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Picture this: you’re juggling a million tasks, feeling overwhelmed, and wondering how on earth you’ll find time for the things that truly make your heart sing. Well, fear not because you actually can create a life where your work doesn’t spill into family time. Where you have time for your workouts and date nights, and you have mastered time management while creating a life that’s not just busy but feels as balanced and fulfilling as a chocolate sundae on a sunny day!
Let’s jump in!
This episode will help:
👉 Anyone learn to prioritize time effectively to create a balanced and fulfilling life
👉 Busy WAHMs identify what activities no longer serve you so you can make room for what lights you up
👉 Dive into the power of time management and scheduling
In this episode:
- Managing oneself rather than time
- Practical tips for creating systems and using reminders
- Scheduling the life you want and honoring your schedule
- Letting go of activities that no longer serve you
- Creating white space and pause time for reflection
Time Management
The challenge is actually not to manage time but to manage ourselves. So before anything else, we have to talk about our willingness to change up our routines, to stop doing what’s not serving us, and start doing something different so that we can get different results.
If there are things in your life that keep you busy, but you love it, obviously, you should keep those things in your schedule! But if some of the things are draining you, things only get better if we’re willing to make a change.
And I get it; saying no or feeling like we’re letting someone down is hard, but if we want to make room for what matters, then we first have to start by ditching the things that are dragging us down. If you need more help with subtracting things from your life, episode 17 with Leidy Klotz is a great place to get motivated to let things go.

Creating Systems that Work for You
A crucial aspect of time self-management is creating simple systems that work for you. And I cannot stress the word SIMPLE enough. Your systems should be simple, and if a system isn’t working, then that’s okay. It’s just not the right system for you. You’re not broken. Nothing’s wrong with you. We just need to adjust the system.
Systems are anything that allow you to get the results you want easier. For instance, if meal planning or grocery shopping feels like a chore, creating a system can help streamline the process and make it less daunting.
So look at all the areas of your life. Look at what’s important to you, and then ask yourself, what’s the simplest way to achieve the results I want?
And set up a little system for yourself that makes that easier.
Schedule Your Fun
Yep! I want you to actually block out specific times on your calendar for fun. And honestly, it should be the first thing that we schedule, and then make room for the rest. It’s time we stop putting our happiness on the back burner and just cross our fingers and hope that we can fit it in and actually start prioritizing and scheduling activities that bring you joy and fulfillment FIRST.
Whether it’s date nights, family time, or self-care, make sure these are non-negotiable in your schedule. In fact I used to have a standing appointment every Wednesday with “Sage”. Sage was short for massage and it was so nice that I had that time blocked out every single week for myself.
But schedules and calendars only work if you remember to look at them! So to keep you on track, let’s bring in the big guns – my little secret weapon: setting reminders and alarms. I have so many alarms set on my phone! They’re like your personal cheerleaders, giving you a gentle nudge when you need it most. So, set those reminders and let them keep you focused and on top of your game!

Pause and Reflect
Okay so if we are scheduling our fun and all the things we have to do, it might seem like every single second of our lives is live and die by the calendar. But it’s important to create white space. It’s like giving your brain a vacation!
Take a breather, my friend, and reflect on your priorities. Are you on the right track? Do you need to make some adjustments? It’s time to hit that pause button and make sure you’re living your best life.
Celebrate Progress
Every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory. Celebrate your progress and feel good about how you’re spending your time. And remember that managing our time effectively is less about managing time itself and more about managing ourselves. It’s about making conscious decisions about how we spend our time and creating a life that we truly want. So, let’s schedule the life we want and honor our schedules to live our best life.
In a nutshell, time management is all about managing ourselves. It’s about making conscious decisions about how we spend our precious time. So, let’s grab life by the horns, schedule like a boss, and create a life that’s as balanced as a tightrope walker on a unicycle!
Remember, it’s not about being busy; it’s about being balanced. And with the right strategies and systems in place, we can all achieve a life that’s as fulfilling as a three-tiered cake at a party. So, let’s get out there, rock those schedules, and live our best lives!
Links You Need:
Find out where you’re losing time every day and if your business is taking more time than it should.
Enroll in my FREE course and learn how to drop an entire work day a week!
I’d love to know what you thought of this episode. Come chat with me on Instagram
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How to Simplify Your Life Using Subtraction (Ep 17)
Moms Don’t Have Time to Read (Ep 51)

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