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Have you ever felt the weight of juggling motherhood, entrepreneurship, and life’s endless demands?
You’re not alone. That’s why Mom Business Academy (MBA) exists. In this week’s episode of Balancing Busy, I’m sharing an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at a coaching call from MBA.
We’ll dive into the big decision to rebrand Growth Getters into Mom Business Academy. You’ll also discover the vision behind it and some helpful marketing hacks to kickstart your year.
Why Mom Business Academy?
As moms, our entrepreneurial journeys are unique. Between school drop-offs, playdates, and bedtime routines, it’s not about working more—it’s about working smarter.
MBA helps you build systems that let you thrive without sacrificing your family, health, or sanity.
When I started Growth Getters in 2021, it was all about helping moms grow their businesses. But over time, I realized that “growth” often felt like “hustle.” That didn’t match my anti-hustle philosophy.
I wanted something better—something that stood for balance, strategy, and success on our terms.
Enter Mom Business Academy. The name says exactly who it’s for and reflects our mission: helping moms build profitable, balanced businesses without burning out.
The Fear of Change
Rebranding wasn’t easy. I’d been sitting on the idea for years, battling fears and second-guessing myself.
- What if people didn’t like the new name?
- What if the transition felt clunky?
But deep down, I knew this change had to happen.
In the episode, I share:
- The emotional journey of saying goodbye to “Growth Getters” (and “GGs”) and welcoming the new nickname: “Mombas.”
- The brainstorming process.
- The aha moment when “MBA” came to me.
A Personal Story That Inspires Connection
In this episode, I share a story from my junior high years. Back then, I often felt lonely and out of place. Some days, I even ate lunch in the bathroom to avoid sitting alone.
Everything changed when I started sharing Mambas candy with classmates. That small act opened the door to real connections and taught me the power of community.
The name “Mombas” reminds me of that lesson. It’s proof that even small, intentional efforts can lead to meaningful relationships and a better life.
This episode isn’t just about my rebrand. It’s about alignment.
Are your goals, values, and brand connected? Are you building something that lets you succeed and enjoy your success?
Whether you’re considering a pivot in your business or just looking for inspiration to tackle your next challenge, this episode is packed with insights, strategies, and heart.
Behind the Scenes of Mom Business Academy
Ready to dive in? Let’s jump on a call and chat about what MBA could do for your business and life!

- 💡 Learn More about Mom Business Academy Today!
- 📋 Grab my 10 Favorite Time-Management Hacks and take control back!
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- Ep 96: Navigating Phones and Social Media With Our Kids
- Ep 81: The Science of Less with Leidy Klotz
- Ep 32: Busy and Productive Are Not The Same Thing

Leah: This episode is actually giving you sneak peek, wait, that’s not the right word, behind the scenes, okay, behind the scenes access. to listen in on a coaching call that I did inside , Mom Business Academy. Mom Business Academy, or MBA, is exactly what you think it is. It is literally every area that you need to to build a thriving, balanced, lucrative, incredible business as a mom entrepreneur, because we need things different.
Leah: We need things to work for us in a way that if you don’t have the other responsibilities, if you don’t have kids, if you’re not trying to get people to drop offs and Playdates and a million other things. I mean, I used to compare myself to these entrepreneurs and I’d be like, Oh my gosh, they’re doing so much better than me.
Leah: They’re so much further along. [00:01:00] And I finally had to stop and be like, Leah, They are single with no dependence. Like they can spend their weekends and their nights and every time in between doing nothing but their business. I cannot. I need the right things working in the right places at the right times.
Leah: That’s what mom entrepreneurs need. And Mom Business Academy is about giving you all of those different systems so that you can implement them one by one into your business and truly feel like. The confident entrepreneur that you’re meant to be. It’s you get done with mom business academy and you feel like you’ve gotten an MBA in mom entrepreneurship.
Leah: You’re like, bam, I got this. Okay. So what is today? Today’s episode is a coaching call where I’m sharing with my membership the name change. So maybe you don’t know this, but mom business academy used to be called growth getters. It actually, I created and started this [00:02:00] membership in 20. 2021. Now I’m second guessing myself.
Leah: 2020 or 2021? I’m going to look at my call replays really quick, and I can tell you. 2021! Okay, so it started, I think in January. Is that right? I can go back and look at what the very first coaching call was. Yeah! January 2021 is when Mom Business Academy started. So, there is so much amazingness in this membership after years of helping entrepreneurial mamas set up their businesses to truly be wildly successful without compromising their home and their families and their, their marriages and their kids and their health and, and all the other things that really matter.
