right? You go and you know, I’m so busy, but really what you’re saying is like, Hey, look how awesome I am.
[00:12:13] Leidy: I have so much stuff that I’m doing and I’m not taking care of my health. And, um, so I don’t, I guess one general thing. It’s not, uh, is just to. If the goal is impact, right? I think kind of going back to what those goals are, because so many times the and that can give us a little bit of clarity on the things that can be subtracted, right?
[00:12:35] Leidy: Um, you know, if your goal is impact in terms of changing people’s lives who you. Work with, then, you know, having having three days a week of work where you do a great job with them and then having four days where you have time to do the other things in your life that kind of help clear your brain and, you know, keep the other parts of your life functioning in a strong way.
[00:13:00] Leidy: Um, and kind of read, read. Reenergize you. That’s in service of that goal of, you know, kind of helping, helping the people that you’re helping for those three days. So, I mean, that’s how I think about like exercising, for example, right? It’s like, that’s one thing that people chop out and It should be almost the last thing after like sleeping and eating that you chop out.
[00:13:23] Leidy: Right. I mean, so it’s like I’ll exercise in the middle of the day and come up with some of my, my best ideas. So, but again, I think the general principle there is like, what’s the, we often lose focus on what that goal is, you know, what the impact is that we want to have. And that can be the thing that gives us clarity on, on what we can subtract to, uh, to do a better job with that impact.
[00:13:45] Leidy: Um, it’s also interesting. Some cultures don’t have that busyness. I’ve or so I’ve heard, but I like I’ve heard stories that, you know, if you go to Italy or Spain, the first thing people will say isn’t what do you do? They’ll say, like, where are you going on vacation? Right? And so it’s like the questions you ask are, um, I don’t know that the culture doesn’t have to be that way.
[00:14:07] Leidy: Although the I don’t know. I’m kind of, uh, what’s the word? I’m kind of partial to the like impact. You know, I want to know what people are doing. I don’t really want to know where they’re going on vacation. You know, I wouldn’t be happy if my whole life was just going on vacation.
[00:14:23] Leah: Agreed. It’s, it’s, it’s in finding the balance.
[00:14:27] Leah: But I agree. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. There was this 2014 Super Bowl commercial. It was done by Cadillac. Have you ever seen that?
[00:14:37] Leidy: Uh, you’re gonna have to tell me which one and then I’ll, I’ll have to know. I know the Bob Dylan one, but I think that was 2007 when he was driving.
[00:14:45] Leah: So this one.
[00:14:47] Leah: You have the actor, he’s standing in front of his amazing, beautiful pool and he’s, it, the, the idea is, why do we do all this? Is it, is it just for show? Is it to have the toys? Which is a rhetorical question, we’re basically gonna get to the end because, yes, but he’s trying not to frame it that way. And you see him pass by his kids and he gives them a high five and he’s like, you know, there’s countries where they take the entire month of August off.
[00:15:13] Leah: We, you know, we don’t do that. And he like high fives, his kids passing them by and hands off the New York Times to his wife in passing. And it’s heading, you know, through this beautiful house. And he’s like, we went to the moon. Why did we stop? Because we got bored. And like this whole concept of like, you know, we just go, go, go.
[00:15:30] Leah: And he gets to the end, he’s standing in front of his Cadillac. And, you know, he’s like, we do it because this is who we are as Americans. And we, we, you know, we don’t need the whole month. And I watched the commercial and I’m like. I kind of want the month actually. I mean, I want impact and I want intention.
[00:15:48] Leah: And I love, I love working. Like it’s truly a creative outlet for me. You know, I, I joke, um, when the whole family’s gone, like if the kids all have activities and my husband’s gone and I have the night to myself and it’s like, what are you going to do? I’m like, I’m going to work. I’m so excited. I love what I do, but I also want to teach myself to have that downtime.
[00:16:08] Leah: Like what you said, when you’re exercising, you get. that time to have creativity and some of your best thoughts as you’re just thinking these things. But I think about that and I think, yes, it is such a cultural thing, especially in the United States, this idea that we push more, more, more. And More can be good, but it can also be to our detriment when we neglect exercise and sleep and our health and our key relationships of, you know, our partner and our children and all those kind of things.
[00:16:39] Leah: It can get really hard. So, so what are some of the ways in your personal life where you have
[00:16:52] Leidy: subtracted? Uh, I’ve gotten much better with. My time. Um, and I, you know, I, I got to hang out with some business school professors and they’re really good at kind of helping you focus on opportunity costs, right? It’s like, Hey, you know, it doesn’t make sense for you to drive. 30 minutes to pick up the pizza to save 5, right?
