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Get Happier: How I Schedule In Joy ( EP 57)

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Picture this: you’re juggling a million tasks, feeling overwhelmed, and wondering how on earth you’ll find time for the things that truly make your heart sing. Well, fear not because you actually can create a life where your work doesn’t spill into family time. Where you have time for your workouts and date nights, and you have mastered time management while creating a life that’s not just busy but feels as balanced and fulfilling as a chocolate sundae on a sunny day!

Let’s jump in!

This episode will help:

 👉 Anyone learn to prioritize time effectively to create a balanced and fulfilling life

👉 Busy WAHMs identify what activities no longer serve you so you can make room for what lights you up

👉 Dive into the power of time management and scheduling

In this episode:

  • Managing oneself rather than time
  • Practical tips for creating systems and using reminders
  • Scheduling the life you want and honoring your schedule
  • Letting go of activities that no longer serve you
  • Creating white space and pause time for reflection

Time Management

The challenge is actually not to manage time but to manage ourselves. So before anything else, we have to talk about our willingness to change up our routines, to stop doing what’s not serving us, and start doing something different so that we can get different results.

If there are things in your life that keep you busy, but you love it, obviously, you should keep those things in your schedule! But if some of the things are draining you, things only get better if we’re willing to make a change.

And I get it; saying no or feeling like we’re letting someone down is hard, but if we want to make room for what matters, then we first have to start by ditching the things that are dragging us down. If you need more help with subtracting things from your life, episode 17 with Leidy Klotz is a great place to get motivated to let things go.

Creating Systems that Work for You

A crucial aspect of time self-management is creating simple systems that work for you. And I cannot stress the word SIMPLE enough. Your systems should be simple, and if a system isn’t working, then that’s okay. It’s just not the right system for you. You’re not broken. Nothing’s wrong with you. We just need to adjust the system.

Systems are anything that allow you to get the results you want easier. For instance, if meal planning or grocery shopping feels like a chore, creating a system can help streamline the process and make it less daunting.

So look at all the areas of your life. Look at what’s important to you, and then ask yourself, what’s the simplest way to achieve the results I want?

And set up a little system for yourself that makes that easier.

Schedule Your Fun

Yep! I want you to actually block out specific times on your calendar for fun. And honestly, it should be the first thing that we schedule, and then make room for the rest. It’s time we stop putting our happiness on the back burner and just cross our fingers and hope that we can fit it in and actually start prioritizing and scheduling activities that bring you joy and fulfillment FIRST.

Whether it’s date nights, family time, or self-care, make sure these are non-negotiable in your schedule. In fact I used to have a standing appointment every Wednesday with “Sage”. Sage was short for massage and it was so nice that I had that time blocked out every single week for myself.

But schedules and calendars only work if you remember to look at them! So to keep you on track, let’s bring in the big guns – my little secret weapon: setting reminders and alarms. I have so many alarms set on my phone! They’re like your personal cheerleaders, giving you a gentle nudge when you need it most. So, set those reminders and let them keep you focused and on top of your game!

Pause and Reflect

Okay so if we are scheduling our fun and all the things we have to do, it might seem like every single second of our lives is live and die by the calendar. But it’s important to create white space. It’s like giving your brain a vacation!

Take a breather, my friend, and reflect on your priorities. Are you on the right track? Do you need to make some adjustments? It’s time to hit that pause button and make sure you’re living your best life.

Celebrate Progress

Every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory. Celebrate your progress and feel good about how you’re spending your time. And remember that managing our time effectively is less about managing time itself and more about managing ourselves. It’s about making conscious decisions about how we spend our time and creating a life that we truly want. So, let’s schedule the life we want and honor our schedules to live our best life.

In a nutshell, time management is all about managing ourselves. It’s about making conscious decisions about how we spend our precious time. So, let’s grab life by the horns, schedule like a boss, and create a life that’s as balanced as a tightrope walker on a unicycle!

Remember, it’s not about being busy; it’s about being balanced. And with the right strategies and systems in place, we can all achieve a life that’s as fulfilling as a three-tiered cake at a party. So, let’s get out there, rock those schedules, and live our best lives!

Links You Need:

Find out where you’re losing time every day and if your business is taking more time than it should.

Enroll in my FREE course and learn how to drop an entire work day a week!