Leah: In fact, they matter the most. Okay. Anyways. You are listening to a coaching call where I am sharing all about me changing the name from Growth Getters to Mom Business Academy, why I did it, how I thought [00:03:00] through that, what the pivot looked like, the fears of changing the name, all the things. I’m letting you get an inside, inside look at the way my brain works, I guess, and also Mom Business Academy.
Leah: So let’s jump in.
The first thing we have to talk about is the fact that the name of what we are has changed. So, [00:04:00] formally, Growth Getters is now Mom Business Academy. And I want to start by talking a little bit about the behind the scenes of that because we’re all business owners. And we love to hear how other business owners are thinking and I just want to talk you through this.
So, I have known I wanted to make this change for years. Two years, I think, if not more, I could look back and see when I bought the URLs, but I have been sitting on them for a very, very long time. So it really came from, it is so important that our offers. are in alignment with who we say we are and what our brand is all about, what our message is about, the problems that we solve, right?
I am balancing busy. That’s the name of my podcast. I’m all about saving you time, helping you to feel less hustle, more happy, giving you tools and scripts and strategies so that you have All of these different things [00:05:00] in place working for you, even when you’re not working, so that you can have more time to be more present as a mom, as a wife, as a friend, for your home, for all those other things that matter so much to us.
And yet, our businesses can just stop. suck all of the energy out of everything and leave nothing left. You, of course, being members of this program, you know that. You know that in each of the growth tracks, I mean, this is what it’s all about. Every single one of our tracks, it’s either more time, and that’s where everybody starts, right?
It’s more money, but in a way that isn’t making you have to keep giving more of yourself more reach and more visibility. So all of those things I have around creating better balance in your life. And yet the name of this program, when I first launched it in 2020 was growth getters, because, you know, I really was thinking [00:06:00] like, Oh, I want to help you grow.
But as time went on and the balancing busy podcast was created and all of these different things, I didn’t like how those two things didn’t feel like they connected. I’m talking all about balance. And yet my program, is growth getters, right? It just, it didn’t feel like those aligned. While I absolutely want you to get growth, when I think of growth, and maybe you’ll agree with me, I think of like hustle and that’s the opposite of what I’m about, right?
I am the anti hustle success strategist. So I started brainstorming and trying to figure out what the program, would be called. And it, I completely came on it, uh, kind of accidentally, but I had been playing with hundreds of names. I mean, you’re just like, you know, brainstorming and brainstorming, asking friends, asking other people, right?
Like trying to figure out what it is. And I said in like, in my notebook, I’m writing down, I’m like, okay, [00:07:00] essentially what this is, is it’s a mom business Academy. That’s who this is for. This is for people who don’t have time to not get it right. This is for people who they have to stop at a certain time because they’ve got to go run and pick up the kids, or they’ve just gotten off the bus, or nap time is over, or whatever it is.
And so I’m thinking about all these different things and I’m like, It’s really this, this business academy for moms. And then all of a sudden it hit me, Oh my gosh, the acronym for that is MBA. And I have joked for years that I feel like my, my MBA has come from online. Right? Like online learning. The YouTube videos, the hours of studying and figuring out tutorials until I knew how to code or how to, Build the website or how to implement the flow that I wanted or whatever it was.
It came from courses and, and you write all these different things. And so. I, as [00:08:00] soon as that name came to me, Mom Business Academy, that was it. I was like, Oh my gosh, that’s the name. And I even had this moment where I’m like, inside growth getters, you guys know, like I call you my GGs. And I was like, Oh, but I love calling you my GGs and, and like, what’s the name going to be?
And so you are now Mombas. And that actually is really meaningful to me. And I’m going to tell you why. Um, I’m going to try not to get emotional. I don’t know why I’m feeling emotional, sorry. . Okay. Whew. I’m going to try to keep those in check. Okay, so in junior high, I started at a new school.
I had gone to a private school, and then I was being put into public school, so I go to this new school, and I only know two girls. So, in the entire school, there’s two girls I know. So I feel like, okay, I’m gonna be okay, because I know them. Well, this junior high did one of those split tracks, where some of the kids are on A schedules, so they [00:09:00] have their classes and lunch at certain times and then other kids have B so that they’re not in the halls or anything at the same time.
Well, they both got put on A schedule and I was on B schedule. And it was really hard. And I was really lonely. I was really nervous. I was really, um, shy, just because I was so insecure. And, uh, Eventually, I ended up just eating lunch in the bathroom. Because the honest truth is, what is worse than being alone is everybody seeing you alone.