[00:17:14] Leidy: It’s unless it’s something that you love to do or you’re like going with your kids or something, but it just in no world does that make sense. Um, so like really prioritizing time. Um, also, I mean, that’s an easy one that driving to get pizza, but you know, thinking about work activities and where. It’s really easy, especially in a job like mine where you’re, you know, you’re part of a big organization and you’re not kind of, you’re not the one on the, on the hook for the profits and losses, right?
[00:17:47] Leidy: Like where you’re, so it’s really easy to just kind of like float around, go to a bunch of meetings, like show to people that you’re, you’re there and you’re generally active, but you’re not ever really like making these critical, asking yourself these critical questions about like, how do I provide the most value?
[00:18:04] Leidy: Right. Um, and. So getting better at that too, right? So being a little bit more ruthless with how I allocate my time in my job. Um, and, you know, I say ruthless, but I’ll like meet with a student whenever, uh, you know, I see that as something that’s like. Aligns with my vision. So I’m good at the time stuff.
[00:18:26] Leidy: I’m, I think I’m good at the, I think of subtraction across three different places. It’s kind of like our social situations. Um, so time also physical things. I’m good at subtracting physical things, but I have an eight year old and a three year old and a wife who wants to make sure they have everything.
[00:18:42] Leidy: And so like our house is a disaster and it’s, uh, we put an addition on our house. That I write in about in the book. It’s like, I ran this whole design competition for students. It’s like, how could you renovate our house to make it work as well in the same amount of square feet or, or less? Uh, so we tried to get, it was even called addition by subtraction.
[00:19:03] Leidy: That was the name of the, uh, the competition. And we ended up with like 900 square feet on the back of the house, which was the right decision for us. I mean, we were getting. Another kid and the other one was growing up. But, um, so I’m, I’m okay personally with physical things. I find it challenging with a family, uh, ideas is the other category, right?
[00:19:24] Leidy: So it’s like, how do you like rethink the things? That you already know. And you know, this, uh, this is hard. They call, um, you know, people who study learning, call it knowledge construction, right? It’s like a very additive description of how how this happens. It’s like we take new information and Put it onto our existing mental models.
[00:19:48] Leidy: But if you think about some of the biggest breakthroughs in your own thinking, it’s often when you, you know, kind of question something that, that you’ve always believed, um, and remove it from the mental model. So, I mean, I, uh, like everybody, I could be better at that, but I, I do try to, you know, kind of set aside time for that in addition to.
[00:20:10] Leidy: Reading and acquiring knowledge, just kind of laying out what I, what I think and, and kind of scrutinizing those. So, um, yeah, those are some of the examples of, of how I tried to practice it. I’m horrible at it in my parenting. Um,
[00:20:26] Leah: so, okay. I want to know why, why do you think you’re horrible at it in your parenting?
[00:20:32] Leidy: Because I care so much about it, I think is the, um, Right. And so like one of the reasons that it’s hard to subtract is because you’re like, Hey, I can do this thing. So I should. And, um, for most of your life, you can just well, in my experience, for most of my life, I could just do everything. And it’s not like once you have kids and a job and you’re trying to balance all these things, then, you know, when you try to do everything, then something else suffers.
[00:20:59] Leidy: So, you know, Yeah, so I think you just care so much about parenting and there’s all these great resources out there and studies and saying that, Hey, you know, if your kid has the DHA gummy vitamins, that’ll be good. And then you have to look and see if like, Oh, well, is that better than having the Vitamins that aren’t gummies because the gummies are bad for their teeth.
[00:21:21] Leidy: And maybe we should, but those don’t have DHA and, you know, and now I need to go figure out what kind of mattress to get for the crib. I mean, there’s just like so much information and so many opportunities to do things. I mean, like in our town, there’s all these private schools and, Oh, should I be thinking about private schools?
[00:21:39] Leidy: Right. When I grew up, it was just, you went to school there. It was. And, um, so. The and you feel like you’re when you when you don’t do something and there’s a possibility that you could that it’s really, um, you know, you feel bad about it. Uh, and so. Yeah, I think that’s one area that I’ve had to kind of consciously work on because, you know, some of the best Developmental times in my kids life.
[00:22:07] Leidy: I’m sure is when they’re just sitting there playing with each other Is it so like it when the eight year old and three year old they’re playing nicely now? I try to be like, okay This is not the time for me to go in there and see if anybody wants to go to the tennis court it’s like that’ll happen in 15 minutes when there’s a when there’s a meltdown and so and you know, so so Trying to And I think that that makes me feel better about it when it’s like, okay, I knew what the additive thing was and I deliberately decided not to do it in the best interest of the kids.
