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Tips for Working from Anywhere

I’m excited for this round up of tips that I have for you! Tip 1 is from my dear friend Jean and I absolutely used it and took her advice to heart when we traveled for eight straight months. I can’t wait for you to read them and even better – try them for yourself!


Tip 1: Schedule in Your Work Hours First.  “Working while traveling can often feel chaotic and unorganized. To help with focus and productivity, choose a time each day to work and stick with it. It might be 2 hours or it might be 8 hours, but choosing a specific time will help you feel “normal” and regulated. While traveling, I always worked from 8 am to 10 am Monday through Friday. If I got extra time throughout the day or in the evenings, great, but at least I knew I would have that time to solely focus on work every day. Excursions or other activities were planned in the afternoon or on weekends.” Jean Smith of Jean Smith Photography

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Tip 2: Be Creative with your “Office Hours”.  “Take advantage of downtime. When working on the road, I find it helpful to make good use of the time I spend in transit or while waiting for things. I get some of my best emailing done on planes, trains, or buses. I’m actually writing this tip from somewhere over Alaska. Instead of just killing time until you reach your destination, work as you travel so you’ll have more time to actually see your destination once you arrive. ” – Michael Matti of Michael Matti Photography


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Tip 3: Don’t let Social Media Stop Your Productivity Train. “My best tip is to get off of social media when it’s time to get work done. Turn the sound off on your phone, resist the urge to log onto Facebook (or let yourself do so once per hour as a ‘break’), or better yet, challenge yourself to stay off of it altogether for a week and use that time for other enjoyable things, like traveling!” –  Kristin Addis of Be My Travel Muse


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Tip 4: Define Your Work Station.

“My best tip for “Working from Anywhere” is first and foremost to set up a work station when you get to your destination. I am a travel photographer and my work takes me all over the world. As well as being on the ball and on my feet working most of the day I also have many administrative tasks to keep on top of so it’s important that my laptop is plugged in and connected to the internet, I have my notes and “to-do” lists at hand and I have applicable chargers and hard drives also within easy reach. It’s a ritual and, even if I’m staying just one night, I make sure I’m set up. Doing this means that no matter how exhausted I am, I can at least smash out some emails and empty my memory cards with ease.” – Lauren Bath of Lauren Bath Services

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Tip 5: Don’t feel the need to post in Real Time + Have a Social Media Marketing Folder

I’m loving all the tips already shared! So I’ll just add one more. We have this misconception that we need to post and share as it’s happening. No, we don’t! This lesson didn’t come all at once for me and I wish it had. I was missing the real-life moments because I thought I needed to share it right then – no way! The online world has no idea if that was yesterday, last month or this very moment. Don’t miss out on your actual adventure becuase you’re trying to plan out a caption or  get your hashtags right.  So that would be my first thing… Plan your posts when you have downtime. My second suggestion would be to have a folder of images ready for you – or as a step up from there, use an app like Plann to pre-strategize your Instagram content. With planning apps, you can pre-plan and write your content, and then when you’re ready all you need to do is click ‘share’.  – Leah Remillet

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Traveling and Working



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