The lunch table. And there’s no one to sit with you. So I would just take my lunch into a stall and I would eat it in there. So that goes on for a while. And then one day, I just had this just moment where I decided. No more. I wanted people. Like, I wanted [00:10:00] friends and I was going to figure out how to do it.
Like, all I wanted was to stop being invisible.
In fact, I wanted more than to not be invisible. I wanted everyone to know me and to be my friend. So I started devising a plan on how I was going to do this. You guys, the way my brain works, I’ve always been like this. You’re going to see it right now. Okay, so I start making this plan of how am I going to be able to, like, make friends.
And we had a student store after school where you could buy candy. So I started thinking about, um, I could like give out candy. People always like when you like you give things. So then I’m thinking about all the different candies because I don’t want to have something that just sits in my hand, you know, like a Skittles or an M& M because people might be like, ew, gross, right?
I also want to have as many opportunities as possible. So I settled on Mambas and every day I would grab enough quarters out of my dad’s change jar so that I could buy my pack of Mambas. after school. And then I would [00:11:00] open up all the mambas to the individual pieces. You get the three little packs and they’re all these individual pieces.
I would open them up and I would have them in my pocket and I’d take out a few and I just start standing by groups. Like it was probably pretty awkward, but I would just stand by groups. And then if someone kind of made eye contact with me, I’d be like, Oh, here, I don’t want all these. Do you guys want some?
And I would start handing them out. And I did it day after day, after day, after day. And. Then I got the nickname of Mamba Girl. So I wanted them to know my actual name, we weren’t quite there yet, but it was progress, right? So I was Mamba Girl. And then one day, these two girls Lauren and Nikki had gotten to, you know, they recognize me, everybody knows Mamba Girl at this point, handing out all her mambas.
And they asked me if I wanted to come over after school. And that was the beginning. That was the beginning. And, uh, just to, you know, give a full circle of the story, my [00:12:00] senior year, I ended up being voted.
I can’t remember exactly what it was anymore, but like the person like that everyone knew the friend, the friend of everybody, something like that. So, the fact that Mom Business Academy now has this name, Mamba, is this reminder that like anything is possible. If a 14, 15 year old girl can make a decision in a bathroom stall that she will not be alone anymore and literally change her entire rest of junior high and high school experience than we with our much greater experiences and knowledge and abilities.
we can have our dreams. So you being my mambas is extra special. So there you go. [00:13:00] There is the story behind growth getters becoming mom business academy that you are now my mambas and why that is so special to me for multiple reasons.
One mambas and two, because I just think of you of this powerhouse, amazing mamas who are making your impact while having this intentional life that you love. Okay. Ah! So there’s that part. Now, I want to shift to what you all are asking me, what everybody wants to know. And of course, of course, I’m telling my mamas before anybody else, because That’s the kind of perks you get , right?
So, you know, if you don’t know by now, I’ll tell you, I took a hundred days off. I took the summer off my first time in 16 years. I said, you know what? Like, my turn. I’m taking a break because my second’s going off to college. We’re [00:14:00] traveling a ton. There’s so much going on and I want to be part of all of it.
And so my first time in 16 years, I took a sabbatical. And I didn’t know if it was going to be 30 days. I didn’t know if I, it would be 60 days. I was originally playing with, with three months, but I was really telling myself, but I’ll only do two. I ended up doing over a hundred days, taking a hundred plus days off.
And it was amazing. I loved it. And It had some very surprising revelations, you could say. I am changing my entire business model. Well, I guess not my entire business model, but a lot of changes. I’m making some huge changes to my marketing plan, to my business model, and it stems from this, uh, break. So you guys know that I have always had a love hate with social media.
We talk about it, I share with you guys the things I’m doing, I tell you what I am noticing results, but I’ve also been really transparent about like, this is not my strength, this is not [00:15:00] my thing. It feels like this necessary evil, and I’ve, I’ve done all the things. I mean, I have one of the biggest Instagram experts as one of your expert trainings, you know I’ve tried all the things. But after my break. And, and I didn’t mean to get off Instagram, but I just did, and it actually was six months of being off Instagram. I have not posted on Instagram since May, and it is now October. So almost six months, almost six months. So what I realized was I don’t want to rely on social media anymore.