[00:22:39] Leidy: And then I’m like, okay, that that allows me to. Feel like I’m being a good parent. Still.
[00:22:45] Leah: I like that. I like that. I so agree with you. I have so many thoughts, which we won’t get into in this, but about like the power of being bored because bored fosters creativity. And you know, when we were kids, we were like sent outside to go play and like you didn’t come back and say you were bored.
[00:23:03] Leah: They just look at you like. And you just go find something to do and it’s often you work through that boredom, it starts to become uncomfortable enough that you’re, that you make a decision and a plan and you do something that fosters that creativity. And I do believe that one of the things that, that maybe has become a disservice as we’ve all grown up in this next generation is we don’t give our kids as much time to just be bored, to be creative.
[00:23:29] Leah: I was having a conversation. I just hosted a business, a mini mastermind retreat for some of my clients over the last four days. I got home last night and one of our conversations, just a side one at night, we were talking about. What we’re seeing with our kids and there’s some of these fundamental things that are really hard for them to do, um, pick up the phone and call people talk like, right?
[00:23:51] Leah: Like, and you’ll probably see this in your students, like being to email, to call, to ask, um, to have a conversation that’s a little bit uncomfortable and everybody was, was saying, Oh, I think it’s COVID. And I was like, okay, I think COVID is part of it, but I actually believe this goes much deeper when we were all kids.
[00:24:08] Leah: We absolutely had to pick up the phone to call if we wanted to play and usually the parent answered you had to say You know, oh is Jane available right and sometimes they weren’t and you got rejected and you hung up I remember knocking on the door of like that my neighbor’s house, you know Can Kim come out and play and they’re like no not right now.
[00:24:25] Leah: You’re like Okay. And like, right? Like we, we were put in uncomfortable situations where we got rejected, where we got used to all this and I, my kids didn’t do that. I called and set up play dates. I did the work for them, right? Like I sent the text, they didn’t go out and play in the front yard because we all were taught like that’s not safe.
[00:24:43] Leah: They only played in our backyard. So you don’t get to know other kids. There’s no other kids in our backyard besides ours. Yeah. So it’s interesting to think about anyways, such a side tangent. But yes, I am in such agreement with you. No, it’s
[00:24:56] Leidy: not a side tangent. I mean, I think it’s incredibly relevant, right?
[00:24:58] Leidy: Because it gets back to that. I mean, when your kids do accomplish something, I mean, that’s one of the most amazing parts of parenting, right? Is when they have that look on their face of like, Hey, I did the thing like, um, Ezra came with me to give a talk this week and he got up there and just like did his part.
[00:25:17] Leidy: Awesome. And then afterwards he’s like jabbering for the next 20 minutes. And I’m like, why is he like that? Oh, he’s like, he’s proud of himself. Like he knows he did a good job. And so, and it’s the same with like calling somebody. It’s uncomfortable at the moment, but then you, you realize that you can do the thing.
[00:25:32] Leidy: So, so, yeah, um,
[00:25:36] Leah: sometimes maybe we need to all think about that in parenting, maybe Sometimes subtracting us is going to actually add a lot more for them, right? Because they get to have that sense of accomplishment and confidence and that they’re capable that they can do the hard things, right? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
[00:25:53] Leah: Okay. So I, so in these examples, I’ve been thinking about the different areas of my life. Okay. Where, where am I subtracting? Where has this worked? So one thing, um, we sort of talked about this before we were reporting, but was family dinner. I really wanted to have family dinner, but I thought I needed to be the one who made it all.
[00:26:15] Leah: And when I finally broke that down, which that’s its own thing, like I’d love to understand how we get past. These emotional connections we have to outcomes like I wanted us sitting around a table having dinner that there wasn’t a part of that that said I had to be the one who made dinner every night every week, but for some reason I associated and I felt like I was maybe cheating.
[00:26:36] Leah: I was like cutting it short. I don’t even know, but there was something there where I had a really hard time. letting go of that. But when I finally did, and this started years and years ago, my kids were actually not much older than Ezra for you. We would buy meal kits. So I buy a meal kit. I have three kids.
[00:26:54] Leah: I do three nights a week. They got to pick what the dinner was going to be. And they were in charge of making that dinner. And obviously in the very early years, I was the sous chef. I was there helping them or one of the siblings was, but as they got better. Now they completely, they all can cook really well.
[00:27:09] Leah: They can make those all by themselves. So now they’re, and again, this idea of at first I felt bad, like, oh my gosh, I’m making my kids cook the dinner. I’m such a bad mom. But no, now I’m so proud of that because they’re so competent in the kitchen. And they get a lot of pride in that. And I could have robbed them of that if I would have continued to hold on to.