I’d love to know what you thought of this episode. Come chat with me on Instagram

Other Episodes You’ll Love:

How to Simplify Your Life Using Subtraction (Ep 17)

Moms Don’t Have Time to Read (Ep 51)

[00:00:00] Leah: There is a way to ensure that your work time does not spill into your family time. There is a way to make sure that you have time for that workout and a date night. There’s even a way to stop forgetting to get that thing done, whatever that thing is for you, . You schedule it. I have a reoccurring appointment on my calendar for date night. I’ve got a time block for workouts, and there’s a 15 minute appointment next week to remind me to call and schedule the HVAC guy to check out our AC unit. Stephen Covey famously said, time management is really a misnomer.

[00:01:07] The challenge is not to manage time, but to manage ourselves. So before anything else, we have to talk about our willingness to change up our routines, to stop doing what’s not serving us, and start doing something different so that we can get different results. If you love it, keep it, but if you don’t, it only gets better if we’re willing to make a change.

[00:01:36] Maybe that means subtracting something from your life right now. It doesn’t have to mean forever, but maybe all those activities, they’re just too much in this season. Or maybe it means going through the grueling process of turning yourself into a morning person so you can get your workouts in and get dressed before the kids wake up.

[00:01:57] When I was first trying to adjust myself after really bad habits of staying up way, way too late and really messing up my time clock. To get myself into a morning person. I worked in increments of 10 or 15 minutes, so I wanted to get to a point where I woke up, let’s say at 6:00 AM but I was getting up at more like 8:00 AM Okay.

[00:02:17] So I started by setting an alarm for 7 45, then seven 30. Then seven 15, then seven. And each time I would ask myself, okay, with this extra 10 or 15 minutes, what do I wanna add? What would be the most powerful for me? What I knew was that eventually I wanted to have time to work out, shower, get dressed, pray, listen to some personal development, read my scriptures.

[00:02:39] There was a lot of things I wanted to have in my personal quiet time, but I couldn’t start with all of it. In fact, part of that was starting with like a 10 minute workout, because I mean, I wasn’t giving myself much time and then building it up to a 15 minute, a 20 minute, a 30 minute, all the way up to an hour or more.

[00:02:57] But it didn’t start that way because I had to work my way into the person I wanted to be. All or nothing rarely works. We end up choosing nothing because the all is just too hard. So incremental progress is so much better than no progress at all. The goal is to feel good about how we spend our time.

[00:03:17] When we lay down at night, think about it. That is really the goal. It’s to lay down at the end of the day and feel like that was a good day, I felt. Good. I felt productive. I felt like I was doing the right things at the right time, in the right places, that I was present, that I was powerful, that I was passionate, that I was productive.

[00:03:39] All of these incredible things happen because we set our intentions, because we make incremental changes that bring us closer to that best version of ourselves.

[00:03:49] The worst feeling is when we collapse into bed at the end of the day, and we know we never stopped moving, but we’re not even sure what we did. So many nights, I used to feel that way. I never stopped. I never took a break. I don’t even know if I remembered to eat lunch or had time. I was eating the leftover goldfish or whatever.

[00:04:09] And yet when I laid my head down, I wasn’t even really sure what I accomplished. If I accomplished anything that was really, really hard and I wanted to change that. And if you wanna change that, you can. It is absolutely possible. I. First off, you have to schedule systems that work for you. Systems should be simple.

[00:04:31] I cannot stress that enough. Your systems should be simple, and if a system isn’t working, then that’s okay. It’s just not the right system for you. You’re not broken. Nothing’s wrong with you. We just need to adjust. The system. Systems are anything that allow you to get the results you want easier. So I have systems for dinner.

[00:04:54] You see all these different things about meal planning and grocery shopping. I have whole episodes about this. But all of those things, they’re helping to build a system that makes it so it’s easier for you to accomplish the goal that you want. So look at all the areas of your life. Look at what’s important to you, and then ask yourself, what’s the simplest way to achieve the results I want?

[00:05:16] And set up a little system for yourself that makes that easier. Another thing that I think is really important is to create white space. Create some pause time, create time where you can just think about and look at and factor in everything that you have going on, and make sure that you’re on track or being able to have enough pause in between different tasks so that you can reset, get your bearings, and go forward.