I don’t want to spend the amount of time and energy that I was on social media. anymore. And I want to go back to what I truly know, A, has worked for my business to bring in new leads and new clients. And B, I actually enjoy doing, [00:16:00] right? Like I would get so frustrated and I’m trying to make the B roll and I’m trying to make the perfect reel and I’m trying to have the perfect tagline and opt in and copy and the perfect word that, you know, the mini chat is all set up.
I mean, I have done every single thing. I have. All of the tech stack, it’s all implemented, and it still was not consistent, even when I was posting incredibly consistently. So, I am saying goodbye to social media. Now, I don’t know exactly what that is going to look like. I might post sometimes. I’m not anti social media.
It’s just that I’m not going to rely on it anymore as a marketing plan. Like that’s, that’s the bigger part. So I want to, and the big thing that I know you all want to know is, I want to share with you, okay, well what are the marketing strategies that I plan to use? So let’s get into this and let me actually share with you.
[00:17:00] Number one first thing that you are going to see me using and we’ve talked about this before in in past calls is Pinterest for years and years. I mean I am talking a stretch of I don’t know for sure. I would say at least five. For sure at least five. So we’re just going to start with that number. 97 plus, sometimes higher, but 97 percent of my traffic has come from Pinterest.
97%. And yet, and this is where, like, I want to just, you know, hit myself up on, upside the head. And yet, during those same years, I wasn’t doubling down on Pinterest. I was doing like kind of a bare minimum thing on Pinterest and I kept doubling down on Instagram because that’s what everyone said we’re supposed to be doing, right?
So I just kept doing it and doing it and doing it and I’m like, [00:18:00] what was I thinking? Okay, so here’s what Pinterest is coming back and looking like for me. Here’s the most frustrating part. Like, this is just, you know, you guys get to know more than everybody else because you’re in the membership. I would say a year and a half ago, I, so I have outsourced Pinterest for years and years and years where I had somebody doing all the Pinterest for me.
And about a year and a half ago they ended up like moving on, right? And I did not hire someone else. And so I have watched my metrics gradually go down month after month after month. I’ve watched my newsletter list, right? Like the amount that I was typically getting every single month, new people on my email list.
Down, down, down, down, down. And I’m just, you know, we can’t live in the past, but like, kicking myself for not recognizing and solving it and fixing it way sooner. Why? Because I kept spending all my time on [00:19:00] Instagram because everyone says it’s gonna blow up and be incredible and, you know, just keep doing it and Okay, so, Pinterest is my number one place.
You will see me focused with the goal of building my email list. My whole goal is that I’m taking them from Pinterest. over to my website to an opt in. They’re going to give me their name and email address, and I’m going to grow my list. So here are the things that I will be pinning my opt ins. And I do have multiple part of that is because I’ve been in business for so many years.
But I do think it can be good to have at least a couple. I’ll kind of explain that in a minute, like where they go. So my opt ins like if I have any trainings or anything, any special freebies, every podcast episode, even my offers, even straight, like this thing that I’m selling and I’m going to be playing around with a ton of other things as well.
But I want to tell you guys right now, like, here’s everything I’m doing.
Okay, so podcast [00:20:00] with Tailwind, and it’s going to be a combination of my opt ins and freebies and podcast episodes and offers, all those kind of things. The next thing is, that’s part of my marketing, is my podcast, right? I have this podcast, I want to use it for marketing. So I use dynamic ads where I can pop in different ads at different times.
And I’m going to probably have one ad that is just on the end of every single episode. I will have right now it as probably my top 10 time saving hacks, but I might, I had retired my quiz for a while, but I have to say my quiz results pages are bomb. They’re so good. And so I’m thinking about maybe bringing the quiz back and then having that be the end thing, you know, something like, do you want to know how well you’re doing with time management?
You know, go to this link and take the quiz. Okay. So that’s going to be the first part. The second part is [00:21:00] I will do two to four episodes a year that have a special download that goes with that episode. If you want to see an example of this. I did an episode, um, that was the, for the assessment, uh, it’s episode 84. So episode 84 has the simple assessment can make every area of your life better in 2024 and it has the assessment worksheet that you need, right?
So that it’s an interactive episode. So I’ll do two to four of those a year. So maybe one a quarter or once. Uh, bi annually that has a special download that goes with it, again to push opt ins. And then I’ll have ads with my podcast if I’m launching something, right? Or if I’m doing a training, a free training or something like that and I really want to promote that.
So those will all be [00:22:00] ways that I’ll work to take people who are podcast listeners and get them over onto my list. Here’s the bottom line. Everything is about my list, and it always has been, like everything I was doing for Instagram, I never cared about trying to get more followers, I cared about trying to get them to my email list, it just wasn’t consistent.