[00:27:27] Leah: I’m not being a good mom. I’m not doing it all myself. So we did the meal kits three times a week. Then my husband is in charge of one dinner week. That absolutely means it’s takeout. Like that is not going to be cooking. And I’m fine with that. Right. Then we have one night a week that we call fend for yourself.
[00:27:43] Leah: And everybody just gets like, they get to make their own dinner. It’s whatever they want. Right. Like it’d be leftovers, whatever. So then for yourself night. And that leaves me down to like one or two nights a week that I actually cook. So I got. the end goal, but I had to, I guess, subtract me out of it, if that, like, almost makes sense.
[00:28:04] Leidy: Yeah, your physical labor, your intelligence is still shining through, I guess, right? Um, I mean, you’re planning and your, uh, your thoughtfulness, but yeah, that’s, that’s amazing. We’re horrible at dinners. I mean, we’ve got it to where everybody sits down at the same time, but they’ve both kids are watching an iPad because, you know, that’s like a holdover from when you couldn’t get them to stay at dinner.
[00:28:27] Leidy: You know, to sit at the table long enough for you to eat. But, um, I like the, I like the different, different approaches. Like fend for yourself night would be incredibly popular at my house. Like the, the four, the three year old would love going into the cabinet, getting her thing and eating it. I mean, that would, that autonomy would be amazing.
[00:28:46] Leidy: Uh, so, yeah, um, I think it’s, that’s a really good example. Uh, we have, we struggle with food, like diversity of food too. Like the kids are like, Hey, we want pasta. Are you sure we had that for lunch? No, we want pasta. And you know, they’ll brag about eating a new food and it’s like literally a different shape of the same exact brand of pasta.
[00:29:11] Leidy: So, um, but like one of the ways to get them to eat more diversity of food is to like, not. Present bread is like the default option for their snack. Right? And then all of a sudden they’re a little hungrier and a little bit more willing to experiment. Of course, like don’t starve your kids. But it’s like if you’re if you’re always giving them the exact thing that they want, then they’re going to be robbed of of different experiences.
[00:29:37] Leidy: It’s funny. My family, I’m one of three kids in my family and um, My brother was the youngest. And by the time he was coming up, it was like, my parents were just driving me and my sister to soccer practice or whatever. And he was the one who had to fend for himself. And he was like cooking chicken cacciatore in like fifth grade, you know, we’d come home from soccer and like the fifth, the fifth grader would have cooked chicken cacciatore.
[00:30:02] Leidy: And now he’s like a really good cook. Uh, and so it’s like something that he enjoys doing. So yeah, you’re not. You’re not cheating anybody by having them do it. I
[00:30:10] Leah: love that. I love that so much. Today’s episode is brought to you by Daily Harvest, and you can get 30 off your first box. Now Daily Harvest is the super foods that make choosing what you’re going to eat super fast because I am not willing to use brain cells to figure out.
[00:30:28] Leah: what I’m eating for breakfast and lunch every day. So I choose ahead of time a box of healthy deliciousness, have it delivered to my door. And then when I need a quick breakfast, my favorite is chocolate and blueberry or mint cacao. Those are my favorite smoothies. Or if I need a lunch, I’m always going for the butternut squash and rosemary or the sweet potato and wild rice hash.
[00:30:48] Leah: Throw them in my blender or the microwave, whichever it calls for, and in just a few minutes, I have an incredibly healthy meal that is filled with superfoods. Give it a try by going to dailyharvest. balancingbusy. com. So other things I was thinking about is in, in the house. I love having a clean house.
[00:31:10] Leah: It’s not going to happen if we rely on it. I don’t know why that took me so long to understand, but that is just. The fact. And so things like getting a house clean, I feel like that’s actually probably adding. But one very silly thing is I got this vacuum mop. My friends told me to get it. At first I thought it was ridiculous.
[00:31:29] Leah: And then it went on sale on Amazon Prime and I bought it. And it’s incredible. I never used to mop because you have to sweep or vacuum first and then mop like that is just a lot. It does it together at the same time. And I’m like the genius who realized like, why do we need to do this twice? Why can’t we just do it at the same time?
[00:31:47] Leah: I’m like, it’s brilliant. And then
[00:31:49] Leidy: we have, is it a robot or is it you have
[00:31:52] Leah: to push it? Now? I also have the robot. I have the robot too. So we have the, the, I robot, you know, like the vacuum downstairs, just the vacuum. Yeah. And his name is Fred. And so like, on the, on the chore list, I’ll literally be like, somebody turn on Fred, right?