[00:05:44] Another thing I’ve gotta suggest is embracing routines. Routines are not stifling. They are freeing. The more routines I have, the more results I get, and those results create that better life that I want. Embrace your routines. Find a way to enjoy the routine, to love the routine. Talk good about the routines.

[00:06:10] Don’t say things like I have to say things like I get to, but embrace your routines and then make sure that you are prioritizing first things first. So, One of the best ways we can ensure that when we hit the pillow at night, we feel good about our day, is that whatever was the most important thing that we believed.

[00:06:29] This is the thing that I really need to prioritize for this day, that we do it first, that we just get it done. That way if anything goes wrong, if things show up in our day that we weren’t expecting, it’s okay because we did that most important thing first. Another thing that I think is so, so critical for making time for the things you actually want in your life is to schedule them first.

[00:06:52] Oh my goodness, this is so obvious. And yet, why do we not think of this? I cannot tell you in my early, early years as a business owner, how often I let all of the obligatory things get scheduled in, and then I would see the school calendar and be like, oh my gosh, I scheduled something on top of the Christmas performance or, Their day off from school or whatever it might be.

[00:07:13] Schedule in your priorities that are around the life you want. Schedule those first. So that means date nights, that means your kids’ activities that you’re like, I want to be there. This is important. That means vacations, that means time with friends, schedule in those things. I’ve shared this with you guys before, but one of the things I wanted for my best life was to get massages regularly.

[00:07:38] And so when my kids were in elementary school, it was scheduled in meeting with Sage. Sage stood for massage. Okay. And it was a massage every Wednesday afternoon that was scheduled in. So it happened. And then of course, we have to actually remember to check our calendars. I don’t know if I’m the only one who struggles with this, but I will schedule it all in and then, Forget to actually look at the schedule, which is completely unhelpful and useful.

[00:08:07] So make sure that you check in with your calendar regularly. If you use a digital calendar, that’s easy because we can have alarms. That’s why I love them. If you have paper, well then you actually are gonna have to remember to check, but you could even set a little silent alarm on your phone to check the paper calendar.

[00:08:22] There’s always a system available to save us, so that is the simplest system. That makes it possible to make sure that you check your calendar, and that’s what we look for, all these different areas in our life. What is the system that can make me more powerful, more productive, more present, more of what I want to be?

[00:08:43] And so I shared this, but in case it’s not super clear, using reminders and alerts is very, very powerful. Use those alarms for more than just waking up. I have dozens of alarms in my phone that I set as custom reminders for things that I want to do that I want to be all those good things, .

[00:09:03] And don’t be afraid to subtract. Removing things from our life is one of the best ways to make room for more of what we want. I have an incredible episode with Lighty Klaus where we talk all about how to simplify your life using subtraction. He has an incredible book, subtract The Untapped Science of Less, and after I read it, I was like, I have to talk to him.

[00:09:28] I love this. So he’s on the podcast, I believe it’s episode 17. We’ll make sure it’s linked in the show notes, of course for you as well.

[00:09:35] But ultimately, if you want to experience more joy in your life, Just schedule it in, schedule in the family time, schedule in fun, schedule in friends, schedule in your fitness schedule in good food. That’s a lot of F’s. Family, fun, friends, fitness, food, but schedule in what’s important to you. Schedule in date, night schedule in the massage schedule in.

[00:10:02] The lunch with your girlfriend, schedule in the activities with your kids. Sometimes I am scheduling in things that I just want to do that games this evening with the family schedule in how you wanna experience your life and then honor and follow your schedule. This will never work if we just ignore what we put in there.

[00:10:27] We have to show up. For the life that we want. So there you go. That is how we get to schedule, get to experience, get to have our best life. We make it happen, and you are worth living your best life. You’re worth experiencing it. If you need to start small, just start with a few things and then work your way up.

[00:10:51] But schedule the life you want, put it in the calendar, and then honor that schedule. All right. That’s it for this episode of The Balancing Busy Podcast. I am Leah Reley here to help you do less but better so that you can live a life that lights you up. Thank you so much for being part of the Balancing Busy podcast.

[00:11:15] I’m so grateful for you’re here and who’s someone that you wanna schedule in a little more fun with, who’s someone where you’re like, I want you on my schedule because you are part of my best life. Share this episode with them and let them know.



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