And so now, I’m doing what I know works, and it’s Going to be these things, and again, it’s still and always will be getting them to my email list. Okay, the third thing is podcast guesting. This is one of those things I was doing really well at, and then I kind of, you know, fell off a bit, right? And all of a sudden I wasn’t doing so well.
So getting back to podcast guesting. Here are the things, here’s the part about podcast guesting that is absolutely critical. You need to have an opt in that you are going to share that’s in alignment with what you talk about on, during the [00:23:00] episode. And I am going to say, Don’t wait till the end when they ask if you have any resources.
I never wait till the end. I interject it somewhere in the middle of the episode where it makes sense. Now, my opt in is a sneak peek behind the scenes of my systems. So, the way that usually sounds, and if you went and listened to a bunch of me guesting, you’d be like, oh, there’s a theme here. The way that usually sounds is me saying something like, You know, I’m a really visual person, so we’re talking about this, but for anybody who’s like, if you could just show me, if I could see it, then I would be able to make this happen.
I would love to give them a little sneak peek into a couple of my systems that I have in my own business. If that sounds amazing to you, and you really want that, just go to, and then I give the URL. So With podcast guesting, it is really, really critical that you take control and you have something that is in alignment with what you are always talking about.
And I always come back to systems at some point. [00:24:00] And make sure that your, interjecting that and inviting people to go get that. At the end of the show, when they ask if I have anything that I want to share, that’s when I actually just share my own podcast. Cause I’m like, they’re already on a podcast app.
The easiest thing for them to take action on is to go from the podcast they’re in and do a search and find my podcast and follow it. So that’s really usually the thing that I promote at the end of the show. Being on a podcast. Okay. My goal for podcasting is my goal is going to be on five podcasts a month I was doing that really consistently Um, it’s just you have to put out a lot of pitches, right?
And so that can get really time consuming. So i’m going to try to get back to five episodes a month, and that I’m recording. And how am I doing this? The same way I do everything else. And, you know, this tracks with everything that’s in our, um, time track, right? How do you get more time? I am [00:25:00] blocking out 90 minutes once a week that is only for pitching podcasts.
So I’m blocking these on, uh, I’m going to try Fridays because right now my Mondays are kind of taken up by my little missionary daughter because that’s when we get to talk to each other. It used to be Mondays. Mondays were always marketing Monday. I’m going to try Fridays for right now and, um, have a 90 minute block where it’s like pitch, pitch, pitch, pitch, pitch, send out a bunch, follow up where I need to follow up and keep those going.
I use Podmatch to get a lot of my interviews, but my favorite way is if I have a mutual connection. Hands down, that’s always the best way. Always. Um, and sometimes I straight cold email. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. I feel like I have a, a better conversion of my cold emails than probably most, but it’s still gonna be the, the, the smallest conversion rate between those three.
Between doing something like a pod [00:26:00] match, doing something like where you share a connection and then a cold. Cold’s gonna be the hardest. Podmatch is going to be the second hardest. Only because people are bad about getting back in there and checking things often. And then, the easiest is going to be when you have a mutual connection.
And the way to make this all really work, and these are, so these are all things like when I’m saying, I want to take three people and handhold them through all this, like, I want to actually write this with them. Cause the, the third thing is, have quick scripts and quick links ready, so that, you know, you have, I have, uh, A few different versions of my pitch email, and then based on what their topic is, I can pop in one, customize it just a tiny bit, and then send.
So that way I can do them pretty quick. So, having scripts and quick links ready is super helpful. It’s obviously going to make getting on shows a lot easier because you just gotta pitch a lot, a lot of people, and the faster you can [00:27:00] pitch, the better. Okay, the next thing, this is gonna be something new that I’m going to be doing, but I’m really, really excited about this, is a secret podcast.
So I have actually been thinking about this for quite a while for you guys, actually. So I have been thinking about taking some of your favorite courses. In fact, I sent an email a few days ago and asked, like, what is your absolute favorite course? So if you haven’t responded yet, Click reply and tell me what your favorite courses have been.
And, and so what I’ve been thinking about doing is having a secret podcast for Mom Business Academy members so that when you don’t have time to sit down and watch a video, you can just pop it in your AirPods and you know, while you’re running errands or cleaning the kitchen or folding laundry, you can be listening to trainings.