[00:32:07] Leah: And like, he, he does that work. And that’s definitely one of those things where it’s more expensive. It’s really easy to feel guilty to have that expense, right? But we need to start making that conscious decision of I always think about like, I’m buying time with my money and Fred is an example of buying time with my money.
[00:32:28] Leah: He was a lot more expensive, but I don’t spend any time vacuuming the, you know, the downstairs basement area. Fred does it all. And so that, that time for money, exactly what you’re saying. Why am I driving 30 minutes to save 5 when I could just have the pizza delivered? I’ve even really started to start being.
[00:32:50] Leah: More comfortable with using, like, services like Instacart. Way more. I know I’m paying more. I can tell it’s a little more than if I was in the store. I can, you know, there’s also the service fee and all that, but I keep trying to get myself to say, but the time that I’m getting back, the fact that instead of getting done with my office and I now need to run to Costco and the grocery store and all those, those are being delivered.
[00:33:13] Leah: And instead I come out and sit down and have lunch with the kids and hang out with everybody like that is worth it. But how, how do we, you know, for everyone who’s listening and they’re like, well, that sounds great, but. I’m having a hard time justifying how do we get there to, to believing that like subtracting is Is the right answer to consider.
[00:33:36] Leidy: Yeah. And I mean, the other, there’s, there’s a ton of great research on like spending money to buy time and like Ashley Willans is a Harvard professor, has a book called time smart and, uh, is a friend of mine. And she, um, she’s done a lot of this research with. And like, one of the questions, one of the immediate reactions is like, Oh, well, of course, people who spend money to save time are happier because those are people who can afford to spend money to save time.
[00:34:02] Leidy: And like, there’s a little truth to that. It’s like, you can’t be living on, you know, below the poverty line, but they find it like. Across the economic spectrum. So it’s like they, they’ve done some controlled experiments where they give people who are like making 50 grand a year, uh, like money. And some of them spend it to save time.
[00:34:23] Leidy: And those people are happier than the people who bought like another thing. So it’s something that way, way, way more of us can be, can be using. Um, and. You know, so I guess I don’t know what the, I don’t know if research is the thing that convinces everybody to go over the mental hurdle, but like, maybe it’s just, you know, kind of trying it, trying out some of the, the really obvious ones like the driving, get pizza, then dabble in the Instacart thing.
[00:34:48] Leidy: And then you realize, Oh yeah, that was kind of nice. And then, then you’re kind of into whether you want to spend money for the mop slash, uh, slash broom. Um, and. And yeah, uh, and then babysitters and all those kinds of great things. Um, I also, I mean, that makes me, I feel for some reason it’s easier for me when I’m giving it to a person than when I’m giving it to like a Roomba, right?
[00:35:14] Leidy: It’s like, I mean, I know there’s a person on the end of that manufacturing line somewhere, but like, I, it’s nice to pay the Instacart driver who’s a member of your community or a babysitter who’s, you know. You know, that’s going to be your kid in 10 years or whatever. So, um, yeah, I think those are some of the ways to, to get over that hurdle.
[00:35:36] Leidy: And it also goes back to what we talked about the beginning. It’s just like keeping the vision in mind, right? I think when you’re not spending money to save time, you’ve got this like really siloed view of the problem, which is like, how do I get pizza for the cheapest amount? And it’s really like the, that’s not the problem.
[00:35:50] Leidy: The problem is like, how do you. Keep your how do you optimize your entire day or, you know, zoom out to your entire life for a year and then then it becomes more of an option. Oh,
[00:36:02] Leah: I love that so much. I love that. How do I optimize my day or my life versus how do I get the pizza? Yeah, I love that so much.
[00:36:13] Leah: So you talk about this concept that we can actually add to our detriment. Will you will you talk a little bit on that?
[00:36:24] Leidy: Um, I mean, like hoardings are really, uh, obvious example of that. Um, and, you know, kind of shows how deeply rooted it is in our psychology to, uh, a lot of this. So we did the one of the study examples I just talked about, which wasn’t an actually a study, but it was the example of Ezra’s bridge, for example, that.
[00:36:45] Leidy: It was basically the same. You could add or subtract and get the same outcome. We did a lot of, um, studies to, to see whether, okay, it’s objectively the wrong thing to do here to add, right? Subtracting is the right answer. Uh, and we, the reason we did those is to see, well, if, if people are not getting what’s obviously the right answer, then this is a, uh, Like there’s, there’s a, that’s a problem.
[00:37:11] Leidy: Um, it’s not just that, Oh, people considered both and then they just like to add, this is a situation where they would have subtracted if they had thought of it, but they didn’t think about it. Uh, we’ve got one example that’s like, well, I think the most convincing example of that is, um, there’s just.
