This might be a little silly, but I’ve been wanting a custom camera strap for months! Ever since I worked with my friend Heather and she had this cute pink and black one (her company colors) and it seemed to brand even her camera to her business. Speaking of branding – were going to talk a lot more about that very soon. Well my camera is now branded to my business too. I just got a GREAT Camera Strap from The Personalized Touch. Her prices are great and it’s the whole strap! Most of them aren’t, they are just the cover and your paying quite a bit more. I wanted to find one that was a full strap because I broke my strap and now realize that I want to have my cute one and a back up one.
Okay – enough about me and my new oh-so-cute strap that I love and has made my camera even better looking then it was before… Lets talk about you. 😉
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