So that was my first place where I was thinking about it. But now I’m starting to have all [00:28:00] these other ideas on how to use a secret podcast, which is this idea of having a secret podcast that really only has, you know, one episode, maybe five episodes, they’re shorter, and it’s all priming to sell my My intro offer that I want to get people into so I’m playing around with that getting very excited about that I’m going to be doing these in order I’m not gonna try to do everything at once because that’s how we get overwhelmed.
I’m starting one thing at a time So what I’ve been really working on recently has been amping my Pinterest backup Scheduling tons of pins making pins getting them into the hopper sort of speak so that they’re scheduling out the Next thing is going to be making sure I’m updating my podcast with good ads for being able to get people onto my list.
The next thing is going to be working on podcast guesting and just, I mean, I have to start by just getting a bunch of pitches out there, right? So that’s going to be one of the next things, and then the secret [00:29:00] podcast will come. So it’s, it’s step by step, but these are all things that I’m so excited about.
Okay, the end. Next thing as part of my marketing strategy, like just as my whole marketing strategy is, I am going to start emailing a lot more. And this is scary, right? Cause you have this nervousness of like, oh my gosh, they’re going to be so sick of me, but I am going to really ramp up my emails and start sharing more.
Research has said that for every email subscriber you have, that is. It should be worth one dollar of revenue per month. Okay, so I want you to think about that. If you have an email list of a thousand people, then that has the potential to be a thousand dollars a month of revenue. Now, if I’m only sending, here’s my latest podcast every single week and I’m [00:30:00] never giving them the opportunity to work with me and, and buy from me and take the next step with me, then I am just losing and leaving tons of money on the table.
One of the things that I am going to be making a big shift on is I’m going to diversify and break up my offerings. So right now, basically the only offering you can find on my website is joining Mom Business Academy, right? And it’s kind of a little bit more of a high ticket
and that you kind of have to know me. I feel like for most, for most of you, you probably knew me, you’d taken other stuff, so you knew you could trust me. Now, I need to have smaller offerings that are easier to, to be able to like get introduced to me. Right now, they are not on my website.
They’re over in my stand store at Instagram that I have not posted on in almost six months, so that’s not very helpful. So I need to bring a lot of my [00:31:00] smaller courses, get them available on my website, And then I can start really promoting those to my email list. So, I want to increase my emails. I’m thinking three to five.
I’ll start with three. I’ll kind of work my way up. But really increasing the amount of emails that I’m sending. And then I kind of alluded to this, but diversify my offerings. and break them up into multiple small courses, a few medium size. Now I’ll just say I consider a small course 99 and under.
Okay. We’ll say 97 because I would never price something at 99. I would price it at 97 because seven just Um, psychologically, we do better with the ends, with when prices end at 7, so I would do 97. Okay, so 97 and less is a small offering. Now I’m going to go way smaller than that and I’m going to have some that are more like under 30 because I want it to be really easy to [00:32:00] say that first yes and then get to learn how I teach and, and how much I provide and, and all of those things so that they’re like, Oh my gosh, this was so valuable.
Okay, I want more. Okay. Bye. Then I’ll have a couple of medium options, right? So this is going to be more around the, it’s like 500. It’s so it’s, it’s 101 to 500 is kind of what I think of as your medium offering. I’m thinking it’ll be somewhere in the 397 to 497 ranges. Um, I might have something a little bit smaller, but I’m gonna have a couple offerings in that range and then I’ll have my large.
So I’m going to have, so for example, Um, the anti, the anti social, um, Bull will be one of my large. And then I think of Mom Business Academy as one of my large ones. So I’ll have those. And just making way more different ways to work with me, but I’m still going to be very careful that I’m staying [00:33:00] within my niche, my umbrella, which is helping you do less but better for your business, right?
So it’s going to be all kinds of things that work around giving us more time and, and, but giving all the pieces that you need to get there. Does that make sense? I hope so. Okay. I’m asking, let me see really quick. Do you, do you only ever pitch to be on someone else’s podcast or also invite others to be guests on yours?
Oh, I invite others to be guests on my podcast every day. But I really pick you know, who I want to be on there and I, and I want to make sure it really aligns. with my brand, right? Like it needs to, it needs to make sense with my, with my brand. But some really great interviews would be case studies.
So your own students coming on and talking about like working with you. That is an amazing podcast episode. So if any of you want to do that, [00:34:00] I would love to do that. Okay. Otherwise, you want to have people, you know, like, your guests, if it’s like an expert, then you want to have them as you know, something that is in alignment with kind of the umbrella of everything that you’re about.