[00:37:29] Leidy: Giving people grids on a computer screen and it was you can imagine like a pattern of squares on a computer screen and we had them make it symmetrical from left to right and top to bottom. So you’ve got four quadrants. There’s extraneous marks in one of the quadrants. So one of the ways to make it symmetrical is to add those marks to three quadrants.
[00:37:48] Leidy: The other way is to subtract marks from one quadrant. Um, and you know, so people would substitute Add marks to three quadrants, even though we said do this in as few clicks as possible. And then, you know, after we, some of the participants, we’d be like, well, what was the right way to, you’d show them the right answer and say, well, would you have rather have done this if you have thought of it?
[00:38:08] Leidy: Of course. Yeah. So, um, I think that’s, this isn’t just a matter of not thinking of it and then, um, or thinking of it and not choosing it. There are cases where we don’t even think of it in the first place and that, that can be, that can be harmful. Does that make sense? Yes.
[00:38:26] Leah: In that example. Okay. This is. Uh, kind of silly thing, but it was even more aesthetically pleasing if you removed like for me personally, it like was more to and yet that instant that that instant thought was, oh, to fix this, I’m going to add not to mention it.
[00:38:45] Leah: Took more clicks. The goal was to do it in less clicks, right? But I just thought that was, that was a side interesting thing to me that I’m like, it even looks better if you remove.
[00:38:56] Leidy: And yeah, that’s amazing. Like we’ve had that. I mean, that’s gotten like a million views on YouTube and like, there’s all the comments beneath it that, I mean, I haven’t looked in them in a really long time.
[00:39:07] Leidy: I looked at them when it was first going up and you’re like, holy crap. There’s a lot of people saying stuff. Nobody’s ever said that, but it’s so true. Uh, Is it, it’s not just better in terms of functional. It creates a much better image at the house. So there’s, maybe there’s something to study there in terms of like art.
[00:39:27] Leidy: And of course, like all the principles of good graphic design and good information design is like, what’s it, you know, kind of minimum amount of ink for the maximum amount of like information conveyed. Right. You shouldn’t have stuff there. That’s not, not doing any work for you. So, yeah, that’s, I love that comment.
[00:39:45] Leidy: I don’t, do you have any. Do you think people don’t realize that it’s, do you think it’s a lack of taste or it’s a, uh,
[00:39:54] Leah: Because I was like, is it because I love design and, you know, and I’ve done design work and I’m very I, I wondered that like when I thought I’m like, it’s even more aesthetically pleasing if you just removed.
[00:40:06] Leah: So why, why didn’t they grab that? Like, why wouldn’t they catch that and think I’m in a room? And then I did think I said, is that, you know, my thought process was, well, is that just me? Because I love design, but I, I don’t know. I mean, I don’t necessarily think that I think the second you take away, you do see that it’s, it’s It’s more attractive and like, I mean, it’s just blocks.
[00:40:27] Leah: I know, but
[00:40:29] Leidy: yeah, I can’t imagine. I mean, again, I, I, I agree with you. I think there’s, I think the people that like design. Know why that’s better or like, but I can’t imagine there’s people, and I think there’s probably a large percentage of people who like, look at it and they like, like it, but they don’t know why they like it, but I can’t imagine there’s a group of people who’s like, Oh, the, the cluttered grid or this, you know, the added more blocks is something that, um, I actually like better.
[00:40:58] Leidy: Right. It’s, uh, so yeah, that’s. That’s amazing. That’s, um, yeah, there
[00:41:05] Leah: you go. Just, just, uh, yeah, that was, that was my first thought when I looked at it. I’m like, huh. So just, uh, an interesting random. So for everyone who wants to start a more conscious choice. to look for subtraction. I mean, I really feel like it’s probably going to be a portion of that, that mental switch of like, can I take from instead of adding to, I just, I couldn’t get over this idea when you shared like, Our natural inclination is to add when I think I’m here and I want to get there, I instantly think I want to add and then I thought, how, how ludicrous is that that we even do it when we want less in our lives?
[00:41:50] Leah: I’m too overwhelmed. So how am I going to get to less overwhelmed? What could I add? We literally think like I need to add a process or a software or I mean, like, That is where we go! I just, I, obviously, I feel like I keep coming back to that because it just, it’s, that is the thing that I just get caught up in, like, how do we solve this in ourselves?
[00:42:12] Leah: But if we’re, if you’re like, okay, you have sold me, I want to subtract! Where, what’s the best way for them to start? Yeah,
[00:42:20] Leidy: well, first I want to do a tangent into the, um, into your point about overwhelm is so interesting because like, in fact, the more overwhelmed we are, the more likely we are to go with our default mode of decision, right?