And so I invite people all the time. Again, it’s awesome. Always the easiest if there’s some connection and I don’t even wait to have them connect me. I just start the email by being like, Hey, you and I both know name. And that way I’ve gotten their attention. And then I make sure I keep the emails as short as possible.
Again, I have these as scripts. I literally save them in my auto signatures. So that I can just pop them in. So just so you guys know, like, here are some of the auto signatures that I have saved. Podcast interview invite. Podcast interview check back because I am assuming they are not going to get back to me.
Podcast Leah guest details. So this is when I’m saying like, I’m going to be on their podcast and I’m following up and giving them information of like, here’s where you [00:35:00] can find questions you can ask me, my headshot, links to me, all that kind of stuff. I’m just trying to be a really, really good guest, right?
I have one that is an auto signature that is podcast episode is live. So this is for when they’ve been on my podcast. I want to make sure they share it because that’s another marketing strategy, right? Like the more guests I have, and that’s why I do an every other, I do solo interview, solo interview. And then I, you know, really encourage the people that are on my podcast to share it so that.
I can then, again, get more people to see and know about me and my podcast. So I have one that’s for that I have, uh, those are all the ones I have about podcasts. So like, my podcast interview invite, it is really, really short. So it’s basically says, hi, name, I would love to have you as a guest on the Balancing Busy Podcast.
And it’s linked. I want to immediately try to create credibility because they’re trying to decide like, is it worth my time? [00:36:00] So balancing busy is a top 100 Apple podcast and ranked in the top 2 percent of podcasts worldwide. And then I say what we do, we, we focus on helping time starved women, mostly mamas become more intentional for the life she truly wants while balancing all the busy, but better.
I’m starting to schedule interviews again, and I update this from time to time, but this is what it currently says for quarter four after a. 100 after a 100 plus day sabbatical and I’d love to have you on to talk about and then it literally says in all caps, insert subject. So then I can put, you know, what I want to talk about with them.
And then new, new line. And it says we’ll schedule one hour, but it’s typically less. It’ll be a casual, fun conversation. And then we’ll both shout it out once it goes live and then space, space, or return, return. I have a little emoji of a calendar. Here’s my Cal. Pick a day that works for you. This goes straight to my Calendly.
As soon as you pick a date, just complete this. This is my onboarding form so that I have everything I need, uh, and can give it to [00:37:00] my, my podcast editor to help me prepare for our interview. I hope we’ll get to connect. Let me know if you have any questions. And then my email address is real auto signature.
Okay, so it’s really, really short. One of the things that I think is the biggest mistake that gets made is that, um, you’re, you’re pitching someone and the email is so long. I get so many pitches. I mean, I get them every day, right? And the majority of them are paragraphs. Like, I’m like, don’t have time.
Right. Like I’m just, and, and they’re often talking about themselves first, instead of talking about me first. So I’m like, I, I’m not like, this is something we all have to understand when it comes to sales. I’m not interested, you’re not interested in that person until we know how they can help us. So that’s why my very first line is, I would love to have you as a guest on the Balancing Busy.
I’m trying to tell them like, I want to feature you. And my subject line always says, [00:38:00] feature you on Balancing Busy podcast. So I’m trying to make it about them, even though it does start with, I would love, but I’m trying to make it about them. Then I’m trying to build credibility as quickly as I can, so I’m giving, you know, a few stats, whatever you can to give credibility uh, something that I’ve seen that is really powerful is I’ve seen people pitch me and say guests they’ve had, so if you’ve had some really epic guests, then you’re like I’ve had Jenna Kutcher and, and Amy Porterfield write and then everybody’s like, oh dang, if they said yes, I should say yes.
I use that strategy. One of my private clients, I would help her, um, she has this, this, uh, virtual book club. That she has had insane guests on and we use this strategy of almost the identical template and we would say I’ve had so and so guests and we even got down to where we would go into their Instagram, look at who they were [00:39:00] following, check against the people she’d had, other authors she’d had.
Find ones they were following and then specifically mention them, right? So, oh, um, they’re following John Acuff, perfect. We’re gonna say, we’ve had John Acuff so and so and so and so on, you know, in past months and we’d love to have you next. So just figuring out what your line is for credibility. And starting there, so that they don’t tune out, and then you know, letting them know I’m scheduling for, you don’t even have to say that part, right?
You could say I’d love to have you on to talk about, insert subject, show them that you know what you’re doing. what they’re about. and if they have a book, you can use that. And then you want to give them a little bit of details of what to expect. We’ll schedule one hour. Maybe yours is 30 minutes, but it’s typically less.