[00:42:35] Leidy: We use adding as a substitute for thinking. And so the very thing that we need to relieve our overwhelm is the, is less likely to happen the more overwhelmed we are. And so that’s like. Creates this reinforcing cycle that can be really harmful. So, you know, obviously we need to, to break that. And just as the cycle itself can be powerful, like breaking, it can be really powerful.
[00:42:57] Leidy: I’d say the place to start, I mean, people have done a good job with the first step, which is like listening to this podcast and watching it, right. It’s like just knowing that this is. This is happening, right. And framing the problem in this way. And, and, you know, Hey, there’s this whole class of options out there that we aren’t even considering.
[00:43:17] Leidy: Um, and maybe you don’t choose them, but at least let’s like bring them at back into, into consideration that camp. Possibly be a bad thing. So there’s that like first step. And then I think, you know, I mean, the book is meant to help like rearrange people’s mental furniture, hopefully make it stick a little bit more.
[00:43:34] Leidy: I’d also say that, um, when you’re thinking about it, thinking about places to build it into your process, right? Because it’s, it’s hard to rely on yourself to come up with these things in the moment, every single time there’s a time to add or subtract. So when you’re specifically like, okay, we, we don’t subtract.
[00:43:51] Leidy: I agree. Think about the times in your life when you want to veteran, where you make important decisions or that, like, you want to have all your options available to you. So like I try to plan out my week every week and sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. But like, in addition to thinking of the things you want to do, what are the things you’re gonna stop doing?
[00:44:12] Leidy: Right. I mean, that’s a kind of automatic check against creating overwhelm. In your, in your calendar. I mean, if you’ve got an organization, right, it’s so easy to, to build in new rules or processes or new things that you’re going to do, and maybe you create a, uh, uh, kind of like rule of, I said, it’s like, okay, I’m just, I’m creating a rule after I said, it’s so easy to create rules.
[00:44:38] Leidy: Maybe you create a common practice where. Every time you come up with a new rule, you say, well, here’s two rules that are already on the books that I don’t think we need anymore. And so not only does that, you know, kind of remind you to, to consider subtraction, it also helps, helps, you know, the people who may work for you or the people.
[00:44:58] Leidy: Or helps you feel better about, about doing it, right? Because now it’s the rule, it’s the practice you’re supposed to offer a subtractive solution. So I guess, you know, kind of listen to this podcast, you know, read the book and, or listen to the book and, uh, and then like build these things into your process where you make key decisions.
[00:45:18] Leidy: And how, how can you make sure that the subtraction is an option that you actually consider?
[00:45:26] Leah: And just being aware that subtraction is an option. It’s been very, and I feel that I naturally am more inclined to, I mean, my whole concept is less, but better, right? I am someone who does think in less, but even since listening to, to your.
[00:45:44] Leah: Your talk that you did and then reading the book. I, I have been so much more prone to think, could I subtract here? And, and so that’s a powerful. I also really liked how you talked about even using different words, right? If, if negative,
[00:46:02] Leidy: yeah. It’s a bad word. Don’t use subtract. I mean, I, I used it intentionally on the book, right?
[00:46:08] Leidy: Because it’s singular. There’s not another book called that. And it accurately describes the concept, but most people are gonna like. It’s, you know, they’re, they classified where they classify words. Um, computer scientists can do this somehow. They look at words and how people react to them. And most words have like a positive or a neutral valence and subtract has a negative balance.
[00:46:31] Leidy: It’s not as bad as moist. Moist is like a classic, really bad. But, um, I mean, people are just like. Uh, subtract it. This, um, and so like one thing is to, you know, I think what you do a great job with Leah is like kind of flipping it around. Right. It’s fun. Um, you know, less, but better like focus on the positive aspects of this, but you can also just use.
[00:46:53] Leidy: Synonyms, right? It’s like clean or carve or reveal or, you know, focus on the, the positive vision rather than the individual subtractions that are going to get you
[00:47:03] Leah: there. Yeah. The win you can get. I really liked reveal, like when you were talking about the different words like Carve and, and you said Real and reveal and I was like that.
[00:47:10] Leah: It got me like excited because ultimately what I wanna reveal. Yeah. Oh, that’s true, yeah. Is my best life. I want to feel like I am living in every day. my best life. Now, that’s not possible, of course, 24 7, but, but as a general rule, I don’t want to feel that frazzled, that frantic. I want to feel, feel fulfilled, right?