It’ll be a casual, fun conversation, yada, yada. Here’s my calendar. Make sure you have a Calendly link that is super easy, right there. And then, um, and then just complete this form. Keep the, Form [00:40:00] short, one thing I will tell you being on a whole lot of podcasts, I mean, you know, I don’t know how many I’ve been on at this time, at this point, but a lot, a lot, a lot.
It is not fun when you get some obscenely long onboarding form for a podcast. You’re like, are you kidding? Like, this is wasting my time. So be intentional of just asking for what you really want. And, you know, maybe you go over it in a few months and be like, yeah, I never actually used that part. I’m removing that question, whatever it might be.
Okay, so, just to bring this all back and to recap, the marketing strategies that I am using quarter for and beyond are Pinterest, Above everything else, that will be the highest priority. And that will be my biggest focus that I’m going to be teaching in the antisocial and with like, you know, with some private, um, more one on one clients.
Okay. The second thing is. [00:41:00] my podcast, right? Focusing and working on my podcast, but working to increase my ability to convert listeners into email list subscribers, podcast guesting working on trying to get back on to several episodes. Obviously I took, you know, the last three months off, right? So I didn’t do any pitching for three whole months.
So now I got to like get back into that. And my goal is to be, to do five, record five interviews every month. Now you don’t know when they’re going to go live. It has been so fascinating to me. There’ll be like a period where like I’m recording all these episodes and none are really coming out. And then all of a sudden I have like several coming out on the, on the same week, but that’s actually really fun because like I share about those in my newsletter and everything.
And it, It does create credibility within your own newsletter list because everybody’s like, dang, like you’re, you know, like all these people want you. And that’s great for establishing yourself as a thought leader and an expert, right? Like it is helpful. Okay. So podcast guesting. Playing with and working on a [00:42:00] secret podcast, I will share more about that as I implement it and kind of teach you everything I’m using and what I’m doing and how I’m using it and all those things.
So that’ll come in Mom Business Academy as I create that. And then increasing the amount of emails that I’m sending. So I want to increase from one a week to three to even five a week. We’ll, we’ll see. Maybe, you know, maybe it’ll even go bigger than that. I don’t know. But we’re going to start with three and then go from there.
And then I want to diversify my I’m going to offer suite and have way more offerings on my website, especially since I’m getting completely away from social. So I’m not selling on social. So I want to diversify and break up into several small courses, a few medium, and then large. Now I want to just tell you as mom business Academy members.
all of the small and medium courses you have. So just so you know, don’t be like, oh my gosh, I’m going to need to buy all these. No, you don’t. You have, I can’t remember what the number is. I haven’t like last time I counted. Is it 22? I think [00:43:00] there are 22 courses inside of mom business Academy. Those are the courses that I’m going to take and turn into small courses.
And then my medium will be a track. So for example, you have the full time management track, right? Where you’re learning about systems and productivity. And time slash mind management, all those, that, that is going to be one track, that track is going to become one medium, so like that 500 offering, okay?
And then so, so just so you know, all the small and the mediums, you have, okay? They’re, they’re inside Mom Business Academy, so just so you know that, they’re there. Okay. Um, There you go. There is all the tea on growth getters changing to mom business academy, and, like, why I’m so excited for it, and for your new name of Mamba, and, Also, what I’m planning for my marketing, like my new [00:44:00] marketing plan, now I will keep sharing with you.
I will keep checking in and telling you how things are going and give you like behind the scenes of everything, but I just wanted to start by like, let me just lay it all out. Let me tell you, here is what everything is and you know, let that percolate and, um, and just. You know, hopefully help you and, and get you getting inspired and excited.
Okay, that is it. That’s everything for our Mom Business Academy call. I, um, it’s, it’s old habits. It’s going to take me a minute. I almost went to, to growth getters at Gigi’s. Okay. That’s it for this one. Thank you so much for trusting me and being part of Mom Business Academy. I am really excited to kind of level up, like with, with the name change, I also want to kind of create like the 2.
0 version. And I’m really excited about that. So in the coming months, you’re going to be seeing exciting things. You know, I alluded to one of them, which is a secret podcast. [00:45:00] for you guys. So I’m excited. I hope you’re excited. I can’t wait to share more. And I’m going to leave with this final thing. If you want to be on the podcast and be a case study where we talk about.
You, um, your experience working with me, all you have to do is pick any of the emails that I send you, click reply and tell me, and I’ll send you my scheduling link. Okay, thank you so, so much.
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