[00:47:30] Leah: I don’t want to feel like I’m, I, it’s chaos. I want to feel creative, right? And so to reveal the, the white space, to be able to just think, I want to reveal like my best Self health wise, which means I actually have time to exercise and get sleep and those kind of things. I want to reveal having time with my family, having family dinner, which meant removing me as because I was I was locked there right to be able to do this.
[00:47:59] Leah: So I love that. Like that is, I think, going to be my word as I’m thinking through all this is it’s like, Okay, how can I reveal the best way to do this? In the simplest format in this, the simplest, simplest way to get the outcome.
[00:48:16] Leidy: That’s uh, yeah, I, I like it too. Even more now that you’ve, you’ve like kind of presented it in that way.
[00:48:22] Leidy: It’s also very like design y word, right? It’s, uh, yeah, well, there’s a lot of, like, there’s just a lot of promise there. Right. It’s, um, it’s, and it’s, it also. Yeah, I like it a lot. Yeah, I think reveal
[00:48:34] Leah: makes me feel hopeful. Subtraction makes us feel lost, right? Like, we’re gonna lose something that maybe we want, even when we know we don’t want it.
[00:48:42] Leah: You know, it’s like Marie Kondo’s. I loved how you shared that because I will admit, I totally was thinking like, Oh, like Marie Kondo. And then you said it in the book. And I was like, Okay, good. I’m not the only one. Yeah. But yeah, this idea of we can let go to, to let more, more in maybe. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, so, so good.
[00:49:03] Leah: Okay, for everyone who wants to find you, connect with you, what is the best way for them to do that? Obviously, the very first best way is either get onto Amazon, Audible, go grab the book, subtract. So that’s, that’s the first best way.
[00:49:18] Leidy: Anything else? Um, I’m on Twitter and LinkedIn and those places. I mean, you can find my email on the internet too, if I can be helpful.
[00:49:27] Leidy: Uh, so yeah, um, I, all the good writing is in the book. I don’t, I’m not like super active on, on Twitter and, um, yeah, I’m easy to find.
[00:49:37] Leah: Awesome. Awesome. Thank you so much for being here today and doing this interview and, and sharing. I mean, I can’t even imagine the amount of research that and time. that you have put into getting these insights for the rest of us that we can read in, in a few hours that I’m sure took you years and years.
[00:49:55] Leah: So thank you for everything that you contributed. It was just, it was, it’s been amazing. As soon as I first read this, I called my sister immediately and was like, Subtract. And I was telling her, I’m like, oh my gosh, why do we do this? Why do we always instantly think to add? And I’ve been getting texts from her for the last two weeks about like, I just subtracted and like, you know, thinking about this.
[00:50:17] Leah: And so it’s. I’ve already seen the power of it just in me slightly sharing. I know this podcast is going to spread that even more. And so thank you.
[00:50:28] Leidy: Well, yeah, thanks for those kind words. And it really is an honor to be able to share it. I mean, that’s why I work on the writing to be able to get the ideas out into the world and there’s a whole ecosystem to.
[00:50:39] Leidy: Help do that. And you’re a huge part of it. So, so thank you. And thank you for the, again, for the idea on, uh, those grids actually look better with the, um, with the dots subtracted. I’m still, I haven’t figured out how to turn that into a research question, but it’s amazing. I, yeah, I’ve talked to so many people and you’re the first person who’s said that very right thing.
[00:50:59] Leidy: So thanks for having me on.
[00:51:03] Leah: Wasn’t that so, so good? Even me listening to the interview again a year later, I’m like picking up things that I’m like, Oh my gosh, yes, that’s right. It’s so good. So here’s my challenge for you, my friend. What could you subtract? What is the area in your life right now where you have honestly been feeling like, Oh my gosh, I just don’t feel like I can get ahead, or I just don’t feel like I’m, I’m getting it quite right.
[00:51:26] Leah: Or I’ve been feeling frustrated by this, or I’ve been wanting this to change and improve. End. What if you shifted and you looked at that problem, and you looked at it as an equation for what you could subtract instead of what you could add? So, what, what could you subtract? And how could that help simplify and Enhance your life.
[00:51:54] Leah: That is my goal for you always. To help you balance the busy and have more bliss. So that you truly can have an and life. You can have your business, be successful, go after your dreams. Because you know I’ve got them, you know I’m trying to do big things. But I also want to be fully present for my family.
[00:52:11] Leah: I don’t want to sacrifice my home, my health, or my happiness. It’s for my dreams and I don’t want to sacrifice my dreams so that I can quote, feel in balance. I want it all. And that’s what I’m helping you and I to accomplish every week on the balancing busy podcast. And I hope this episode helped you get a little bit closer.
[00:52:32] Leah: I know it did for me. I’ll see you next week.
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